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التعايش السلمي بين الرسول (ص) والمخالفين له في المعتقد
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يتناول هذا البحث اساسيات التعامل بين الرسول الأعظم r وبين المخالفين له في المعتقد، وضرورة التسامح الديني الذي أقره الاسلام وطبقه الرسول الكريم r في حياته، وعلمه لأصحابه الكرام t، وأصناف الناس الذين تعايش معهم الرسول r مدة سيرته العطرة، لاسيما الكفار وأهل الكتاب والمنافقين، مستندا إلى كتب التفسير والحديث النبوي الشريف، وقد جعل الباحث لكل منهم مبحثا مستقلا ، ثم انتهى إلى الخاتمة وأهم التوصيات .

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research deals with issues of peaceful coexistence in foreign satellite channels directed in the Arabic language, trying to get acquainted with the most prominent of these topics dealt with the programs subject to analysis and the method of dealing with them and the most used journalistic arts in that.

The research adopted the descriptive approach and the method of content analysis for the purpose of studying the research community represented by the program «Shabab Talk» “Youth Talk” in the German channel Deutsche Welle (DW) and the program «Beina Sam wa Amar» “between Sam and Ammar” in the American free channel, by designing the content analysis form to subject

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The biography of the Prophet Muhammad () and his Sunnah between softness and distress
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The Prophet Muhammed () is distinguished in the history of mankind by the fact that he came with a law that combined these two opposing sides, reality and ideals, a wonderful and amazing collection, and he created a wonderful composition between them, and they used together a wise comprehension to ensure the treatment of its ills, and the reform of their delusions together, and uses both Both of them are in the necessary position of the needs of life, and the contradictions and separation of this collection and the wise harness in this research from his law, may God bless him and grant him peace, which shows us this balance in the system of Islam, the most sincere representation, where it is one of the honors of morality, good appreci

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المصاحبة اللفظية بين الصفة والموصوف في خطب الرسول(  ) دراسة دلالية
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There are words that are described in certain words that are not described in other words, so the relationship between two words that accompany a habit is strengthened, which leads to the emergence of a conjunction or an idiomatic expression. It did not exist before their association together,

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المصاحبة اللفظية بين الصفة والموصوف في خطب الرسول دراسة دلالية
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There are words that are described in certain words that are not described in other words, so the relationship between two words that accompany a habit is strengthened, which leads to the emergence of a conjunction or an idiomatic expression

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التعايش التعايش موروث إسلامي ومبدأ سياسي
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That Islam recognizes the principle of coexistence by providing freedom of difference and acceptance of the other and coexist with different religious and cultural recommend this difference because years cosmic unless not deviate from the

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج النبوي في التعايش الحضاري
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This research aims to highlight the prophetic approach in civilized coexistence, and to show what society was like in the time of the Prophet, and specifically after the sakha and the writing of the newspaper (prophetic document) which established the rules of civilized coexistence, and there is no doubt that God almighty created all nations and different peoples according to Human nature, this difference has been recognized by the duty of coexistence and acquaintance without abolishing each other, coexistence and recognition of the other and respect for its particularities result in a state of dialogue between cultures and civilizations and paves the way for their meeting instead of clashing, as well as contributing coexistence to make

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج النبوي في التعايش الحضاري
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This research aims to highlight the prophetic approach in civilized coexistence, and to show what society was like in the time of the Prophet, and specifically after the sakha and the writing of the newspaper (prophetic document) which established the rules of civilized coexistence, and there is no doubt that God almighty created all nations and different peoples according to Human nature, this difference has been recognized by the duty of coexistence and acquaintance without abolishing each other, coexistence and recognition of the other and respect for its particularities result in a state of dialogue between cultures and civilizations and paves the way for their meeting instead of clashing, as well as contributing coexistence to make

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
ﻣﻌﺎھدات اﻟﺻﻠﺢ اﻟﺗﻲ ﻋﻘدھﺎ اﻟرﺳول)ص(ﻣﻊ اﻟﻧﺻﺎرى
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The Prophet wrote many contracts and a military alliance with the Christians in order to organize their relationship with the Islam . Later on , some Christians made many changes on the contracts and the military alliance by adding some privileges , and said that the prophet gave it to them , in order to get some privileges or to be away from some dangers . The Prophet had preferred the Christians more than other Dhimes for many reasons:1.they did not resist the Islamic religion in the first stages . 2-they welcomed the Muhajrian in Habasha . 3-they were not stand against Islam openly as the Jewish had done . 4-they were neutral in the wars that had took place between the Muslims and Quraish . while the Jewish had sided Quraish in that w

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
سياسة النبي محمد (ص) الحكيمة في معالجة أحداث غزوة بني المصطلق
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 تعد دراسة التراث العلمي العربي من الدراسات التي تلقي الضوء على التطور التاريخي للعلوم العربية وما أنجزته العقلية العربية في هذا الميدان للمدة التاريخية التي ابتدأت بعصر صدر الإسلام وانتهت بالخلافة ويرى الكثير من العلماء سواء كان

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
التماثل والاختلاف في المعتقد المذهبي للوالدين وأثره في تنمية الاتجاه التعصبي المذهبي لابنائهم
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This study aims at measuring the sectarian prejudice attitude with sample of college student and secondary school students. It also aims at detecting the impact of similarities and differences of the sectarian belief with the parents on the development of sectarian prejudice with their parents according the following variables (gender,grade,achievement of the parents).

 The study restricted by a sample consists of (Baghdad,Al-mustansiriya,and Al-Qadisiyah) students and the fourth grade students (males and female). To achieve the goal of this study , the researcher built atoll to measure the sectarian prejudice attitude after verifying its psychometric characteristics , after analyzin

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