يعد الالف الأول قبل الميلاد هو عهد ازدهار عظيم للعصر الأشوري الحديث إذ يمتد هذا التاريخ من بداية حكم آدد نراري الثاني عام 911 قبل الميلاد وحتى نهاية حكم الاشوريين السياسي عام 612 قبل الميلاد عندما سقطت نينوى على ايدي المقاتلين الميديين والكلدانيين الذين تحالفوا ضد الاشوريين،و وصل الأشوريون في هذا العهد قمة مجدهم في جميع النواحي العسكرية والسياسية حتى أن سلطتهم وصلت الى معظم انحاء الشرق الأدنى القديم من وادي النيل غرباً حتى بلاد عيلام شرقاً ومن اسيا الصغرى والمنطقة البابلية شمالاً وحتى الخليج العربي جنوباً. وعلى الرغم من كل الازدهار للإمبراطورية الأشورية إلا انه كانت هناك بعض المصاعب تواجه هذه الإمبراطورية في تثبيت سلطانها من التمردات التي كانت تقوم بها بعض الممالك والدويلات السورية والفلسطينية بين الحين والآخر وبمساعدة مصر الفرعونية التي ضعف سلطانها في هذا العصر . لقد تناولنافي موضوع بحثنا هذا الصراع الآشوري المصري في عصر الأسرة الخامسةوالعشرينوبينا فيهمدىازدهار وقوة ومكانة هذه الإمبراطورية في العالم القديموربطنا موضوعنا ربطاً مباشراً مع عصر الأسرة الخامسة والعشرين لما لملوك هذه الأسرة منصراعات وصدامات مباشرة مع الحكام الآشوريين وبينا أن هذا العداء التاريخي في العصر الإمبراطوري الآشوري بين الدولتين كان في الأساس نتيجة تضارب المصالح بينهم على السيادة السياسية والاقتصادية على بلاد سوريا، إذ ليس من الممكن لدولة كمصر أن تقف مكتوفة الأيدي أمام هذا الزحف الآشوري الكبير ما لم تعمل عملاً من أجل أعاقة السيطرة الآشورية وذلك من خلال دعم وتحريض حكام هذه البلاد.
The research illustrated that the theory of constraints is "A group of concepts and basics that aim at helping the management in order to determine the difficulties and how to overcome these difficulties through determining the necessary change and how these change can be done efficiently and effectively ".
The research showed that the theory of constraint including its tools calls for magnifying throughput, constricting the product cycle , determining the optimal production mix , utilization of scare resources and canceling the idle time , that achieving throughput increasing then increasing profit .
... Show MoreThe main idea of this research is that the researcher believes that media research remains useless unless its goals and results are achieved by using the correct scientific tools. The researcher chooses 100 research papers of about 35% of the published ones, 10 of them are excluded because they are outside media. We use a simple and randomized sample including the three departments of media: journalism, television and radio journalism and public relations. The researcher adopts statistical methods such as Fay coefficient, correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient and straight line equation.
The researcher uses an analytical form followed by analysis of content, them the scale. The results are found in 58 researches, w
This research set to indicate the role of the opportunity cost in the overall economic development (human and social development) by selecting the most appropriate alternative for the growth of the country in exchange for sacrificing profit limits to achieve this growth and development of the country, especially in the present circumstances of the country and after studying the reality of the economic case for him, as the problem lies with don't selecting the best alternative that enhances the gross domestic product, which extends to promote overall economic development and revive the industrial and agricultural sectors, productivity is more like Impotent, versus sacrifice alternative consumption may bring more financially lucrative than
... Show MoreThis study aimed at highlighting the role of small and medium enterprises in bringing about economic development in Jordan. The study examined the impact of the number, size of investment and the number of jobs provided by these enterprises on the rate of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) as an indicator for economic development. To achieve its objectives, the study adopted descriptive and quantitative analysis. A linear multi regression model was developed with a growth rate of GDP as dependent variable and the number of institutions, size of investment, and the number of job opportunities as independent variables. The study concluded that each increase by one small or medium enterprise lead to an increase in the rate of gr
... Show MoreThe study aimed to reveal the role of social capital represented by its dimensions (structural, relational, and cognitive) in strengthening the management of excellence in Azadi Hospital / Duhok. In order to reach the goal of the study, the study variables were highlighted in theory through framing concepts and literary contributions for researchers in this field, In the field, the questionnaire was used as a basic tool to collect data from the individuals in the research sample who were represented by officials and individuals working from administrators and technicians, as (120) forms were distributed to the respondents, and (110) were retrieved from them in a way that is valid for analysis. Several statistical methods have bee
... Show Moreحزب العمال الكردستاني ودوره في تطوير القضية الكردية في تركيا من 1991-2013
This research aims to study human error effects in the banking risks in the private banks through the measurement and testing of human error effect in every kind of banking risks types and stand on the most closely associated with the risks in order to focus on them and make appropriate processors have with respect to and increase the availability of skills and expertise required to carry out banking operations of error-free manner.
Find dealt with human error in terms of meaning and understandable, classifications and types, causes and consequences and its approaches and theories. Also addressed placed banking risks in terms of meaning and concept, species and entr
... Show MoreSAIs has a pivotal role in enhancing public sector performance through its quest to achieve the greatest possible efficiency and effectiveness in its, so it has to adopt applied framework for abilities building, the research aims to shed light on the role of SAIs and the nature of their work, and the definition for its abilities building, and to prepare a proposal for abilities building applied to work with the SAI in the Republic of Iraq (of the Federal Board of Supreme Audit ),the Researchers reached conclusions, namely: abilities building is the outcome of the interaction between the reality of all of the employees of the SAI and the institution itself and the environment and the specific requirements of the de
... Show MoreRepresents a supervisory and oversight role of the Central Bank towards finding a sober banking sector, as the procedures , regulations and laws that the Central Bank insists on its implementation with the utmost precision, and that was to protect depositors and shareholders' class basis rights, but it is in the interest of the bank in the end, as it seeks to improve the performance of commercial banks and vaccinated against falling into the blunders, they also contribute to building a sober and stable banking sector and security contributes to the welfare and employment optimization of economic resources, and treatment of research (and the presence of banks decline in financial performance, according to financial performance indic
... Show More