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Cultural Coexistence in Islamic History
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The difference and pluralism among members of the same society is a fact undeniable and ignored, passed by the Quran, and confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed in more than one occasion, so that the Apostle r placed a document included in its terms an agreement with the Jews, and recognized the coexistence between Muslims and Jews, which stems from the great principle of a tolerance, which recognizes the rights of others and the freedom to believe what is believed to be right, so it was incumbent upon us, and we live in rivalry repulsion and jealousies to recognize the principle of coexistence with the other, and accept it in accordance with the legitimate controls with pride of belonging to the Islamic religion, in this sense I suggested writing in this topic, I live  in a country bedeviled Discord and rivalry between his sons, and only because they missed the concept of coexistence and the teachings of their religion and forgot how to deal with each other. The study concluded a group of results and recommendations, the most important of which are: The historical  relationships  of civilizations are not  characterized  by  exchanging.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam: Bajila role in the Arabic- Islamic history in the early period of Islam
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Bajila regarded as descending from Anmar Ibn Nizar. Al-Masudi accepts
Bajila and Khath”am as being of Nizar, and asserts that it was only out of the
enmity that they were said to be from the Yemen.
Al-Ya”qubi tries to harmonize this by assuming that Anmar married a
women of the Yemen and that his sons Bajila and Khath”am are thus
connected to the people of this region only through their mothers line.
Bajila embraced Islam in the period of the prophet. Omar 1 forced this
tribe to go to Iraq instead of Al-_Sham, and gave them the quarter of Al- Saw
ad. Then they prohibited from that quarter by given money as reward that
made them against omar1.
This tribe assisted the forth rightly guided ca

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Competencies Required For Teachers of History in the Preparatory Stage
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         This study attempts to determine the necessary teaching competencies for teachers and the level of their importance in the development of their performance professionally and scientifically, and the progress towards a better future to achieve an effective level. Accordingly, the research community consists of the morning-preparatory schools for boys at the General Directorate of Education of Baghdad \ Rusafa2. The study sample included (68) teachers constituted 88.31% of the total community of teachers. As for the research tools, the researcher adopted the descriptive method by using the observation method in which the researcher prepared a list of teaching. For verifying the re

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jurisprudential applications to restrict permissible in Islamic jurisprudence
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Research summary


Muslim scholars have established fundamental rules for deriving rulings to be a methodology for every mujtahid who wants to extract rulings from his reliable sources, and one of the most prominent fundamental rules on which many rulings are built is the permissible and the many rulings related to it.

Leaving what is permissible on its own terms sometimes causes embarrassment and distress in some cases, so we need something that restricts it. In our Islamic law, many legal rulings are embodied in which the restriction of what is permissible is in the public interest, or to relieve embarrassment in public.

Because of the importance of this fundamentalist rule, and the difference in some

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sources of audio images in the poetry of the Islamic
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      الحمدُ للهِ رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على نبيه الأمين محمد r وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين ، وأصحابه الغر الميامين:

             تعد الصورة السمعية مفهوما بيانيا نجده في البلاغة العربية واضحاً مؤثرا، مؤديا دورا جوهريا في إيصال الفكرة التي يروم الأديب إيصالها إلى المتلقي   ولا تبدو السمعية واضحة إلاّ إذا نظر إليها في حالة أدبيه تهز كيان الشاعر &nbsp

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rules for dealing with the offender in Islamic thought
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Research summary

Today, the Islamic nation is going through a phase that is one of the most dangerous that it has never experienced before. This phase was characterized by the following:

The nation is divided into states and its weakness in most of its doctrinal, political, social, economic and moral aspects.
Enemies targeting the nation's faith and capabilities, and the emergence of loyalty to the enemies of the nation from some groups of society, spreading misconceptions in the Muslim community.
Spreading the spirit of rebellion in all segments of society and striving to stir up the people against the rulers and put pressure on the rulers.

All these manifestations and others require the nation's wise men

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Functional displacement in Islamic ceramics: محمد جاسم العبيدي
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The art of Islamic ceramics is considered one of the main pillars of the art of ceramics in the plastic arts, as his knowledge of what is presented in the Islamic arts intertwined in a special way. And the Islamic ceramics are indications of fertility and the rekindling of religious ties, controversy over them, and interpretation as additions to their vocabulary. Studies in the plastic arts began to empty the knowledge towards this direction, especially its relationship to the Arabic calligraphy and specifically the Islamic decoration, which derived the first aesthetic values from calling the artist Muslim pottery and potters to inviting the Arabic letter and Islamic decoration to indicate within the theory of "displacement" the aestheti

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Heretic rulings And related words in Islamic jurisprudence
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How I was eager to research the ruling on three of the most dangerous types to Islam and Muslims (the heretic, the sorcerer, the innovator, and related terms).
Because it is the most dangerous deadly disease that destroys the hearts of Muslims, and may even expel a Muslim from the circle of Islam, and how many Muslims have done or committed such a thing without knowing it. Indeed, how many Muslims have left Islam and whose wife has abandoned him without realizing it, and among them are those who have committed it without knowing it. As well as related words associated with heresy.( )
Because people debated such matters between extremists and lenient ones, most of whom were extremists, and they did not reach a conclusion. So I decid

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
HISTORY AND MODERNITY OF POETRY AS : A Reference Of The Modern Poem In Iraq
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One of the most important intellectual issues, which receive attention is the issue of modernity, it has occupied the scholars of all time. However, modern poetry used to have special care in Iraq and in the Arab countries .. it is not strange that the concept of modernity is linked to history .. or having history as the most important dimension of its dimensions .. because Arab poetry is historical and it is moving into an area of ​​the past that is still active in terms of language and literary image .. When some poets found that changing and modernizing poetry became a necessity of evolution, and one of the fundamentals of modernization, the cultural impact did not respond to the desire of poets, and their impulse in modern poetry

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Private legal defense push Al-Sael in Islamic jurisprudence
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. And after:
     For one of the greatest blessings of God Almighty upon us is the blessing of Islam, which brought people from darkness to light and from injustice and fear to security, justice, stability, and the preservation of blood, symptoms, rights, and sacrifices, because pride, strength, and dignity are what God chose and pleases His servants - namely - adherence to the Islamic religion, and in light of This must be said that the private legal defense (pushing the person) with its Islamic provisions and legislations is one of the great aspects that guarantees the establishment of a safe

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Sources and Effects of Risks of Forms of Islamic Financing in the Islamic Branches of the Commercial Bank
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Proved Islamic banks in many countries where they are present, whether Muslim or non-Muslim in the wake of the global financial crisis, it is more efficient, profitable, and stable compared with the conventional banks, so went many of the worlds towards providing Islamic banking through Islamic windows to Besides financial services and products offered by the traditional, or the initiative to enter formulas Islamic finance is fully compliant with the principles and rules of Islamic law and is Brokerage basic function of conventional banks and Islamic alike ) and that means working on the mobilization of savings from surplus units and directed towards the financial units of the fiscal deficit) , which operates commercial banks

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