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In This paper, sky radio emission background level associated with radio storm burst for the Sun and Jupiter is determined at frequency (20.1 MHz). The observation data for radio Jove telescope for the Sun and Jupiter radio storm observations data are loaded from NASA radio Jove telescope website, the data of Sunspot number are loaded from National Geophysical Data Center, (NGDC). Two radio Jove stations [(Sula, MT), (Lamy, NM)] are chose from data website for these huge observations data. For the Sun, twelve figures are used to determine the relation between radio background emission, and the daily Sunspot number. For Jupiter a twenty four figures are used to determine the relation between radio background emission and diffraction between Sunset and observation time.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of electron energy distribution function and transport parameters for CF4 and Ar gases discharge by using the solution of Boltzmann equation-Part I

The Boltzmann transport equation is solved by using two- terms approximation for pure gases . This method of solution is used to calculate the electron energy distribution function and electric transport parameters were evaluated in the range of E/N varying from . 172152110./510.VcmENVcm
From the results we can conclude that the electron energy distribution function of CF4 gas is nearly Maxwellian at (1,2)Td, and when E/N increase the distribution function is non Maxwellian. Behavior of electrons transport parameters is nearly from the experimental results in references. The drift velocity of electron in carbon tetraflouride is large compared with other gases

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Analysis of X-ray diffraction lines profile of Tio2 nanoparticles to determine the energy per unit volume and stress by using Halder-Wagner method

In this study, the Halder-Wagner method was used for an analysisX-ray lines of Tio2 nanoparticles. Where the software was used to calculate the FWHM and integral breath (β) to calculate the area under the curve for each of the lines of diffraction. After that, the general equation of the halder- Wagner method is applied to calculate the volume (D), strain (ε), stress (σ), and energy per unit(u). Volume (β). Where the value of the crystal volume was equal to (0.16149870 nm) and the strain was equal to (1.044126), stress (181.678 N / m2), and energy per unit volume (94.8474 J m-3).The results obtained from these methods were then compared with those obtained from each of the new paradigm of the HalderWagner method, the Shearer developm

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using the Oral Open-Ended Questions on Achievement and Developing Creative Thinking for Third-stage Arabic Department of Education College Students

The problem of present study is determined by answering the following questions:                                                                   

1) What is the effect of using the oral open- ended questions on Students' achievement in the third-stage of Arabic department in the college of Education? 2) What is the effect of the oral open-ended questions on developing the creative thinking of students in

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and analyzing the effect of foreign debt on the gross domestic product in Morocco for the period 1990-2017 using the ARDL Test


The research aims to identify the magnitude of the impact of external debt on the gross domestic product in Morocco, and the importance of research lies in the role that external debt plays in addressing structural imbalances, if it is best disposed of according to well-studied economic plans by specialists in this regard, especially if these debts are directed with Other resources, as it helps pay the costs of these debts (debt servicing) that the external debt also raises the level of gross domestic product, and the research starts from the hypothesis that: There is an effect of foreign debt on the GDP in Morocco, has contributed in one way or another to The exacerbation of the external debt, which affected the m

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study on Using Cement Kiln Dust and Plastic Bottle Waste to Improve the Geotechnical Characteristics of Expansive Soils in Sulaimani City, Northern Iraq

In this study, stabilization of expansive soils using waste materials namely; Cement Kiln Dust (CKD), and waste plastic bottles (WPB) was experimentally investigated. Using CKD and WPB are exponentially increasing day by day, due to their capability to solve both environmental and geotechnical problems successfully. Expansive soils were collected from locations with a wide range of plasticity index (PI) (15 - 27) and liquid limit (LL) (35% - 64%). Stabilizer percentages were varied from 0% to 20%, and curing durations for CKD cases were 7 and 28 days. Results showed the best percentages of CKD and WPB are 12% of each one respectively. LL, plastic limit (PL), and swelling percent (SP) loss were observed, which are 46%, 55%, and 96% respec

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
A Comparative Evaluation of Post-Operative Pain and Function after Gingival Depigmentation Using 940 Nm Diode Laser And Conventional Bur Method: 6 Months Study

The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of diode laser (λ=940 nm) in the management of gingival hyperpigmentation compared to the conventional bur method. Materials and methods: Eighteen patients with gingival hyperpigmentation were selected for the study with an age between 12-37 years old. The site of treatment was the upper gingiva using diode laser for the right half and the conventional method for the left half. All patients were re-evaluated after the following intervals: 3 days, 7 days, 1 month and 6 months post-operation. Pain and functions were re-evaluated in each visit for a period of 1 day, 3 days and 1 week post-operation. Laser parameters included 1.5 W in continuous mode with an initiated tip (400 μm) placed in

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance evaluation of vocational and administrative institutions in the media using the bench-marking of new media: analytical study in the Journal of time

Provides the style of benchmarking the best possible use whenevaluating the performance and evaluation, as well as improved performance,due to its consistency with the principles of good evaluation of theperformance, an extension of the completion of several functions of the timeand cost less, thereby increasing the efficiency of the management of theinstitutions, especially institutions, the media, as it became public the future ofthe message sender to the same time Zaorosaúl new media is challenging thetraditional media of what distinguishes this new interactive media and mass ledto this transition . However, the media Aljdidhoosaúl traditional mediacontinue to coexist and reinforce each Menhmaalakhr, for his wealth offreedom of opin

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Monitoring Pollution and the Trend of Air Quality in Brick Factories in the Nahrawan Region and its Impact on Baghdad, Using Remote Sensing Data

One of the most significant environmental issues facing the planet today is air pollution. Due to development in industry and population density, air pollution has lately gotten worse. Like many developing nations, Iraq suffers from air pollution, particularly in its urban areas with heavy industry. Our research was carried out in Baghdad's Al-Nahrawan neighbourhood. Recently, ground surveys and remote sensing were used to study the monitoring of air pollution. In order to extract different gaseous and particle data, Earth Data source, Google Earth Engine (GEE), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software were all employed. The findings demonstrated that there is a significant positive connection between data collected by ground-ba

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of governmental consumer spending on the development of the current account balance in Iraq for the period (1990-2014) using ARDL model

To avoid the negative effects due to inflexibility of the domestic production inresponse to the increase in government consumption expenditure leads to more  imports to meet the increase in domestic demand resulting from the increase in government consumption expenditure. Since the Iraqi economy economy yield unilateral depends on oil revenues to finance spending, and the fact government consumer spending is a progressive high flexibility the increase in overall revenues, while being a regressive flexibility is very low in the event of reduced public revenues, and therefore lead to a deficit in the current account position. And that caused the deficit for imbalance are the disruption of the

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection of Anti-cancer Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized using Aqueous Mushroom Extract of Pleurotus ostreatus on MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line

     In this research, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were manufactured using aqueous extract of mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus. Anticancer potential of AgNPs was investigated versus human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Cytotoxic response was assessed by MTT assay. AgNPs showed inhibition effect at the following concentrations 12.5, 25, 50, 100 and 200 µg/ml versus MCF-7 cell line, and all treatments had a positive result. The MCF-7 cells were inhibited up to 85.14 % at the concentration 200 μg/ml of AgNPs which reduced cells viability to 14.86%, while 12.5 μg/ml of AgNPs caused 24.23% cells inhibition with reduction of cells viability to 75.77%.

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