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Arthur Miller’s Tragedy as Reflected in The Crucible
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In the period immediately following the end of World War II, American theatre was transformed by the work of playwright Arthur Miller. Miller tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the greater American psyche because he was profoundly influenced by the depression and the war that immediately followed it. His dramas proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times; allowing people an honest view of the direction the country had taken.1 Miller has his own concept of tragedy as a modern playwright. He believes that tragedy may depict ordinary people in domestic surroundings instead of talking about a character from a high rank, a king or a queen. Miller’s main concern lies in dramatizing the whole man as he is part of a family and as he is part of a society. In this paper, The Crucible is going to be considered in detail as one of the major tragedies of Arthur Miller. Miller’s The Crucible is based on the events surrounding the 1692 witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts. Miller used that event as an allegory for McCarthyism and the Red Scare, which was a period of time in which Americans were in fear of communism and the government blacklisted accused communists. The play was first performed on Broadway on January 22, 1953. The reviews of the first production were hostile, but a year later a new production succeeded and the play became a classic. The play in the present time is often studied in high schools and universities because of its status as a revolutionary work of theatre and as a document to political events of the 1950s. This play is regarded as one of the best plays of the modern age, due to its deep and captivating plot.2 Miller’s The Crucible is essentially a critique of McCarthyism and the communist scare of the 1950s. Miller saw the parallels between the witch hunts and the McCarthy trials, and found the witch trials to be a compelling vehicle for discussing modern events. The play is a great tragedy, but remains a tragedy for the modern times. The characters in this play suggest what Miller tries to show his readers the lessons from the witch hunts which still apply.3 After performing, the audience is convinced that this play remains relevant and powerful in the twenty-first century. This play can be related to the contemporary world events. It shows the willingness of human beings to blame anyone but themselves. It reinforces the belief that humans are not ready to take responsibility for their actions and would rather find a scapegoat. 

Miller went back to American history and dug up the records of the Salem witchcraft trails and created his own characters based on the few facts of “known behavior” of the persons involved. The result is a powerful indictment of mass hysteria and savage fury born of terror and superstition. In John Proctor, the tragic hero of The Crucible, Miller has created one of the few heroes of modern drama. A blunt, honest man, but neither an exceptionally good nor a complicated one, Proctor grows with the pressure of circumstances. Like most of Miller’s heroes, Proctor asks to preserve the honour of his name, his right to face himself and his children without apology. However, when a society has gone mad, such a simple reasonable desire makes a man on enemy of the state.4 This paper deals with Arthur Miller as a great playwright of tragedy. It consists of an introduction and two sections. The first section tackles Miller’s concept of tragedy and his view about the common man. Then, section two deals with The Crucible as Miller’s special tragedy and the conclusion reflects what is found out in this paper.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Strategic Leadership in Achieving University Governance Requirements: A Survey of a Sample of Teaching Staff at College of Administration and Economics/University of Mosul
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Aim of the Study: The paper aims at identifying the extent of the role of strategic leadership represented by its four dimensions (administrative, transformational, political, moral) in fulfilling the requirements of university governance (Context, message and Goal, Management orientation, Independence, Issue, Sharing)

Methodology: A survey is applied to (107) members of the teaching staff at the college of Administration and Economics/ University of Mosul.  To achieve the goals of the study, the researcher makes use of a number of tools such as:  questionnaire, statistical tools and methods (repetitions, perce

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Serum levels of cross-linked n-telopeptide of Type i collagen before and after non-surgical periodontal therapy in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for chronic periodontitis (CP) and hyperglycemia has an important role in the enhancement of the severity of the periodontitis. It has been reported that the progression of CP causes shifting of the balance between bone formation and resorption toward osteoclastic resorption, and this will lead to the release of collagenous bone breakdown products into the local tissues and the systemic circulation. Cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen (NTx) is the amino-terminal peptides of type I collagen which is released during the process of bone resorption. This study was conducted to determine the effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on serum level of NTx in type 2 diabetic patients

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth restored by milled zirconia post and core with different post and core systems (An in vitro comparative study)
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Background: Restoration of root canal treated teeth with a permanent restoration affect in the success of endodontically treated teeth. This in vitro study was performed to evaluate and compare the fracture strength of endodontically treated teeth restored by using custom made zirconium posts and cores, prefabricated carbon fiber, glass fiber and zirconium ceramic posts. Materials and method: Forty intact human mandibular second premolars were collected for this study and were divided into five groups. Each group contains 8 specimens: Group1: Teeth restored with Carbon Fiber Posts; Group2: Teeth restored with Glass Fiber Posts; Group3: Teeth restored with Zirconium Ceramic prefabricated Posts; Group4: Teeth restored with Zirconium Posts

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
فارسی Practical application of Jean René Ladmiral's model in translation from Arabic to Persian: کاربست عملی الگوی ژان رنه لادمیرال در ترجمه از عربی به فارسی
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Translation is a dynamic and living process that cannot be considered equal to the original text and requires the appropriate structure, language, thought and culture of the target language, and the translator's intellectual, linguistic and cultural influences inadvertently penetrate into the translated text. It causes heterogeneity of the destination text with the source text.

Admiral's theory is trying to help by providing components and suggested approaches to resolve these inconsistencies. In the meantime, in addition to the mission of putting words together, the translator must sometimes sit in the position of the reader and judge and evaluate the translated text in order to understand its shortcomings and try to correct it a

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 21 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparative Permeability Estimation Method and Identification of Rock Types using Cluster Analysis from Well Logs and Core Analysis Data in Tertiary Carbonate Reservoir-Khabaz Oil Field
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Characterization of the heterogonous reservoir is complex representation and evaluation of petrophysical properties and application of the relationships between porosity-permeability within the framework of hydraulic flow units is used to estimate permeability in un-cored wells. Techniques of flow unit or hydraulic flow unit (HFU) divided the reservoir into zones laterally and vertically which can be managed and control fluid flow within flow unit and considerably is entirely different with other flow units through reservoir. Each flow unit can be distinguished by applying the relationships of flow zone indicator (FZI) method. Supporting the relationship between porosity and permeability by using flow zone indictor is ca

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A study of Fermi hole and partial Fermi hole for Li- and C-Atoms in different states 1s 2p, 1s 3p, 1s 3d and 2s 2p
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The electron correlation effect for inter-shell have been analysed in terms of Fermi hole and partial Fermi hole for Li-atom in the excited states (1s2 3p) and (1s2 3d) using Hartree-Fock approximation (HF). Fermi hole Δf(r12) and partial Fermi hole Δg(r12 ,r1) were determined in position space. Each plot of the physical properties in this work is normalized to unity. The calculation was performed using Mathcad 14 program.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Negation marker in Standard Persian : a typological analysis based on Givon’s functional model: عامل نفی در زبان فارسی معیار: بررسی رده‌شناختی براساس مدل نقش‌ گرایی گیون
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Typological analysis about  the negation marker  in different languages is one of the fields of research that has attracted much attention.  In Persian language, this constituent has been analysed from different aspects. This study aimed to analyse  different aspects of negation marker  in  the adjectives,  the noun phrases and  the verb phrases based on typological analysis.  Many studies have been revealed that  the negation in adjectives has shown lexically and morphologically. In the noun phrases, /hich/  has used as a negative marker necessarily marking the verb phrase as negative too. In the verb phrases, negation occurs morphologically by the addition of the prefix /n

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparative study of Educational Commonalities in Ibn al-Wardi's Lamiyah and Qaboos- Nameh: مشتركات تعليمى در لاميه ی ابن الوردى و قابوسنامه؛ بررسى مقايسه اى
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A literary-educational work is a work that explains wisdom to the reader and presents moral, educational and instructional issues in a literary form. Qaboos-nameh or Nasihat al-Muluk is an educational and educational book that has a special place in the field of ethics and guidance, where the author guides his children. Also, Ibn al-Wardi's Lamiyah or Nasihat al-Akhwan is a poem containing moral advice and advice in 77 verses that Ibn al-Wardi wrote to his son.

     It seems that the main goal of Ibn al-Wardi and Onsur AL-maali in Lamia and Qaboos-nameh was to express educational and moral issues and spread and convey them to future generations. Ibn al-Wardi, like Onsur AL-maali, listed moral points such as knowledge, humility

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Flavonoid Compounds from Euphorbia Milii Plant Cultivated in Iraq and Evaluation of its Genetic Effects on Two Types of Cancer Cell Line
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يعتبر "تاج الأشواك" أو نبات شوكة المسيح، وهو من نباتات الزينة الطبية ، ينتمي إلى جنس يوفوربيا. E. milii يحتوي كميات وفيرة من المركبات الفينولية ، التربينات، الستيرويدات والقلويدات. كانت الأهداف الرئيسية لهذه الدراسة هي فحص مستخلصات الفلافونويد والنانو فلافونويد ضد نوعين من خطوط الخلايا السرطانية. تم تصنيع مركبات الفلافونويد النانوية عن طريق تفاعل مركب الكيتوسان والماليك اسد. تم تحليل مركبات الفلافونويد ال

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Malva parviflora Extract and Effect on Ecto-5'- Nucleotidase(5'-NT), ADA and AMPDA Enzymes in Sera of Patients with Arthrosclerosis
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The present research included synthesis of silver nanoparticle from(1*10-3,1*10-4 and1*10-5) M aqueous AgNO3 solution through the extract of M.parviflora reducing agent. In the process of synthesizing silver nanoparticles we detected a rapid reduction of silver ions leading to the formation of stable crystalline silver nanoparticles in the solution.

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