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Environmental Impact in the Cultural Output of the Civilizations of Ancient East, Iraq and Eygpt sample
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Our research subject (environmental impact in the cultural output of the civilizations of ancient East) the environmental impact on human civilization and how her and adapted to serve in various cultural aspects especially in ancient cultures whether punches or sculptures and other addresses as well as tracing precious stones and raw materials.  It was the environment of the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt and another effective impact in drawing ancient history through human interaction and responsiveness.  The Iraqi environment was marked by poverty and cruelty on the one hand and on the other cultural elements contributed to the civilization in General and research dealing with technical and product sourcing raw materials, whether inside or outside at various times to Iraq and Egypt and other civilizations in this point to trade and influence The old East and mutual cultural transmission elements of civilization.  Without doubt the existence of an enabling environment and good human exploitation leads to authentic civilization thus arose in Mesopotamia and Egypt and other civilizations referred her site was to their surroundings and their appearance in the catalyst role.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of Arab civilization   On the first century AH
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The influx of Arab Qahtani and Nizari tribes continued to the countries of Baluchistan and the Levant in pre-Islamic times until the Levant became open to the Arab-Islamic tide during the first century AH. The Islamic Orient until the early Islamic Arab Army reached the western borders of China. What we will see in the folds of the search.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Biography of the Last The formation of the ancient Pharaonic Warrior
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Cash studies on Biography few self, compared to what feet of analysis and criticism in the other arts as (novel, short story, poetry, theater, painting), however, is a biographical articles in the relatively few Arabic literature as presented in the other Arts, has taken this Art greater opportunity in our literature with his Taha Hussein (days), or (my life) to Ahmed Amin, or Fadwa Toukan (a nice trip, and difficult journey), or Jabra Ibrahim Jabra in the (first well) or (Princess Street), which forms taken from the self point of departure the desire to write a CV to try to familiarize readers with the information possible to the same creator, the remainder (ego) is the axis basis in a CV, gradually, starting from childhood through yout

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis the Impact of Corruption on Investment in Iraq
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There are different types of corruptions such as administrative, political, economic and financial corruption. The corruption forms also varied such as bribery, nepotism and extortion. All types and forms of corruption play significant role in the all economic variables generally and on investments in particular, and the corruption used to be an intermediate means in reducing the rate of economic growth.  The corruption contributes in reducing the domestic investments via pay bribery by investors to officials’ persons for supplemental contracts and tenders which finally leads to reduction in the investment efficiency. The corruption also contributes in rise of operational costs for the investment projects.  In additio

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraq's role in US security arrangements In the Greater Middle East project
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إن موضوع الشرق الأوسط بشكل عام اتخذ أهمية كبيرة في الكتابات والمؤلفات التي صدرت منذ بداية النصف الأول من عقد التسعينات من القرن المنصرم مع بدايات مشاريع السلام التي أعقبت انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي وتغير الخارطة السياسية والاقتصادية والايديولوجية للعالم .وعلى الرغم ان المصطلح ليس بجديد الا ان تعابير المصطلح وددلالاته تتغير مع تغير موازين القوى واتجاهات المصالح. إذ انتقل من مصطلح جغرافي الى

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 10 2009
Journal Name
مجلة كلية اللغات
relative pronoun in Hebrew language between ancient and modern
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Abstract The relative pronoun in Hebrew language is an important pronoun use anciently and recently, it developed and it's usage and meanings differed so, it was not confined to the particle "אֲשֶׁר" as a relative pronoun, but beside it appeared other pronouns giving the relative meaning. Hence, the topic of this research was on this basis through studying the relative pronouns in old and modern Hebrew, the way of using them and their connection with preposition particles, as well as studying the relative clause.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The New Middle East and the Implications of the Arab Spring
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الخلاصة لقد شكل المحافظون الجدد وهم بالأساس نخبة من المثقفين ومن السياسيين الأمريكيين كتلة ضغط كبيرة التأثير على الإدارة في عهد الجمهوريين. حمل هؤلاء المحافظون مشروعاً إيديولوجياً البسوه لسلطة الجمهوريين وهو يهدف إلى جعل أمريكا سيدة العالم من دون منازع خاصة بعد انهيار الاتحاد السوفييتي ونهاية الحرب الباردة. واكب هذا الحدث التاريخي الكثير من الأفكار ومنها (نهاية التاريخ)، وصراع الحضارات، وكذ

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Populism in the Middle East: Discourse and Comparative Characteristics
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Abstract: The premise of the study is that populism is a process of building political views and critical intellectual orientations among the general public. It is transformed into mass beliefs by mobilizing the society ideologically and continuously in order to reach or control the circle of authority. We distributed the study topics to four sections: In the second, we will discuss the contents of contemporary populism and how other forms of populism evolved historically. The third is to discuss the political discourse of populism among the military regimes and the comparative Islamic parties in the Middle East, especially in terms of the essence and the intellectual foundations. The fourth section seeks to examine the characteristics o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Historical origins of Hellenistic architecture in ancient North African civilizations: رويدة فيصل موسى النواب
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Hellenistic architecture represents an important example of the reflection of ancient Greek architecture in the art of oriental architecture in the countries of the ancient world, including those states spread across North Africa that were under the authority of the Ptolemies and who were able to transmit those artistic values and traditions of Greek architecture to those regions. The current research deals with a detailed study of those important transformations of civil and religious architecture, as well as the most important features of that architecture through the constituents of location and geographical location.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The role of environmental taxation and environmental incentives to reduce environmental pollution manifestations in the urban environment
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        The aim of studying the role of environmental taxation is to reduce or mitigate the problem of environmental pollution and obtain a clean environment. And the importance of research lies in the fact that environmental taxation is one of the basic tools to achieve environmental balance. As it is considered one of the sustainable economic tools that focuses on the concept of environmental taxes and fees. Therefore, the incentives stimulated institutions to invest in clean energy and use environmentally friendly machines. Through it, the rules of the competition are updated in favor of organizations that respect the environment so that they can obtain a green competitive advantage. And that the mai

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Actor problematic term between ancient and modern
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Speech is associated with all early term grammar - somewhat - talking about the beginnings of the emergence of grammar, its foundation, and the truth is that this period has remained obscure, what came of them was a novels dealt with a facilitator beginnings as, and this means that what was of grammatical terms in the period of the first generation of grammarians do not constitute in itself, but the initial harbingers of serious way as in the science, and the real beginning of the term grammar mature as orally were at Hebron and Sibawayh evident in the book, then the efforts of the grammarians available until after the term of grammar arrived to what it is .
In this area is (actor) a grammatical terminology, which won at the ancient s

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