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The Female Characters In The Pre-Raphaelite Novel: M.E. Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret (An Extracted Research of Master Degree Letter)
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Victorian age is known as a time of perpetual change. It is a time of new industrialization, increased urbanization and new technology. Therefore, one of the strongest undercurrents of this is the position of women. Woman at that time was viewed as “an angel in the house” especially this who belongs to the upper-middle class. She is described in such term because she spends much time in her domestic domain. Therefore, she should be passive, obedient and dependent. Despite the Victorian society contains several classes; women are defined under two labels: the angel and the demon or the whore. The angel woman can be any woman from the lower middle class to the aristocracy, while the whore refers to any working class woman. The difference between the two is that the second type has to work outside to earn the living. Living in a patriarchal society, both types of women are oppressed. The first type, the angel, should not have the right to be independent or even to make any choice and if she does, she will be mad, dangerous and demon, while the second type is considered rebellious and whore for being seen among the outsiders. Thus and as result, both of them are mistreated as outcasts. The Pre-Raphaelite writers are daring and so interested in the issue of woman because of the reasons mentioned above. One of them is Mary Elizabeth Braddon. In her novel, Lady Audley’s Secret, she tries to show the position of women and the Victorian attitudes towards them through the symbol of the characters especially the female characters. There are no much details about them in the novel because they are used as symbol to bring the attention of the readers to social and moral problems concerning the Age. This can be clearly seen in the character of Lady Audley. She stands for the threatening woman who tries to make a change in a patriarchal world. The female characters in the novel represent the fear of women’s independence. Lady Audley is considered a devilish and dangerous woman and should be buried alive in an asylum because she violates the prevailing traditions. She portrays the fears of many people in the patriarchal society including even the women as Alicia, Phoebe, and Clara. Lady Audley shows that even those women, who are obedient, are oppressed by the severe society. They are the victims of the filial and marital power. 

Concerning classes, Lady Audley shows that it is a crime for the lower class to intrude high class. They are considered criminal and deserve punishment while the high class has the authority to do anything. Because Lady Audly intrudes the upper class by marrying Sir Michael, she is considered a criminal. Lady Audly is not a mere character. She is a new heroine and representative because she stands for all female characters who try to make changes in a patriarchalworld.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
World Neurosurgery
Letter to the Editor: Cadaver-Free Simulation Training in Microneurosurgery: An Experience From Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The problem of research on the study of political debate programs in the Iraqi satellite channels, in the "People decide" program by Afaq channel and " electoral competition " by Fallujah channel), and its importance for the community and researchers in the scientific field, as new programs to enter the Iraqi media after we have been the world media a lot in this area at the academic and practical levels (The field), and seeks to find out what the technical construction of the programs of political debates in Iraqi satellite channels and methods of construction and methods of employment used by the technical elements in the presentation of the programs and The study adopted the surve

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS IN TV CHANNELS : (A Research Drawn from A Master Thesis)
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Television culture has become the most dangerous of our time. It manipulates with minds and hearts together; and forms consciousness. It transforms societies into actual forces rejecting certain principles by guiding the media landscape through visible connotations acceptable to the public; or provokes the citizen against elements that put a burden on the viewer or the public in order to create a positive reaction to the subject of combating terrorism by combining these ads in line with what the public wants of security and tranquility and a decent living after suffering from terrorism in the past years.

Therefore, this research deals with television advertisements as one of the most important fo

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 20 2016
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مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity
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The reason for studying (The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity) goes back to the deep roots of repentance in all religions, specially the three revealed religions, and those who adhere to them. The human psych by nature is incessantly demanding sins and the wrong deeds. It is in need of repentance which God has opened for them. Almighty God is happy when his creatures repent and refrain from sinning. This is the reason for success in life and the hereafter and the principle of the happiness. It is also a condition for the good course. Therefore, man should refrain from sinning and feel regret for committing sins forever.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This research deals with issues of peaceful coexistence in foreign satellite channels directed in the Arabic language, trying to get acquainted with the most prominent of these topics dealt with the programs subject to analysis and the method of dealing with them and the most used journalistic arts in that.

The research adopted the descriptive approach and the method of content analysis for the purpose of studying the research community represented by the program «Shabab Talk» “Youth Talk” in the German channel Deutsche Welle (DW) and the program «Beina Sam wa Amar» “between Sam and Ammar” in the American free channel, by designing the content analysis form to subject

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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  In this study the faunistic of lady beetles (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) was studied in Mehriz region (Yazd province) during 2009-2010. The total number of specimens of coccinellid beetles were collected from 6 different localities having altitudes from 1420-2420 m. Altogether 11 species from 8 genera, 3 tribes and 3 subfamilies were collected and identified. External characters plus characteristics male and female genitalia were used in order to diagnose species. Seven species were recorded for the first time from Yazd province (marked*). Many species were predacious, preying on various species of aphids, mites and coccids. Some species were also sent to Dr. Helmut Fursch in Germany for identification or confirmation. T

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Keeping the Secret When Spouses
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    Keeping the secret itself of topics for values ​​are positive attribute of personality traits balanced. Objective of this research study of  Keeping the secret when spouses, the study of the theory based on the research and literature that dealt with the subject study is important to mention that there was no study of one Iraqi addressed the study of  Keeping the secret when spouses.

The researcher found the importance of the study of it's Keeping the secret when spouses. the factors that affect family relationships in terms of the stability of the marital relationship and this is reflected positively on the lives of family and community.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sound of the letter (ق) in the Contemporary Arabic Dialects
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The Sound of the letter (ق) in the Contemporary Arabic Dialects

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical knowledge of the Arabs in an era          Pre-Islam: Quranic connotations
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This paper examines the most important historical knowledge and knowledge of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era based on the Holy Quran, which is the oldest and most reliable Arab Islamic sources recorded at all, as a major source of this study, to ensure a great interest in history, especially the news of the prophets, and the positions of their nations Some of them, as well as some of the news of the old Arab people such as Aad and Thamud and the owners of the elephant and others, and some of which are repeated in several Quranic fence and various methods of presentation, cited as a lesson and exhortation to the Arab opponents of Islam and a reminder of what befell the peoples of the world B relict of doom to discredit them the apostles

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
The Secret of Marriage in Christianity A Descriptive Study
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Marriage is a holly secret in Christian religion .So it id natural that its ceremonies acquired religious form .In general the marriage is contracted by minister of religion in presence of the two parties or by a proxy or presence of parents if it is necessary . And to make the condition of publicity for the marriage ,its procedures must be made before witnesses .Also the minister of religionhave to confirm the agreement of the two parties before beginning the procedures.The marriage ceremonies are made.These procedures are religious traditions that includes praying and make blessings and putting the rings in fingers by thepriest . The marriage is a holly secret performed by the crown pray according to the church religious traditions

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