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The aesthetic of the Quranic voice and its relation to the meaning
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The Qur'an is an inexhaustible source for researchers, and all of them find a rich material for its research, and no wonder in it is the book of the greatest Arabic. Quranic research has been an attempt to extract the secret in the miracle of the Koran, and not the Quranic miracle is limited to the word and its meaning, but that the miracle extends to include every sound in motion or silent; the sound performance of the Quranic text increases the meaning of beauty and earns the word heartbeat, Souls; and this may be due to the beauty of voice in the performance and harmony between sounds and words, and harmony between the exits and descriptions, or the tides of the tides,
Based on the above and to show the miraculous aspects of the Quranic statement, the idea of my research came (the aesthetic of the voice of the Quranic verse and its relation to the meaning). For everyone who reads the Book of God read in a visual sense of beauty and pleasure that is not found in the words of human beings, Whatever the secret of beautiful beauty, which is high in the Quranic text makes it a distinct text, fills the soul with certainty the greatness of God and majesty and I will try to answer through research research is based on the extrapolation of texts and analysis according to the descriptive approach.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 14 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Comparing the histological effect of Thymol from multiple sources with blood lipids profile and liver enzymes in Albino Mice
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The therapeutic value of the phenolic component and pure thymol was well known; this study comprised the extraction of crude phenol from two plants (Thymus vulgaris and Artemisia annua) which contain thymol with pure thymol and evaluate their effect on hematological and histological by using three different concentrations of each plant extract and pure thymol to tested them on lab mice. All the mice were allowed free access to water and feed for 21 days in laboratory conditions; orally, pure water was administered to the control mice (group I), while groups II, III, and IV were given orally with T. vulgaris, A. annua, combination of last two crude phenol plant extract 50:50 and pure thymol respectively. The levels of CHO, TRI, and HDL were

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al-fatih Journal
A comparative study of resistance training on land and in the aqueousTo develop some capacity for three Al Wathba
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أن التطور العلمي الحاصل فيما يخص المجال الرياضي أرسى آفاق جديدة لمواكبة التطور الكبير في مجا ل الألعاب والفعاليات الرياضية المختلفة ,و أن تحقيق النتائج الجيدة في فعاليات العاب القوى بشكل عام والثلاثية بشكل خاص في التدريب الرياضي يتطلب إتباع الأساليب العلمية الدقيقة والموضوعية بشكل سليم ومخطط له،فضلا عنة تطبيق نظريات ومنحى جديد لمواكبة الاتجاهات الحديثة في تحقيق النتائج الجيدة للوصول إلى المستويات العالية

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 03 2024
Journal Name
The effect of purposeful three-dimensional training on developing some motor abilities and skill performance among female fencing players
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O estudo destaca a necessidade crítica de se focar nas capacidades físicas, motoras e técnicas das jogadoras de esgrima, desenvolvendo e testando metodologias de treino modernas, baseadas na ciência, adaptadas às exigências específicas do desporto. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do treino tridimensional visando melhorar as capacidades motoras e o desempenho técnico dos participantes. Recorrendo a um desenho experimental, o estudo envolveu a formação de grupos experimentais e de controlo. A amostra incluiu 16 esgrimistas da Faculdade Feminina de Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto. Após a exclusão de dois jogadores durante a fase exploratória, os restantes 14 foram divididos igualmente em grupos experimental

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of a psychological counselling approach on cognitive load and mental fatigue among young 110-meter hurdles athletes
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The research aimed to identify and build two specialized scales for cognitive load and mental stress and to identify the level of each of them among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, and to prepare a psychological counseling approach to reduce the level of cognitive load and mental stress among 110-meter steeplechase runners among youth, so that the two research hypotheses are that there are differences. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring cognitive load. There are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre- and post-tests of the experimental group in measuring mental stress. The experimental method w

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning (ijet)
The Effectiveness of Educational Pillars Based on Vygotsky's Theory in Achievement and Information Processing Among First Intermediate Class Students
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The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of the educational pillars strategy based on Vygotsky's theory in mathematical achievement and information processing of first-grade intermediate students. In pursuit of the research objectives, the experimental method was used, and the quasi-experimental design was used for two equivalent groups, one control group taught traditionally and the other experi-mental taught according to the educational pillars strategy. The research sample consisted of (66) female students from the first intermediate grade, who were inten-tionally chosen after ensuring their equivalence, taking into account several factors, most notably chronological age and their level of mathematics, and they we

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Nov 11 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
Effect of Topical Melatonin Application on the Peri-Implant Proximal Bone Level and Cortical Plate Thickness (Pilot Clinical Trial)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2023
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Studying the Molecular Interactions for Potash Alum with Distilled Water and Aqueous Solution of Ethylene Glycol at Different Temperatures.
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Spectroscopy
Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Naphazoline Nitrate in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Preparations by Using 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-Sulfonate
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A simple, accurate, and cost-efficient UV-Visible spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of naphazoline nitrate (NPZ) in pure and pharmaceutical formulations. The suggested method was based on the nucleophilic substitution reaction of NPZ with 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonate sodium salt in alkaline medium at 80°C to form an orange/red-colored product of maximum absorption (λmax) at 483 nm. The stoichiometry of the reaction was determined via Job's method and limiting logarithmic method, and the mechanism of the reaction was postulated. Under the optimal conditions of the reaction, Beerʼs law was obeyed within the concentration range 0.5–50 μg/mL, the molar absorptivity value (ε) was 5766.5 L × mol–1 × c

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 17 2023
Journal Name
Migration Letters
Employing the Teleological-Causal Presumption between Al-Khwarizmi and Ibn Yaish’s Explanations of Al-Mufasal (even) as a Model
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It is a moral presumption that includes the object for its sake, and it is called the object for it or the object for its sake, which is the present tense after (lam, ki, fa, willn, and then), and it is not an excuse for the occurrence of the matter (1), and it requires a connection between the two sides of (a cause with a cause) united by a reason for a specific purpose (2). The object has a reason or an excuse, because it is an explanation of what came before it, of the cause. The reason for the occurrence of the action, being the motive for causing the action and the bearer of it (3), indicates that the infinitive is restricted to a special reason. So if I said: (I came to you with the hope of honoring you), then I attributed the coming

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Vitamin A on Testis Weight and Sexual Glands on Albino Male Mice Treated with Hexavalent Chromium
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of vitamin A ( 10 mg/kg ) on avearage testis weight and sexual glands ( Prostate and Seminal Vesicle ) for albino male mice treated with Hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) .The current study 40 mice were divided into fife groups : 1st group treated with distilled water and considered an control group (C) / the 2nd group treated with sesame oil ( T1) / 3rd group was givin hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T2) / 4th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg / kg ) and exposed to hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T3) / 5th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg kg ) (T4) . The expermint lasted 35 day . the results showed a significant ( P ? 0.05 ) decrease in avearage testis weight and sexual glan

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