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The poetry of the sensory image of Ibn Dannir al-Musli poems (B627 H.)

تُعبّرُ الصُّورةُ الحسَّيةُ في شعرِ ابن دُنَينير الموصليِّ([i]) في بنيتها عن تجربةِ الشاعرِ الوجدانيةِ والذهنيةِ, وأفكارهِ ومشاعرِهِ؛ فيصوغُ بها مَفهومًا جديدًا للواقعِ الماديِّ والمعنويِّ، الذي يتسمُ بالوضوحِ أولاً، وبالقرْبِ من الذهنِ ثانيًا، للربْطِ بين الحواسِّ الإنسانيةِ والمعاني الذهنيةِ، لِتُقَدِّمَ الصُّورةُ الحسيَّةُ إلى ((المتلقي صُورًا مرئيةً، يُعادُ تشكيلُها سياقيًّا بتغيراتٍ مُناسبةٍ مع الرؤيةِ الحقيقيةِ التي تتسرَّبُ فاعليتُها إلى المخيلةِ ببصيرةِ الذهنِ))([ii])، إذ تُنسقُ بنيةُ الصُّورةِ الحسيَّةِ الأفكارَ والمشاعرَ في إطارٍ ذهنيٍّ يَضبطُ المعالمَ الداخليةَ والخارجيةَ للوجودِ، فتؤلِّفُ الحواسُّ صُورةً جديدةً للواقعِ والإحساسِ المفْعَمِ بالجمالِ، تُدْركُ بالحسِّ والخيالِ، لأنَّ ((الحواسَّ بهذا المعنَى تكونُ بمثابةِ الجسرِ الذي يُوصِلُ بين العالمِ الخارجيِّ وإحساسَاتِنا الداخلَيةِ))([iii])، إذ تتجاذبُ الصُّورةُ الحسَّيةُ أركانَها التصويريةَ- البنائيَّةَ منْ مَصدرَيْن: مَصدرٌ منَ الحواسِّ الإنسانيةِ، ومَصدرٌ منَ الإدراكِ الجماليِّ، ثم يتفاعلُ المصدرانِ تفاعلاً مَعنويًّا في إثراءِ بنيةِ الصُّورةِ الحسيَّةِ، وتظهرُ فاعليةُ الصُّورةِ الحسيَّةِ عند الشاعرِ بتأجُّجِ انفعالاتِهِ الشعوريَّةِ الحسيَّةِ، في تشكيلِ الصُّورةِ وإبرازِها، إذ تُثيرُ الحواسُّ الإنسانيةُ داخلَ الصُّورةِ الحسيَّةِ بُؤرًا مُشعَّةً ينطلقُ منها الشاعرُ لجلْبِ الإدراكِ الحسيِّ الجماليِّ، وإثارةِ المشاعرِ والأفكارِ التي تُشكِّلُ الصُّورةَ الحسيَّةَ, وتُفيدُ صِياغَتها وبناءَهَا.


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Publication Date
Wed May 16 2018
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal I
Graphing skills of Chemistry students at Ibn Al-Haytham Education college of pure sciences in Baghdad

The aim of this research is to investigate the skills of the chemistry students from the Ibn Al-Haytham Education college of pure sciences in Baghdad in understanding and constructing graphical representations of data. The research sample consisted of (101) male and female students in their fourth year of study during the 2016-2017 academic year. This sample represents 71% of the total number of students in this group.The research methodology used consisted of two parts relating to 19 issues. The first part is an objective multi choice type of test to measure the student’s skill in selecting the right representation of specific subject graph amongst many provided. The second part concentrated on measuring the student’s skill in construc

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Musical relational in Andalusian poetry (Ibn al-Abar (d. 595 AH - 658 AH) as an example)

The voice had a special place in the writting of the Andalusian poet (Ibn al-Abar ) , which aroused my attention because of the sonic capacity of the lettering inside the poetic at Ibn al-Abar poems . So Istudied the qualities of the lettering , structures and their exits . Scientists have not been able to determine the musical from the nonmusical sound , but we find the innate ability of Ibn al-Abar , which was able to determine this by using the lettering the right places and to revival the life to reflect the moments of his life , therefore came votes to express his purposes of praise and pride Etc. The poet Ibn al-Abar could exploit the lettering features in the effect of bilateral – static and moving and its ability to e

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Heritage in Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati's Divan Collection of Poems: Oriental Texts

Heritage reflects peoples' memory and essence of nations. Thus, this divan was really the material and tool for writers in general and poets in specific both in their artificial innovations . Accordingly, modern writers have endeavored to bring heritage back in all its details and occurrences. Abdullwahab Al-Bayati's experience had reflected his innovative and strong link with the humanitarian heritage, in that heritage in view of Al-Bayati means both the humanitarian expertise and gains that are able to extend from past to future passing through the present.From this, the poet had not disconnected his strong link with the Arab poetic heritage .Thus, the poet had utilized the Arab poetic heritage in expressing on the Arab contrary realit

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Seeing Allah Almighty Detective according to incoming nodules In the interpretation of Ibn Arabi Maliki 9345 H

Seeing Allah Almighty
Detective according to incoming nodules
In the interpretation of Ibn Arabi Maliki
9345 H

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The eloquence of the poetic image in the poetry of the Andalusian son of Labanism is a stylistic approach

The resort to the eloquence of the poetic image as a style reveals the poet's creativity and creativity in dealing with external influences, and reflect them with emotional images express a sense of intense emotional imagination, and this imagination stems from the experience of a poetic sense of truth, tasted by the recipient before the creator of the poetic text.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Educational Thought of the Chief Justice Badr Al-Din Ibn- Jamaah

The ideas and principles formulated by Ibn-Jamaah in the field of education occupy a central place in the historical origins of education for Muslims. These views and principles have an active role in the educational reorganization that the Islamic world aspires to. These ideas have had a great impact on the educational process that had preceded the opinions of Russo, Pestalutzi, Fruel, Herbert, and Dewey. Moreover, we have seen that the Sheikh of Ibn-Jamaah has taken part in formulating the origins of education and leadership.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ibn Habib al-Maliki and his views     Jurisprudence      In the book of marriage

Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The interpreter Shamus al- Deen Ibn al – Labban (749H) his biography and scientific efforts

- Abstract -

 This research tackles one of this nations scholar , was not studied by other researchers . Many of us know nothing about his life , books , arguments in a manner Like other scholars of this nation . Therefore , it is the task of this study , in a response to the favour of Ibn al – Labban on us , to reveal his works .

       This study deals with him through four sections . section one investigate his biography , including six sub divisions regarding his name date of birth , Life , his father life , death , and finally , this section concludes with the embarrassment which might a reader face in differentiation between Ibn al – labban and the other respec

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantics of terms in terms of inclusiveness when Imam Ibn Hajar al-Askalani (d. 852 e) in his book Fath al-Bari: Door of worship - Practical models

Praise be to Allaah.
My research has included the following: The field of application of semantics when fundamentalists are the book and the Sunnah. Imam Ibn Hajar agreed with the majority of fundamentalists that what is meant from the year (one word denotes one side on two things onwards), and agreed that the significance of the year specific to the rest of its members is not a definite and definite formulas of the public has the singular known as (the) Astragharism, and the plural known as ( The nationality stating that dumping, pluralism is defined as (add), and nakra, if it occurs in the context of the condition, denial and prohibition, the names of the condition, the connected names, and the word (all - all). And the year in whic

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The artistic image of flowers in the poetry of Abi Waki` al-Tanisi


Man was closely associated with nature in its various forms, as it represented the incubator for him in all areas of his life, so writers often made it a material for their literature and a fertile ground for their productions, so it appeared in its various forms and man’s need for it, its good and its bad in literature throughout history, and the Arabs are like Other nations, since the pre-Islamic era, nature was an important outlet and a refuge for poets in the production and creativity of literature and to this day, and when we talk about a poet from the Fatimid state, we find that nature - especially spring and its flowers - in that period took its take from literature and represented a phenomenon for many Among the

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