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Economics Department Assessment of Nutritional a program to student of internal departments in the University of Baghdad (Jadriy a complex ) and the University of mustnsiriy
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The present study aimed to asspssment the nutrition a program to sample of student from internal departments of Baghdad University (AL-Jadiriya Complex) and the University of AL-MustanSiriya four grades and aged (19-24) year study included 150 male and female students by (75) male and (75) of female register height, weight nd body mass index were study habits and food pattern of the same sample (150) and by aspecial form and take the personal information interviews and record information on food intake during 24 hour .noted adifference practie in the weights and longths of male and female (sample).
BMI rates were within the normal weight as the value of BMI for males aged (19- 21)and (22-24) and (22.21) and (23,37),respectively and that the highest percentage recorded by the body massindex (46,42%) within the normal weight males aged (19-24) and the the highest percentage recorded in the slim weight for males aged (22-24) reached (61,60,40%) for females and higher percentage recorded within the two categories slim (19-21)and (22-24) weight and was (57,57%)and (71,42%) respectively it is not an approach to longed in Arab countries .
As with regard to food behavior there were so significant differences between males and females and the differences in favor of males has been observed where the highest percentage amounted to (77-33%)o f those who eat breakfast are permanent while recorded the highest rate of (36%)for those who consume wobbling (some time ).AS for the snack registered the highest percentage in favor of females who consume a permanent and (60%)
And also noted that there were significant differences between males and females about food often( canned) and the differences in favor of females interms of percentage amounted to (46,66%)
AS for miles reaching the percentage of (40%) and (33,33%) of the males excries is perm an ent and (44%)practice it is wobbling (some times) and for females reaching rtio (53,33%) dont excrise and(46,6640) practice it is wobbling (some times)
As for the repetition of the types of food normalize it was noted that there were significant differences were in favor of males reaching the proportion who consume milk and dairy products from the male is permanent (30,67,40) while in females was (2040) as well as the case of vegetables ,but the differences were in favor of females in terms of percentage of(64%) of them eat vegetables are permanents while the figure was (40%) in males AS for fruits percentages were close reaching (96%) and (97%) in females respectively and (46%) of females' eat sweets permanently while the percentage in males consume (60%) and sometimes wobbling as for soft drinks and weal's has been taken up by the proportion at remakes decals reaching (26-66%) and (44%) repectively while the furnace when the percentage reached (42-67) and (53.33%)respectively as noted there were significant differences between the furnace and femles in the amountal mjor nutrients and energy as well as vitamins and minerals consumed as observed were differences in favor of males and generally evidenced by this study there is adecrease in the level of food culture in sample search for itrequires acorrection is throngs awareness and education foodKey Words :Evaluation , Food curriculum ,Weight , Length , Body Mass Index ( BMI) , Behavior and dietary babits Daily food in take.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ادوار إدارة المعرفة التنظيمية و رأس مال الزبون العلاقة والأثر/ دراسة تطبيقية على القطاع المصرفي الأهلي في محافظة النجف الاشرف
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يختبر البحث الحالي علاقة الأثر والارتباط بين إدارة المعرفة التنظيمية (المتمثلة قيادة المعرفة، تنظيم المعرفة، عمليات المعرفة، ثقافة المعرفة، تطبيق المعرفة، تقاسم المعرفة) ومتغير (رأس مال الزبون) في مجموعة من المصارف الأهلية في محافظة النجف إذ تمثلت مشكلة الدراسة بمدى دور إدارة المعرفة في هذه المصارف فضلاً عن الزبائن الذين يتعاملون معها، وقد استخدمت استمارة الاستبيان كأداة رئيسة لجمع البيانات إذ تم تو

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الأمير كوركوز الاويغوري دراسة في سيرته ودوره السياسي والاداري والاقتصادي والعمراني خلال العصر العباسي 624-641 هـ/ 1226- 1243 م
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حظيت عدد من الشخصيات التاريخية ممن كان لها أثر واضح المعالم في تطور النظام الإداري والسياسي للإمبراطورية المغولية، بأهتمام عدد لا بأس به من الباحثين.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الحركة مساهمة المرأة في الحركة العلمية من خلال كتاب (( أنباء الغمر بأبناء العمر )) لابن حجر العسقلاني (773هـ/852هـ) (دراسة تاريخية)
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The search in these subjects makes an importanl accomplishment in the study of the scientific life in that (era)   specialy what the wonen had from a scientific and social level in that(age) the studies of the scientestis which were brilliant in the this era never hed the same as the first scientests . because of the common mistakes toward some resesrchers

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2015
Journal Name
فعالية استخدام تدريبات القوة الدافعة الذاتية في تطوير القوة الخاصة و بعض القدرات الوظيفية و المهارية للاعبين الشبابا بالكرة الطائرة
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Physical Education
تأثير تمارين الهايبوكسيك على جهاز التجديف الارضي (الاركوميتر) في تحمل السرعة والمستوى الرقمي لفعالية 200متر تجديف كاياك للاعبي المنتخب الوطني للشباب
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم قانون الخدمة الجامعية رقم 23 لسنة 2008 وأثره في تقليل مظاهر الفساد الإداري والمالي: دراسة تحليلية قدية لنصوص القانون وتطبيقاته
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This research includes an analytical and critique study for the version of the University Service Law No.23 for the year 2008, containing all its aspects and failure whether in its legislation or its applications.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الادارة والاقتصادللدراسات الاقتصادية والادارية والمالية
تصميم الترتيب الداخلي األمثل باستعمال تقنية التخصيص النسبي المحوسب للتسهيالت )CRAFT)بحث تطبيقي في الشركة العامة لصناعة الزيوت النباتية – مصنع المأمون
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The facilities layout are among the most important of the most influential factors in the efficiency of the production system, and represents the systematic layout of the various work centers, tools, persons, and other auxiliary services within the factory. Careful selection of the technique that would be used in Re-layout, represents an important step in reaching to the optimum layout that keeps on reducing handling costs and reduce unnecessary movement of materials, as well as the regularity and functioning of the flow of materials through the facilities. The research aims to propose a new layout of (Al-M'ammon Factory / The General Company for Vegetable Oils Industry), and then re-layout according to the new propose layout by using of te

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Publication Date
Sun May 06 2007
Journal Name
كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة/جامعة بغداد .
تأثير التمرينات الاوكسجينية واللاأوكسجينية في الوحدة التدريبية لتطوير بعض القدرات الوظيفية والبدنية للاعبي كر ة القدم بعمر (13-14)سنة. رسالة ماجستير
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاديب الكاتب والمؤرخ الفقيه يحيى بن خلدون (ت 780هـ/ 1379م) كاتب ديوان الانشاء في دولة بني زيان (633-962هـ/ 1235-1554م) بتلمسان
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    A prominent figure such as Yahya bin Khaldoun and a scholar of the moroccan countries in the medieval era, and had a special place in the history of the country and the state of Bani Zayan, and the positions he occupied in it and left his scientific, literary and historical traces, leaving him an imprint in the course of history and its events, and in this study
I dealt with the research: his personal life : his name and lineage, then his upbringing and his family.

    The aim of the study is to know this character in the details of his personal and scientific life, according to the historical descriptive research method, including description and presentation of events, and linking them in a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيز نزرة في نماذج غذائية ومائية مختلفة باستخدام منظومة بخار الزئبق البارد المرتبطة مع جهاز الامتصاص الذري اللهبي
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     يتضمن البحث تعيين عنصر الزئبق السام بتراكيزنزرة عالية الدقة (نانوغرام) باستخدام منظومة يخار الزئبق البارد لنماذج غذائية (لحوم حمراء ، لحوم بيضاء ) مختلفة ونماذج مائية (ماء النهر، مياه صناعية ، ماء الشرب) وربط المنظومة بتقنية الامتصاص الذري اللهبي.

     ان عنصر الزئبق من اشد العناصر سمية وان التراكيز المسموح بها عالميا لايتعدى جزء واحد

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