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Arthur Miller’s Tragedy as Reflected in The Crucible
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In the period immediately following the end of World War II, American theatre was transformed by the work of playwright Arthur Miller. Miller tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the greater American psyche because he was profoundly influenced by the depression and the war that immediately followed it. His dramas proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times; allowing people an honest view of the direction the country had taken.1 Miller has his own concept of tragedy as a modern playwright. He believes that tragedy may depict ordinary people in domestic surroundings instead of talking about a character from a high rank, a king or a queen. Miller’s main concern lies in dramatizing the whole man as he is part of a family and as he is part of a society. In this paper, The Crucible is going to be considered in detail as one of the major tragedies of Arthur Miller. Miller’s The Crucible is based on the events surrounding the 1692 witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts. Miller used that event as an allegory for McCarthyism and the Red Scare, which was a period of time in which Americans were in fear of communism and the government blacklisted accused communists. The play was first performed on Broadway on January 22, 1953. The reviews of the first production were hostile, but a year later a new production succeeded and the play became a classic. The play in the present time is often studied in high schools and universities because of its status as a revolutionary work of theatre and as a document to political events of the 1950s. This play is regarded as one of the best plays of the modern age, due to its deep and captivating plot.2 Miller’s The Crucible is essentially a critique of McCarthyism and the communist scare of the 1950s. Miller saw the parallels between the witch hunts and the McCarthy trials, and found the witch trials to be a compelling vehicle for discussing modern events. The play is a great tragedy, but remains a tragedy for the modern times. The characters in this play suggest what Miller tries to show his readers the lessons from the witch hunts which still apply.3 After performing, the audience is convinced that this play remains relevant and powerful in the twenty-first century. This play can be related to the contemporary world events. It shows the willingness of human beings to blame anyone but themselves. It reinforces the belief that humans are not ready to take responsibility for their actions and would rather find a scapegoat. 

Miller went back to American history and dug up the records of the Salem witchcraft trails and created his own characters based on the few facts of “known behavior” of the persons involved. The result is a powerful indictment of mass hysteria and savage fury born of terror and superstition. In John Proctor, the tragic hero of The Crucible, Miller has created one of the few heroes of modern drama. A blunt, honest man, but neither an exceptionally good nor a complicated one, Proctor grows with the pressure of circumstances. Like most of Miller’s heroes, Proctor asks to preserve the honour of his name, his right to face himself and his children without apology. However, when a society has gone mad, such a simple reasonable desire makes a man on enemy of the state.4 This paper deals with Arthur Miller as a great playwright of tragedy. It consists of an introduction and two sections. The first section tackles Miller’s concept of tragedy and his view about the common man. Then, section two deals with The Crucible as Miller’s special tragedy and the conclusion reflects what is found out in this paper.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Plant Archives
The seasonal effect on the water bodies in Iraqi marshlands
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 16 2015
Journal Name
Frontiers In Physiology
Dopaminergic signaling within the primary cilia in the renovascular system
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 22 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-turath University College
The Turkish role in the US-Iran Crisis (2017-2020)
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New developments imposed different patterns of interactions between major international powers and Iran during 2018, ranging to varying degrees between cooperation and tension, the most important of which is the new measures taken by the United States to withdraw from the nuclear agreement and impose new US sanctions on Iran, which in turn insisted on not responding to pressure to which they are exposed to make changes in their policies and to negotiate again about the main contentious files, especially the nuclear program and ballistic missiles, and the roles they play for crisis countries, especially supporting some armed organizations in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen. These differences have put the international forces before difficult

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
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Political Sciences Journal
nternational will in the Security Council Towards the Syrian crisis
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Nations witnessed since its existence a state of wills conflict as a result of the intersection and intertwining of interests, through which it sought to achieve its goals and objectives, and this has often led to direct military conflicts and countless wars, and witnessed the entry into global wars in which humanity lost millions of lives and losses .Despite the great changes in the international arena, especially in recent decades, the conflict of wills has not ceased, although some of its features and forms have changed, and it has become more complicated after the withdrawal of this conflict to international organizations and bodies, including the Security Council. It is mandated under the Charter of the United Nations to wor

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Acoustic significance of the comma in the Qur'an Al-Jinn
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Interval lies at rest in the speech; so as to improve to speak out, which is how Evaln Koran by other speech, called separators; for the secession of Alkalaman then, as the last verse separation between it and its aftermath in the Al-Jinn had a comma significant impact on the statement of the case of gin, as portrayed interval Gin and like the distraught after hearing of the Koran
This Sura carried various types of repetition represent wordy repeat itself and repeat some of the votes as well as the repeated sound of a thousand who remained in Sura breaks Bhaa also repeat the voice of the shredder breaks
Linguistic sounds of Koranic breaks played a significant role in a statement carried by the linguistic meaning of these interludes

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
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Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Stock Markets in the Anti-Money Laundering
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لم تعد ظاهرة غسل الأموال ظاهرةً محلیة أو إقلیمیة، فكل دولة معرضة لهذه الظاهرة لانتأثیراتها تستهدف الإنسان أینما كان باستهدافها الأوضاع الاقتصادیة والمالیة والاجتماعیة وحتىالأخلاقیة، سواء على المستوى الوطني أم على المستوي الدولي، فضلاً عن استغلال الاندماج الحاصلفي أسواق المال الدولیة والتطور التقني في الأنظمة المالیة لنقل الأموال المراد غسلها وتحریكها إلى إيمكان في العالم، وهو ما

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Wed Jan 01 2014
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Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables
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Nathaniel Hawthorne is famous for his psychological and moral themes. He is also famous for using symbolism in presenting his poignant themes of sin and its consequences. This research paper studies the use of symbols in Hawthorne's The House of Seven gables as an example of his general use of symbolism in his novels. The general pattern of Hawthorne's symbolism is that he presents one major symbol that embodies the main idea, and supports it with a number of minor symbols that develop and elucidate it. In The House of the Seven Gables, the major symbol is the house itself, which stands for corruption, evil, and the injustice of the past. This symbol is supported by such secondary symbols as the heart, the fountain, the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Aesthetics of the Digital Sound Effects in Television Drama
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The sound effects in TV dramas achievements have become very important not only in terms of function and implementation, but at a greater and wider level in terms of artistic and aesthetic values, which are produced and employed in the most important world artistic achievements of drama, using the latest and most prominent technologies and equipment and according to the expressive and dramatic values expressed by these modern digital sound effects. Therefore, the researcher chose the aesthetic effect of digital sound effects in television drama to identify the aesthetic aspects provided by digital sound effects by employing them and their accompaniment for the image.

The researcher, therefor, divided this study into the methodolo

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effects of stubbornness is understood in the Holy Qur’an
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Stubbornness is of the nature of the mean, we do not see it in the character of a person whose heart God filled with faith, wisdom and knowledge. And stubbornness does not fall into it except hearts that are arrogant, envious and objectionable, hearts that do not admit mistakes, and are not satisfied with the truth. Rather, you see humiliation,humiliation and shortcomings in returning to Him. He loves corruption * Except in humiliation, humiliation and shortcomings, the stubborn fall, even if they are proud when it is said to him, "Beware of God", pride takes him for sin, so his count is Hell, and his misery.


traces of stubbornness    :key wor

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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Modern architecture in the planning of the city of Baghdad
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The city of Baghdad underwent various changes and developments, which significantly influenced its urban character. And other urban fabric. The most prominent changes in the architecture of that period characterized by the emergence and spread of modern architecture, it represents the period between the 1940s and the late seventies of the twentieth century, which had its many reasons and various factors that paved and supported, and even encouraged the spread of modern architecture of the world, The advanced world in the adoption of a global architecture spread in the city of Baghdad by a number of international architects and Iraqis, who came from those countries and saturation ideas

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