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Use of Remote Sensing in the assessment and classification of land degradation in the district of Mahmudiya for the period 1990-2007
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The study consisted in the development and use of a practical method to detect and
monitor, analyze and produce maps of changes in land use and land cover in the district of
Mahmudiya in Baghdad during the period 1990-2007 using the applications of remote sensing
techniques and with the assisstant of geographic information systems (GIS),as a valuable
contribution to land degradation studies.
This study is based maiuly on the processing on two subsets of landsat5 TM images picked up
in August 1990 and 2007 respectively in order to facilitate comparision and were thengeometrically and radiometrcally calibrated ,to used for digital classification purposes using
maximum liklihoods classification or six spectral bands of both images as input (with the
thermal bands being excluded)for procedures of change detection proposed, as well as the use
of installation chromatograpiy analysis and visual interpretation using spectral bands (2,4,7)
and (2,3,4) respectively for the preparation of a maps foe the patterns of land cover and land
uses in the study area.
Change detection results showed an increase in the area of class urban areas, in the year
1990, the area of this product 9.8 km 2, and in the year 2007 has become a 60.9 km 2 area of
the image, and an increase in the area of class agricultural land unexploited In 1990, the area
of this product 1290.50 km 2, and the year 2007 has become a 1610.33 km2 of the image, and
increase the area of classified land saline, in the year 1990, the area of this product 183.27 km
2, and in the year 2007 has become a 328.31 km2 of the image as well as an increase in the
area of class cover the water, in the year 1990 was space This product was 46.2 km 2, and in
the year 2007 has become a 62.5 km 2 of the area of the image, on the other hand decreased
space class vegetation In 1990, the area of this product 1140 km 2, and in the year 2007 has
become a 575.31 km 2, and also a decrease in class of arid lands In the year 1990, the area of
this product 407.12 km 2, and in the year 2007 has become a 261.95 km 2 area of the image.
The results revealed the reasous of land degradation in the district of Mahmudiya It
showed that the reason for an increase in the cover of water is an increase in human
activities,including the increase in artificial lakes, fish, this is important reason of land
degradation to decrease in a agriculture area, and this led decline to increased salinization of
the soil, either decrease in the arid land was due to the increase of urban land at the expense of
the land reclamation has happened in these arid lands
Keywords : land degradation , Remote Sensing , land covor , land use.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Managementt o f non traumatic A vascular Necrosis off Femoral Head at precollapse stage with Core Decompression and tibial Bone Grafting
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 Avascular necrosis have always presented great challenges to orthopedic surgeons and patients, remain in many ways today the unsolved dilemma. Varieties of non-vascularized bone grafting techniques preceded by core decompression have been proposed with varying degrees of success. O bb j ee cc t i vv ee ss : The aim of this study is to review the the value of core decompression and non-vascularized tibial bone strip graft treatment for early stages of non-traumatic osteonecrosis stage II & III according to stein burg staging . M ee t hh oo dd ss : prospectively reviewed 26 patients (32 hips) with osteonecrosis of the femoral head between June 2006 and December 2013 at Imam Ali hospital in Sader city & Al-Wasity teaching hosp

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Electrochemical Science And Engineering
Phenol removal by electro-Fenton process using a 3D electrode with iron foam as particles and carbon fibre modified with graphene
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The 3D electro-Fenton technique is, due to its high efficiency, one of the technologies suggested to eliminate organic pollutants in wastewater. The type of particle electrode used in the 3D electro-Fenton process is one of the most crucial variables because of its effect on the formation of reactive species and the source of iron ions. The electrolytic cell in the current study consisted of graphite as an anode, carbon fiber (CF) modified with graphene as a cathode, and iron foam particles as a third electrode. A response surface methodology (RSM) approach was used to optimize the 3D electro-Fenton process. The RSM results revealed that the quadratic model has a high R2 of 99.05 %. At 4 g L-1 iron foam particles, time of 5 h, and

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
کاریگەری ستراتیجیەتی مێزگرد لەسەر دەستکەوتی بابەتی خوێندنەوە و ئەدەبی کوردی
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الرياضية
إدارة درس التربية الرياضية لدى الطالب المطبق وفقا المهارات التدريسية من وجهة ً الهم نظر اعضاء هيأة التدريس في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الإدراك الحسي الحركي لدى الطلبة المتفوقين والمتأخرين دراسيا في المدارس الإعدادية (بحث مستل من رسالة ماجستير بنفس العنوان / جامعة بغداد) كلية التربية للبنات 2009 م
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مشكلة البحث   The Problem of the Research


          يعّد التحصيل الدراسي للطلبة عموما من أهم أركان النشاط العقلي في المجال التربوي، فلا تكاد تخلو منه أيه مدرسة، أبتداءً من المدارس الابتدائية وقد تسبقها رياض الأطفال، إلى المدرسة الإعدادية والجامعية ، وقد تمتد إلى مراحل متقدمة في العمر، فكان الطالب وما يزال هو محور العملية ال

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
دراسة حالة: Case Study
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The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the impact of deposit insurance to reduce banking risks, as banks in various countries of the world face a variety of risks that led to banking and financial crises that led to the failure and bankruptcy of many of its bank, which led to the banks to find quick and appropriate solutions to get rid of these difficulties These solutions include the use of bank deposit protection system for the many risks and sequences of crises that accompanied the Iraqi banking work of thefts, forgery, embezzlement and changing and unstable circumstances. The importance of studying the subject of research through the theoretical framework of banking risks as well as the framework of consideration In order to

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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Saudi society’s trends towards visiting museums and art galleries: منال بنت مرشد الحربي -حنان بنت يوسف الأحمد-مها بنت عبد الله السنان
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The aim of the research is to identify the trends of Saudi society towards visiting art galleries and museums in light of economic and social transformations after the implementation of the 2030 vision plans. The importance of the research is to track the reasons behind the reluctance of members of society to visit such cultural institutions, and to plan proposals and recommendations for how to attract members of society and motivate them. This research followed the descriptive approach, and the study sample reached 103 members of the Saudi community. several research tools were used in this research such as questionnaire, personal interviews in addition to the researcher notes. The results concluded that the art galleries attract the ap

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Rawal Medical Journal
Comminuted intra-articular distal radius fractures treated by ligamentotaxis external fixation with and without bone marrow injection to prevent late metaphyseal collapse
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Objective: To compare the radiological and functional outcomes of patients of Comminuted intraarticular distal radius fractures treated with or without bone marrow injection along with external fixator ligamentotaxis. Methodology: This prospective comparative study on 41 patients with comminuted intra-articular lower end radius fractures distributed patients randomly into two groups depending on whether an aspirate of bone marrow was injected at the fracture site two weeks after fracture management with external fixation ligamentotaxis. Results: The mean age was 35.8 years, with male predominance. The radiological parameters (radial height, radial inclination, and volar tilt) at the 6th month follow up were lower in the group who did not re

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 10 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Current Microbiology And Applied Sciences
A Comparison between Tilapia zilli (Gervais, 1748) (Preciformes: Cichlidae) and Common Carp Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) by Staining Bone Technique
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Thermal Analysis And Calorimetry
Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics over a backward-facing step (BFS) containing square-rectangular ribs integrated as forward-facing steps (FFS)
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