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Ready-made clothes for students of the University of Baghdad between reality and ambition ( A field study )
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     تعد الملابس وسيلة هامة لكل مايقوم به الانسان في حياته العامة ، فهي الانطباع والكلمة الخارجية عن ذاته الداخلية فهي تعكس فكرة الفرد عن ذاته وعن شخصيته , كما تعد وسيلة تعبير جمالية وفنية , فهي تساعد على اخفاء عيوب الجسد وابراز محاسنه . ويتوقف اختيار الفرد لملابسه على مجموعة  عوامل منها احتياجه , قدراته المالية , سنه , مركزه الاجتماعي , طبيعة عمله ,الظروف الجوية التي يعيش فيها وعلى مايُؤمن به من قيم و معتقدات .

    والملابس خاصة الجاهزة منها تلعب اليوم دوراً هاماً في دولاب ملابس الافراد عامة والفتيات في المرحلة الجامعية خاصة لكثر توافرها في الاسواق وتعدد نماذجها وملحقاتها ( اكسسواراتها ) الجذابة , والتي اصبحت بكافة تفاصيلها جزء من حياتهن فهي تشغل وقتهن وتفكيرهن وينفقن جزء لابأس به من الميزانية لاقتنائها فضلا عن الجهد المبذول في البحث عما يناسبها من ملابس للظهور بأبهى صورة في مجتمعهن , لذا فلا بد من رؤية مستقبلية  لانتاج جيل جديد من الملابس الجاهزة التي تواكب متغيرات الموضة وتستجيب لمعايير تناسق الألوان والأشكال تكون مزودة بتكنولوجيا متطورة تحفظ صحة وسلامة مرتديها في ظل التكنولوجيا الهائلة في مجال الملابس , مثل تزويد الاقمشة المستخدمة في صناعة الملابس الجاهزة باسلاك واقراص مرنة قابلة للغسيل يتم تركيب موصلات إلكترونية ومجسات في الملابس حيث تقوم أجهزة القياس بتسجيل النبض وحرارة الجسم ورطوبته وغيرها من الوظائف التي تحمي وترضي الاشخاص .   

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Health Problems for the Elderly and Their Influence on Their Psychological Health
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The current research seeks to identify the most important humanitarian issues of a sacred and very important group in all the heavenly religions and human societies, namely the elderly, to identify their significant problems and health problems, and What are the effects of these problems on their mental health and which is the ultimate goal of human resources in All parts of the world? The study relied on what is available from the sources in the literature starting from the messages of heaven and the Islamic religion followed with humanitarian, social, legal and psychological postulates. The research included four systematic chapters included the definition research and identification of the problem, importance, objectives and terminolo

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The contrast and illumination technique for image capturing under different Tungsten illumination
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The digital camera which contain light unit inside it is useful with low illumination but not for high. For different intensity; the quality of the image will not stay good but it will have dark or low intensity so we can not change the contrast and the intensity in order to increase the losses information in the bright and the dark regions. . In this search we study the regular illumination on the images using the tungsten light by changing the intensities. The result appears that the tungsten light gives nearly far intensity for the three color bands(RGB) and the illuminated band(L).the result depend on the statistical properties which represented by the voltage ,power and intensities and the effect of this parameter on the digital

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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The present study reports the effect of temperature and liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) on the cumene cracking reaction rate and selectivity by using a laboratory continuous flow unit with fixed bed reactor operating at atmospheric pressure. The prepared HX zeolite was made from Iraqi kaolin with good crystallinity .The activity and selectivity of prepared HX-zeolite was compared with standard HY zeolite and HX zeolite catalysts in the temperature range of 673-823K and LHSV of 0.7-2.5 h-1 . It was found that the cumene conversion increases with increasing temperature and decreasing LHSV at 823K and LHSV of 0.7 h-1 the conversions 65.32, 42.88 and 59.42 mol% for HY, HX and prepared HX catalysts respectively and at LHSV of 2.5 h-1 and th

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Organizational affiliation in the absence of financial allocations for members of the Iraqi Olympic sports federations
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Comparison of three interpolation methods for the average monthly temperature in the south of Iraqi zone
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This study focuses on evaluating the suitability of three interpolation methods in terms of their accuracy at climate data for some provinces of south of Iraq. Two data sets of maximum and minimum temperature in February 2008 from nine meteorological stations located in the south of Iraq using three interpolation methods. ArcGIS is used to produce the spatially distributed temperature data by using IDW, ordinary kriging, and spline. Four statistical methods are applied to analyze the results obtained from three interpolation methods. These methods are RMSE, RMSE as a percentage of the mean, Model efficiency (E) and Bias, which showed that the ordinary krigingis the best for this data from other methods by the results that have b

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 13 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Cloud Computing Platform for Mentoring Trainees: The Case of the Professional Training of Midwives in Morocco
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The digital transformation invites several solutions to optimize professional training. Its particularity lies in the management, conservation and securing of their data to each of the players. The use of the electronic learning booklet with Cloud computing aims to be simple and intuitive, it creates interaction and makes it possible to strengthen the links of the trinomial (Student, Educational tutor, supervisor on a training)
We thought of using a online platform tool using Cloud Computing Technology to overcome the limitations of the "paper" learning booklet. This technical-pedagogical system makes it possible to save all data of the apprentice through evaluation grids and follow-up sheets, both during training periods and in theor

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Detecting the effectiveness of two tools for detecting the talented from their teachers' points of view
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Education specialists have differed about determining the best ways to detect the
talented. Since the appearance of the mental and psychological measurement movement, some
scholars adopted intelligence ratios as a criterion to identify the talented and others went to
rely on the degree of academic achievement. Each of these two methods has its own flaws and
mistakes and a large number of talented children were victims of these two methods.
Therefore the need to use other scales for the purpose of detection of talented children
appeared because they provide valuable information which may not be obtained easily
through objective tests and these scales are derived from consecutive studies of gifted andtalented children

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of modern management accounting systems for continuous improve the performance of Jordanian Industrial Companies
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        The intensification of competition among all companies and at different levels has become necessary for every company need to continue to improve its performance in order to be able to face the competition and stay in the market. To achieve this, we must rely on the company's accounting information more accurate and appropriate and provided in a timely manner, for the purpose of use in planning and decision making.

So there must be information systems that help the administration to continuous development and improvement of the performance of companies in general, and this is what you need Jordanian companies, especially after the accession of Jordan to the field

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Materials Today: Proceedings
The influence of water-gypsum ratio on the properties of national gypsum (Jοss) for various additives
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Arm Span to Height Ratio in Relation to Severity of Dyspnea
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Background: Arm span is the closest physiologic measurement to standing height. Increased arm span to standing height ratio, which indicates a possible loss of height, due to aging, often results from osteoporosis-related vertebral collapse or other causes. This has possible consequences on lung functions.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of aging related loss of height to severity of dyspnea.
Method: Patients visited pulmonary function test laboratoryat Baghdad teaching hospital outpatient clinic department from first of November 2009 to thirty first of December 2010 for preoperative assessment were recruited to participate in our study. All recruited subjects were evaluated with a clinical history and physical examination follo

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