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الصراع الاشوري – المصري في عصر الأسرة الخامسة والعشرين
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يعد الالف الأول قبل الميلاد هو عهد ازدهار عظيم للعصر الأشوري الحديث إذ يمتد هذا التاريخ  من  بداية  حكم آدد  نراري الثاني عام 911 قبل الميلاد وحتى نهاية حكم الاشوريين السياسي عام 612 قبل الميلاد عندما  سقطت  نينوى على ايدي  المقاتلين الميديين والكلدانيين الذين تحالفوا ضد الاشوريين،و وصل الأشوريون في هذا العهد قمة مجدهم في جميع النواحي العسكرية  والسياسية حتى  أن سلطتهم وصلت الى معظم انحاء الشرق الأدنى القديم من وادي النيل  غرباً  حتى  بلاد عيلام  شرقاً ومن اسيا الصغرى والمنطقة البابلية شمالاً وحتى الخليج العربي جنوباً. وعلى الرغم من كل الازدهار للإمبراطورية الأشورية إلا انه كانت هناك بعض المصاعب تواجه هذه الإمبراطورية  في تثبيت  سلطانها من التمردات التي كانت تقوم بها بعض الممالك والدويلات السورية والفلسطينية  بين  الحين  والآخر وبمساعدة مصر الفرعونية التي ضعف سلطانها في هذا العصر . لقد تناولنافي موضوع بحثنا هذا الصراع الآشوري المصري في عصر الأسرة الخامسةوالعشرينوبينا  فيهمدىازدهار وقوة ومكانة هذه الإمبراطورية في العالم القديموربطنا  موضوعنا ربطاً مباشراً مع عصر الأسرة الخامسة والعشرين لما لملوك هذه الأسرة منصراعات وصدامات  مباشرة مع الحكام الآشوريين وبينا أن هذا العداء التاريخي في العصر الإمبراطوري الآشوري بين الدولتين كان في الأساس نتيجة  تضارب المصالح  بينهم على السيادة  السياسية والاقتصادية على بلاد سوريا، إذ ليس من الممكن لدولة كمصر أن تقف  مكتوفة  الأيدي  أمام  هذا الزحف  الآشوري الكبير ما لم تعمل عملاً من أجل أعاقة السيطرة الآشورية وذلك من خلال دعم وتحريض حكام هذه البلاد.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Schools' Leaders in Developing the 21th Century Skills of Teachers of Al-Ardha Governorate
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The aim of the research is to develop specific skills of 21 century, one schedule, renewable: (sex, years of experience, academic degree) from the viewpoint of the research sample. The descriptive tool was used to collect information for research purposes. It was applied to a sample of (339) male and female teachers in Al-Ardhah governorate schools to teach Jazan. The application was carried out in the second semester of the year 1442 AH. The research concluded with a set of results, the most important of which are: the approval of the sample members to a large extent on the expressions of the role of school leaders in the practice of developing male and female teachers in acquiring these three skills fr

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
International and Regional Competition for the African Coast
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This study aimed at analyzing and studying the strategic and geopolitical importance of the Sahel region, which increased the regional competition for the resources of the region, especially the energy resources that have been and continue to be one of the axes of conflict and competition between these forces.
The researcher tried to review the competition between the international force, France, the United States of America, China, Algeria and Libya, and the African coast. We note that there is a positive correlation between the severity of the conflict and the intensity of the competition of the major powers to control the countries of the region and the extent of political and economic stability These countries are directly affecte

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تأثير الصراع بين الإدارة والأطباء في قرارات المستشفى ( دراسة تطبيقية )
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منذ بداية نشوء المستشفيات كمنظمات تعنى بصحة الناس، عُرف الصراع (Conflict) بين جماعتي الإدارة والأطباء. وقد تركز محوره في معظم الأحيان حول سلطة أي منهما هي الأقوى في اتخاذ قرارات المستشفى.. هذا إذا ما علمنا أن كل من الطرفين المتعارضين يستمد قوته ويعزز مكانته من خلال سلطته في اتخاذ القرارات. إن جهود كلا الجماعتين الطبية والإدارية تصب في منهل واحد ألا وهو خدمة المريض والارتقاء بالمستوى الصحي ل

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
US strategy in conflict management: between hard power and soft power
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تتحقق اهداف الدول عبر توظيف امكانياتها ومواردها ، وهذا التوظيف يقترن بوسائل مختلفة باختلاف الامكانيات المتاحة. وتتفاوت هذه الوسائل ما بين الاكراه والترغيب ، واحياناً من الممكن استخدام كلا الوسيلتين ، وتندرج هذه الوسائل من حيث تصنيفها ضمن نوعين رئيسين هما: القوة الصلبة ]القوة العسكرية والاقتصادية[ والقوة الناعمة ]استخدام جميع ادوات الترغيب وتسخيرها من اجل ان تُعجب بها الدول الاخرى وتنصاع

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of Constructive Conflict on the Organizational Identification Applied Research in the Ministry of Planning
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This research deals with the effect of constructive conflict of the organizational identification .These relatively recent subjects have relative importance in the field of administration and they have strong effect in the success of organizations .The objective of this research is to detect the level of the constructive conflict and the organizational identification in the center of The Ministry of Planning. So, two major hypotheses were formulated The first are searched the correlation between the constructive conflict and the organizational identification and it emerged with four sub-hypotheses searched the correlation among every dimension of the constructive conflict with the organizational identification .The second major h

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
توطئة توطئة تاريخية عن عصر ابن الساعي
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This paper deals with the political, economic and cultural condition wich in volves a lot of events that angaged Arab is history Islamic, The advantage of the Ibn AL-saa`i is in fact a study of the character of the historian and how classihy us his book History of the Caliphs in the eventes of this era.


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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The battle of Dumat al-Jandal And its impact on the era of prophecy And the righteous caliphate
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The research in Islamic history is considered a title for the glory of the nation and a mirror for the intellectual and mental maturity of the men of the Islamic state who played an important role in saving humanity from darkness to light and from ignorance to knowledge and to show their position in building the Islamic state, and to highlight the importance of their conquests of neighboring cities and the expansion of Islam, and for this reason they appear The importance of writing on the topic (The Battle of Dumat al-Jandal and its impact on the era of the Prophethood and the Rightly Guided Caliphate). The reason for choosing this topic was to show the status of Dumat al-Jandal and its importance in the Islamic state and its great role

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Standarized Basics in Depicting Walis in the Early Age of Islam
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Despite the simplicity that characterized the administration in the era of the Prophet
(peace be upon him), but it put the Muslim community nucleus Administrative Organization
who walked Garret Caliphs (RIP) and came after them, who added to this organization what
they found necessary and dictated by their conditions of life has begun regulation Managing
this appoint leaders and armies of workers on the state and various tribes to spread the Islamic
religion and to teach people the provisions of the Koran and Altfvh in religion and establish
prayer and collect Zakat money so you do not appoint leaders and workers and governors
followed random, but it is in an objective manner takes reasons to meet expectations.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mechanisms of Including the Skills of 21st Century in the Educational Competencies of the Basic Education Stage: Kingdom of Bahrain as an Example
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The study aims to set an image to the mechanisms of the skills of the 21st century in the educational competencies of the basic education stage. To achieve this aim, a qualitative research design has been adopted in its analytical content analysis way. The study has arrived to the following conclusions:  the availability of: the communicative and team work skills with a percentage of 25.9%, linguistic competency with a percentage of 24.6%, the skills of local and global citizenship, creativity, and problem solving with a percentage of 13.6%, critical thinking with a percentage of 10.38%, technological culture with a percentage of 5.8%, pioneerism and initiativeness with a percentage of 10.38%, technological culture with a percentage of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
اليابان في عصر الطاكوجوا(1603-16) دراسة تاريخية للتطورات السياسية
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