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Psychicasthein and Its Relationship Family Violence among Secondary School Student

The recent research aims to the following
1- Identify the for Psychicasthein high school students
2-Identify the differences of Psychicasthein of high school students according tothe (male, female).
3- Identify the for Family Violence high school students .
4-Identify the differences of Family Violence of high school students according to the ( male,female)
5-Identify of the relationship between the Psychicasthein and family violence
To achieve the objectives of the present research was to build Psychicasthein scale and the adoption of a measure of domestic violence, and applied these tools, and after extracting the psychometric properties of the two measures of reliability and validity, according to a sample of 200 students and Talibhmn fifth and sixth grade intermediate, has been using the test Altaia for one sample and two independent samples and coefficient of correlation Pearson , after conducting statistical wizards study results showed that the sample current search suffer from domestic violence and Psychicasthei there are differences in favor of females in domestic violence and psychological Alnhec and there is a relationship between Psychicasthein domestic violence and through the results of the study, the researcher suggested a number of recommendations and suggestions.
keywords :Psychicasthein, Family Violence

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Oral Health Status among 9 years old school Children in Al-Diwaniyah City/Iraq.

Background: Although they are not life threatening, dental caries and periodontal disease are the most predominant and widely spread oral diseases throughout the world. Another most common dental problem seen in children is dental trauma. The aims of the study included the investigation of the prevalence and severity of dental caries, gingivitis and dental plaque in relation to gender, furthermore, the prevalence and severity of the traumatized anterior teeth were assessed. Materials and Methods: This oral health survey was conducted among primary school children aged 9 years old in Al-Diwaniyah city in Iraq. The total sample composed of 600 child (320 males and 280 females) selected randomly from different school in Al-Diwaniyah city. Dia

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
سلوك التنمر لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية وطلبة المرحلةالمتوسطة وعلاقته بالجنس والترتيب الولادي

The current research aims at recognize bullying for the pupils of the primary stage  and the students of the  middle stage  according to the gender variables and birth order also detection of difference significance of bullying among the variables of gender(males and females) and the birth order( the first, the second, the third, the forth, the fifth, and the sixth) and then detection of the bullying relation with these variables and to what extent each of them bullying degrees.

          To achieve this objective , the researcher has chosen a sample included(480) individual of(80) individual from the fourth grade primary school pupils and (100)

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس
التلكؤ الأكاديمي وعلاقته بجودة الحياة المدركة عند طلبة الجامعة

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
ما وراء الذاكرة وعلاقته بوجهة الضبط لدى طلبة الجامعة

The research aims to identify the level meta the memory as well as the point of control and their relationship with the university students and for the purpose of verifying that these of a scale meta the memory prepared by Brewer and British as well as testing and point of control, prepared by the Nawski where the number of items of a scale meta the memory (57) ,Items The test point of the control setting, the number of items (40) items has been to make sure _ psychometrical characters have been applied instrumentson a random sample amounted to (200) students were selected in a stratified random and showed the results of research show that members of the research sample have awareness of how to work their memories, where the average grad

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الذكاء الاجتماعي وعلاقته باسلوب حل المشكلات لدى طلبة الجامعة

      يعد موضوع  الشباب- في الوقت الحاضر -  من الموضوعات المهمة  التي  يهتم  بها  علم النفس  والتربية  والأجتماع  والصحة . بل أن الدول  المتقدمة  تهتم بشبابها  أيمانآ بأن تقدم  الأمة لايقوم الاعلى الأمكانيات البشرية من الشباب .

      ومما لاشك  فيه  أن  دخول الشباب  الى عالم  المجتمع  الجامعي  يطرح عليه وبشدة مشكلة التصرف م

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاجهاد الذهني وعلاقته بالذاكرة قصيرة المدى لدى طلبة الجامعة

Mental stress occurs due to the effect of time that passes at an accelerated pace and doing business imposed by the speed of the match with his speed in light of the vast amount of audio and visual information through scientific progress and media workers, as well as the impact of physical factors associated with doing business, such as noise and congestion .... . etc.. The relationship of the individual to take a negative surroundings have devastating effects on the cognitive process as a whole dimension. This creates a sense of helplessness with the depletion voltage to a state of mental stress, so The problems from the standpoint of Aljhtalt scientists are basically cognitive problems appear to exist when it happens to the ind

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of risk factors for myocardial infarction and its relationship with some variables

The aim of the study is to assess the risk factors which lead to myocardial infarction and relation to some variables. The filed study was carried out from the 1st of April to the end of Sept. 2005. The Sample of the study consisted of (100) patients in lbn-Albeetar and Baghdad Teaching Hospital. The result of the study indicated the following; 45% of patients with age group (41-50) were more exposed to the disease and there is no significant difference was seen in the level of education, Martial status, weight and height. The result shows that there are significant difference in risk factors like hypertension, cholesterol level in blood and diabetes. When analyzed by T.test at level of P < 0.01 and there are significant difference in smoki

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Research
Meditative Thinking and its Relationship to the Optional Dynamic Formation of Female Students

Gymnastics play from sports games that need to use appropriate methods and strategies that address mental abilities and that let the learner create and think about better performance with the supervision and guidance of the teacher. The researcher has chosen meditative thinking, which is a kind of thinking that needs to be taken care of. It is thinking about the situation in front of the individual, analysing it to his elements and drawing up plans that need to be understood with a view to reaching the results required by the situation and evaluating the results in the light of the plans. The analysis of the situation looks to different elements and look for internal relationships between these elements in this case. The problem is that fem

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Repercussions of the Corona Pandemic (Covid 19) and its Impact on the Educational and Psychological Function of the Omani Family:


This study aims to identify the repercussions of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) and its impact on the educational and psychological functions of the Omani family from the point of view of a number of fathers and mothers. Drive for a group of fathers and mothers, some of whom work in the government sector and others are mothers enrolled in graduate studies programs at the university, their ages range between (30-50 years) totally (28) mothers and fathers: 22 mothers and 6 fathers. The results showed that the repercussions of the transformation of e-learning, home quarantine, social distancing, and the challenges associated with them were among the most frequent responses that posed a real challenge to the

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
المراقبة الذاتية والوجود النفسي الأفضل لدى طلبة الجامعة مرتفعي ومنخفضي القابلية للاستهواء

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