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The Meanings Mentioned in the Quran - objective study
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Praise be to God, who has seen uniting the wonders of manufactures, and pronounced Pthamidh oddity Alambdoat, and swam his creation in different languages, Glory is not equal to one in the earth and the heavens, praise Him, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner certificate towering branches, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger sent swage Arab government balance, and clearest statement, and the highest residence and Ohllagha words, and Oovaha Zmama, he pointed the way and advised the creation, and the month of Islam, breaking idols, and showed provisions, uncle Balanaam, God separated blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and the God of the good and virtuous and his companions honorable sons and his wives and offspring in every forum and denominator.
After: there is no doubt that the mention of God and his prayer is the best of what it spent times and spent a breathtaking, and the best closer by slave to his Lord Almighty, which is the key to all that is good bestowed slave in this world and the hereafter. When God slave gave this key has wanted to open his and when the bounty left the door goodness Mrtja without him, remains a troubled heart, muddle-hearted, distracting thought, much anxiety,weak vigor and the will, but if the governor of the mention of God and prayed and frequent Alljo him, his heart be reassured his penis to his Lord, and diminish the benefits and virtues and fruits precious ripe in the world and the Hereafter what is known only to God ... and that Almstaheda the light of faith, and the beholder into insight, has learned an investigation; it's not the way to collect the happiness in this world and the hereafter, and win high degrees, Neil Reza right Almighty; but Bmdaomh mentioned by the Almighty, and took heart from much luck paid tribute and veneration, and he realized that he certainly does not zakat for this heart is not goodness to him; however, that is God Almighty beloved and highly required, so there is no way to absolutely, but his knowledge of the Almighty and attendance mentioned. I found it is necessary to discuss this issue and the statement of his order and meaning in the texts of the Koran and I teach an objective study I called (the meanings mentioned in the Koran objective study), and made him after the introduction of five sections and a conclusion: First topic: the meaning of the language of male and idiomatically. The second topic: the male species, and be rewarded for it from him. The third topic: the benefits mentioned in this world and the hereafter. The fourth topic: the meanings mentioned in the Koranic texts. The fifth topic: the remembrance of Allah Almighty and good relates.
(We ask God Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, to guide us to what he loves and is pleased، And that makes this work-to-face Karim)

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
Exploring the modulation of MLH1 and MSH2 gene expression in hesperetin-treated breast cancer cells (BT-474)
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A<sc>BSTRACT</sc> <p>The major mortality factor for women globally is breast cancer, and current treatments have several adverse effects. Hesperetin (HSP) is a flavone that occurs naturally with anti-tumor capabilities and has been investigated as a potential treatment for cancer. This study aimed to investigate the cytotoxic and anti-malignant potential of HSP on breast cancer cells (BT-474) and normal cells (MCF-10a). The results indicated that HSP has dose-dependent cytotoxicity in BT-474 and MCF-10a cells. The elevated concentration of HSP lowered cell viability and proliferation. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC<sub>50</sub>) of HSP in BT-</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Rizgary Hospital Building In Erbil City, the Capital City of KR of Iraq
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Collapsing building structures during recent earthquakes, especially in Northern and Eastern Kurdistan, including the 2003 earthquake in Cewlig; the 2011 earthquake in Van; and the 2017 earthquake near Halabja province, has raised several concerns about the safety of pre-seismic code buildings and emergency facilities in Erbil city. The seismic vulnerability assessment of the hospital buildings as emergency facilities is one of the necessities which have a critical role in the recovery period following earthquakes. This research aims to study in detail and to extend the present knowledge about the seismic vulnerability of the Rizgary public hospital building in Erbil city, which was constructed before releasing the seism

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Optimization of Separator Size and Operating Pressure for Three-phase Separators in the West Qurna1 Oil Field
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An optimization study was conducted to determine the optimal operating pressure for the oil and gas separation vessels in the West Qurna 1 oil field. The ASPEN HYSYS software was employed as an effective tool to analyze the optimal pressure for the second and third-stage separators while maintaining a constant operating pressure for the first stage. The analysis involved 10 cases for each separation stage, revealing that the operating pressure of 3.0 Kg/cm2 and 0.7 Kg/cm2 for the second and third stages, respectively, yielded the optimum oil recovery to the flow tank. These pressure set points were selected based on serval factors including API gravity, oil formation volume factor, and gas-oil ratio from the flow tank.    To impro

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Population Dynamics of the Terrestrial - Isopod species Armadillidium vulgare Latrielle , 1804 in AL - Jadriyia District -Baghdad - Iarq .
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The Present Work includes the study of the population dynamics of Armadillidium vulgare in AL- Jadiriya region in Baghdad. Monthly samples were collected using a quadrat 0.0625 m2 from November 2007 to November 2008.. The population density of A.vulgare, ranged from 880 ind/m2 in May to251 ind/m2 in January respectively. This species showed high aggregation dispersion in the study area. The sex ratio showed that the number of females were more than that of males and significantly differd (P < 0.05) during the reproductive months. Furthermore, it was found that the juveniles of species were present at most time of the year, But the large sized groups have been observed during summer and spring. And showed a positive linear correlations betwe

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Ultrasound of the Rotator Cuff: A Comparison of Ultrasonographic and Physical Examination Finding in Seventy Consecutive Cases
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Background : Shoulder pain is a common problem that can pose difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for the family physician It is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in the general population, and account for 5% of all general practitioners musculoskeletal consults
Objective: To determine the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography compared with the physical examination for detection of rotator cuff tears in painful shoulder syndrome.
Method: Prospective study was done on seventy patients (48 male, 22 female), age ranged between 30-70 years (mean age 50 years), From February 2007 to July 2011, were subjected to comparative study in Al-Kindy teaching hospital with rotator cuff tears, including physical and ul

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Two Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of 4-AminoAntipyrine in Presence of Its Acidic Products
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Simple, economic and sensitive mathematical spectrophotometric methods were developed for the estimation 4-aminoantipyrine in presence of its acidic product. The estimation of binary mixture 4-aminoantipyrine and its acidic product was achieved by first derivative and second derivative spectrophotometric methods by applying zero-crossing at (valley 255.9nm and 234.5nm) for 4-aminoantipyrine and (peak 243.3 nm and 227.3nm) for acidic product. The value of coefficient of determination for the liner graphs were not less than 0.996 and the recovery percentage were found to be in the range from 96.555 to 102.160. Normal ratio spectrophotometric method 0DD was used 50 mg/l acidic product as a divisor and then measured at 299.9 nm with correlat

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The Determination of Lower Limit Detection of X-Ray Fluorescence for Zinc Powder Suspended in Engine Oil
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In this work Different weight of pure Zinc powder suspended particles in 4ml base engine Oil were used.
Intensity of Kα Line was measured for the suspended particles ,also for mixture which consist from Zinc particle blended with Engine base Oil. Calibration Curve was drawn between Ikα line Intensity and Zinc concentration at different operation condition. The Lower Limit detection (LLD) and Sensitivity (m) of Spectrometer were determined for different Zinc Concentration (Wt%). The results of LLD and m for Samples were analyzed at Operation Condition of 30KV,17mA is best from Samples were analyzed at Operation Condition of 25KV,15mA

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2000
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Influence of Temperature on Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in Air-Saturated 7NH3PO4 by Potassium Iodide
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Digital Image Authentication Algorithm Based on Fragile Invisible Watermark and MD-5 Function in the DWT Domain
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Using watermarking techniques and digital signatures can better solve the problems of digital images transmitted on the Internet like forgery, tampering, altering, etc. In this paper we proposed invisible fragile watermark and MD-5 based algorithm for digital image authenticating and tampers detecting in the Discrete Wavelet Transform DWT domain. The digital image is decomposed using 2-level DWT and the middle and high frequency sub-bands are used for watermark and digital signature embedding. The authentication data are embedded in number of the coefficients of these sub-bands according to the adaptive threshold based on the watermark length and the coefficients of each DWT level. These sub-bands are used because they a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
A Comprehensive Review of Drivers influencing Flu Vaccine Acceptance in the Middle East: Using Health Belief Model
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Rationale, aims and objectives: A review of studies published over the last six years gives update about this hot topic. In the middle of COVID-19 pandemic, this study findings can help understand how population may perceive vaccinations. The objectives of this study were to review the literature covering the perceptions about influenza vaccines and to determine factors influencing the acceptance of vaccination using Health Belief Model (HBM). Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed utilizing PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Three keywords were used: Influenza vaccine, perceptions, and Middle East. Empirical studies that dealt with people/ HCW perceptions of influenza vaccine in the Middle East and writt

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