Reading strategies are of interest for what they reveal about the ways readers manage their interaction with written texts and how these strategies are related to text understanding, acquisition ,storage ,and retrieval of information .In EFL comprehension lessons, the students try to work out interpretations of the meaning related to the written word through the usage of different comprehension strategies. Yet, there are moments where the participants in the classroom fail to reach a successful understanding of the passage read despite the guidance of the teacher. The present research aims at investigating and identifying moments of comprehension failure and reasons behind them .It also aims at specifying the different strategies used in terms of type and number of occurrences. It is hypothesized that some students in EFL classrooms fail to understand parts of written texts because they do not use any kind of strategy at particular stages of the comprehension process. The samples selected for the research are the two sections of first year students in the Department of English language, College of Arts and Letters in Cihan University. Each section included 30 students who study comprehension as a basic course ,through their first academic year, in an average of 3 hours per week. Eight comprehension lessons have been recorded and the passages discussed during these lessons , were chosen from the students' text book ‘’Practice & Progress’’ by L.G. Alexander, 1967. The research provides a brief overview of the studies related to the process of reading comprehension .It also illustrates the ways many linguists identified the factors contributing to understanding written texts during the previous years. This is followed by mentioning the general strategies that are used by learners of the English language with explanation of their meaning and role in comprehending written texts. Section two presents the analysis of the recorded lessons. Though the discussions of eight passages were recorded, only three of them were included in the research due to shortage of space. Moments of comprehension failure are specified by the letters (CF) with reference to the reason. Types of strategies used during the lessons are identified as well. Finally, it is concluded that the students sometimes fail to grasp the meaning of some lines or parts of a text because they don't use certain strategies .The analysis of the lessons also shows that the strategies that are mostly used by the students, in their attempt to understand what they read, are: using prior knowledge, inferring meaning, questioning, visualizing, and determining importance which are used in sequence and number of occurrences that differ from one text to another .On the other hand, strategies like synthesizing and summarizing are hardly ever used in some texts and never used in others. The research also illustrates the significant role of the teacher that contributes to the students’ critical thinking and understanding of the written text
Several studies have indicated that more than 600 cities in the world (intermas of rapid growth and development) will generate about 60% of international economic growth between 2010 and 2025 . by 2025 , 66% of the worlds population will live in urban areas the management of cities will face challenges that accompany this increase in the population which requires preparing to face these challenges and problems and the need to provide the aim of the research to know the readiness of Baghdad city to implement the strategies of urban management throught on asmple representing the ( Advisiry group for the comprechnsive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030 and its supporters ) in the municipality of Baghdad and the number of
... Show MoreThe present study analyzes the violation of the strategies of conversation in two English plays namely Richard II and King Lear. The present study tries to achieve the following goals: 1. showing how the strategies of real conversation can be applied to conversation in plays. 2. analyzing how the characters communicate with each other to discover how Shakespeare violates the strategies of conversation in depicting his characters. The study has been conducted on the bases of the following hypotheses:
- The strategies of conversation which are derived from the study of natural conversation can be applied to conversation in drama with some modification for dramatic purposes.
Before introducing an accurate description of the publication of news about the Iraqi-British war in the press of the Great Iraqi revolution, it is necessary to note the importance of this research as it examines a remarkable phenomenon that lies at the heart of public attention at this particular time, where we live the repercussions of a new war similar, with some of its facts and activities, to the events of the Great Iraqi Revolution that broke out in many Iraqi cities. Therefore, the results of this research can be a starting point for new research characterization of the phenomenon of news coverage of war in the Iraqi press.
The importance of research in the press of the Great Iraqi Revolution, according to the well-known r
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... Show MoreAll over the world and in different societies and cultures , people are always looking for different ways of favourable , gentle smooth and soft communication .The 'powerful linguistic devices ' that are embedded in the daily English language is called "euphemism". It plays an important and vital role in daily communication. It represents a significant part of English . It is used to express any aspect of everyday realities such as the business world , mass media , etc. The comprehension of such realities can not be verified unless a reasonable command of euphemism is achieved.
Euphemism is defined according to various perspectives and views. It is " that figure of speech which consists in the substitution of a word or expression of c
The paper investigates the impact of role-playing as a classroom technique on Iraqi EFL students’ speaking skill on Iraqi EFL students at the college level. The students are 40 college language students in University of Baghdad, College of Education Ibn-Rushd randomly chosen. Then, they were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups. Thirty questions were applied to both groups as a pre-test of speaking and the students asked to answer them orally. The experimental group was taught speaking skill of the targeted role-play technique while the control group was taught in traditional method. After 20 lessons of the teaching, the post-test of speaking was conducted in which the students in both groups were asked to answ
... Show MoreAfter the fall of the Third Dynasty of Ur at the hands of the Elamites during the reign of its last ruler, King Ibi-Sin, the Amorites continued to flow more into Mesopotamia in the form of large migrations that established a number of contemporary and conflicting ruling dynasties that formed the Old Babylonian era. Among these dynasties was the Larsa dynasty, founded by King Nablanum in the city of Larsa. The fourth king who ruled in the Larsa dynasty, Gungunum, was one of the most powerful kings who stood up to the Isin dynasty, which had until that time enjoyed great political superiority in the country. The kings who ruled after him expanded their influence and controlled a number of cities, especially the cities of Nippur and Uruk, whic
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In its theoretical farm, the research adobet the subject of human resource management strategies and the cognitive skills. It comes as result of the rapid development which considers it human resource. as main axis in organization , the research in includes ,connective analysis , between human resource management strategies and cognitive skills which is considers one of the new concept that should be studied widly so that the organization can be able recognize it as concept and type and its importance for people in the organization.The study method was descriptive and analytics , it identified collation of hypothesis which were by statist too
... Show MoreThis study aims to investigate the types of impoliteness strategies used in Putin's speech at the annexation ceremony. All of Putin's speeches were intentionally delivered to cause damage to the hearers' negative and positive faces. Culpeper's (2011) classifications of impoliteness, which consist of five strategies that are the opposite of politeness, were adopted. The data were collected from the President of Russia, providing a rich source for analysis. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were employed to achieve the study objectives. Qualitative analysis allowed for a detailed examination of the impoliteness strategies employed, while quantitative analysis provided a broader understanding of their frequency and distribution. Putin most
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