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Thinking skills and its Relationship to Some Variables to Four Grade Primary School Pupils with Slow Learning Abilities
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The problem of slow learning in primary schools’ pupils is not a local or private one. It is also not related to a certain society other than others or has any relation to a particular culture, it is rather an international problem of global nature. It is one of the well-recognized issues in education field. Additionally, it is regarded as one of the old difficulties to which ancient people gave attention. It is discovered through the process of observing human behaviour and attempting to explain and predict it.
Through the work of the two researchers via frequent visits to primary schools that include special classes for slow learning pupils, in addition to the fact that one of the researcher has a child with slow learning issue, the researcher realized that there is a large number of pupils who suffer slow learning difficulty. The researchers carried out anexploratory experiment on over 20 teachers of special education, concluding that there is about 80% of slow learning pupils suffer from thinking skills deficiency.
The concept of thinking skills as pointed out by Debono (2003) is that they are mental skills that can be improved through exercise and learning. That can be done through preparing situations and creating a suitable system. That should lead to the acquisition og the knowledge and information on the part of the learner. This is supposed to lead the learner to the search for further knowledge of deeper nature, creating good learning. The concept of slow learning, on the other hand, is the child who suffer from a simple retardation qualification or a child of normal brain abilities, but for a certain reason takes a longer time in learning in comparison to his/her peers.
The current study aims at identifying thinking skills for fourth primary grade pupils. The study is limited to the number of 150 pupils of fourth primary grade who suffer from slow learning of male gender only. The researcher prepared a test to measure thinking skills for those pupils.
According to the results of the study the researcher reached a number of conclusions and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Electronic payments system and its relationship to the effectiveness of commercial banks: Applied Research
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      That the electronic payments system plays an important role in the effectiveness of commercial banks by attracting domestic or foreign investors, especially in the banking sector , It must keep abreast of global developments and technology in the field of banking that lead to the effectiveness of the bank by providing modern banking services and good customer service that improves the reputation of the bank, as well as develop its activities and promotes economic development at the country level , The technological progress of the bank will increase the speed of conducting banking operations, accuracy and safer , here should be laws and regulations related to electronic payment systems keep pace with the la

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Gender stereotyping and its relationship to the level of performance of public relations employees
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This article focuses on the relationship of gender to the effectiveness of both women and men in public relations work. Its aim is to identify the extent to which public relations employees are aware of the concept of gender, and to reveal the role of the institution in determining certain roles for both women and men at work, as well as to find out which employees are most effective in public relations activities within the institution.

The researcher uses public relations employees and officials in Iraqi ministries as a research sample to capture the point of view of both parties on the effectiveness of workers in public relations based on the definition of gender. The sample consists of 396 individuals

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measurement of double-thinking among university students
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Current search targeted to:
  1 - Measurement of double-thinking among university students.
  2 - Identify the significant differences in the degrees of double-thinking members of the sample according to the variables of sex (male - female), specialty (I know - a human).
      To achieve the objectives of the research chose researcher samples from the community of the first search for statistical analysis, has reached 400 students, and the second sample of the application of the final, has reached (480) students were selected randomly with simple check of equal value, and the researcher building a search tool double think, After the completion of the scale-building measures think

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Smart Thinking at Secondary Schools' Students
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Present research is aimed knowing of smart thinking for secondary schools' students. and discover statistically significant differences in Smart Thinking due to the couple variables of (Gender – Branch)
For the purpose of verification of the aims of the research, the researcher has prepared a smart thinking scale, the scale has been applied on sample of secondary schools' students for both Branches (Scientific & Literary One).It was contingent (500) student male and female were chosen stratified random method.
After data analyze the reached results: The Preparatory fourth grade students have smart thinking. Female smart thinking enjoy a much higher degree than males. and Scientific branch students enjoy thinking and much high

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between the multiple intelligence and the numerical sense of mathematic subject among 4th secondary stage students
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The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the multiple intelligence and the numerical sense. The chosen population of the study was the 4th secondary stage students. The sample consisted of 400 female and male student. The researcher utilized two test; multiple intelligence test which include three categories of intelligence (logical-mathematical, spatial, and linguistics) consisted of (36) item, and the numerical sense test that consisted of (44) item. The two tests were constructed by the researcher himself. The psychometric properties of the test were also verified. The results showed that there was a correlation between the multiple intelligence and the numerical sense as well as the students’ means scores

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Importance of Banking Merger To Promote Iraqi Banks Faltering and Slow Using The Logistic Regression Model
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The research examined with the importance banking merger to address the situation of Troubled banks in Iraq, Through The use of Logistic Regression Model. . The study attempted to present a conceptual aspect of banking merger and logistic regression, as well as the applied aspect which includes a sample consisting of six private Iraqi banks, and the hypothesis of the study is that the promotion of mergers among banks has positive impacts on improving the efficiency of performance of troubled banks, which contributes to the increase of banking services, raise of their financial indicators and the high liquidity and profits of the new banking entity as it is a way to overcome the prevailing banking crises.

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Publication Date
Mon May 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study aims to Statement of the relationship between Total Quality Management philosophy and Organizational performance from the point of view of the internal customer. A comparison has been made between two companies, one of which applies the requirements of TQM well and the other does not apply these requirements as the (General Company for Electrical Industries/ Diyala) and (General Company for Electrical Industries/ Baghdad) to conduct the search, During the questionnaire prepared for this purpose and distributed to a sample of 30 employees in the General Company for Electric Industries/ Diyala and (20) employees of the General Company for Electrical Industries/ Baghdad. Their answers were analyzed using a simple correlation coef

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Skills of Intended Meaning behind the Context when Reading Poetry among Fifth Grade Students- Literary Branch from Teachers’ Perspectives
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        The current research aims to investigate the skills of the intended meaning beyond the context when reading poetry among fifth literary students. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has followed the descriptive approach and used two tools: an open questionnaire that includes an inquiry about the skills of the intended meaning beyond the poetic context, and a closed questionnaire that were examined by the juries, and modified accordingly. Besides, its validity and stability were examined by applying the study on an exploratory sample of (15) teachers to reach its final version and determine the time required to answer it. Then, the researcher applied it on the research sample of (9

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 24 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
The effect of the use of the Colb model according to the two forms (adaptive, ascending) in learning some of the technical skills of women
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The objective of the study was to identify the effect of the use of the Colb model for the students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad,As well as to identify the differences between the research groups in the remote tests in learning skills using the model Colb.The researcher used the experimental method and included the sample of the research on the students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Baghdad by drawing lots, the third division (j) was chosen to represent the experimental group,And the third division (c) to represent the control groupafter the distribution of the sample splitting measure according to the Colb mode

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العجز النفسي وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات
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يكون الفرد الذي يعاني من العجز النفسي عاجزاً عن التكيف مَعَ الضغوط النفسية الناتجة عن الظروف الشخصية والاجتماعية مما يؤدي إِلَى تعرض الفرد إِلَى مشاكل في إنجازه الدراسي وتعرضه لمشاكل في مجال علاقاته الاجتماعية بحيث يكون الفرد منزعجاً وناضباً في علاقاته مَعَ الناس وردود فعل الآخرين نحوه تتسم بالنفور والكراهية والغضب والحقد غير ذلك من المشاعر السلبية ، لذا استهدف البحث الحالي ما يأتي :

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