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Effect Repetition of Anticyclone and on thermal characteristic in Iraq
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Anticyclone of synoptic studies that influence weather and climate of Iraq, The aim of
the study is to clarify the effect variation of repetition of Anticyclone and effect on thermal
characteristic in Iraq were pressure level has been analyzed (1000) millibars and that because
of pressure level is the closet to the earth surface and the clarity of climatic phenomenon
based on a systematic analysis of synoptic seeking maps and observation and (12:00)
according to timing GMT for five climatic stations which is (Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Rutba,
and Basra) and so far three consecutive climatic cycles which is first climatic cycle for period
(1986-1976). and second climatic cycle for period (1997-1987) and third climatic cycle for
period (2008-1998).It become clear from the result. That study reach, It become clear that a clear depression
in repetition of Anticyclone from climatic session to another climatic session followed by
three climatic session and on all level of study area stations. The contrast repetition of
Anticyclone is one of the factors that help to raise the temperature due to air stillness and the
clarity of the sky that led to the concentration of pollutant and slow in their transition to other
areas. These pollutant increase rising temperatures air textures to the surface of earth because
it absorb ground radiation at night and reflect it to surface of earth as well as the clarity of the
sky during the day helped to increase the amount of solar radiation to the earth it is found
rising temperatures Siberian is the station (Mosul, Kirkuk, Rutba) for October month for
second climatic cycle for period (1997-1987) and third for period (2008-1998) as well as
increase temperatures maximum rate with increasing repetition rate of high semi-orbital in the
stations Mosul, Kirkuk, and Rutba area for each month of January and October in the second
climatic session for period (1997- 19987) as well as in the third climatic cycle for period
(2008-1998) in all stations of studying area for months of January and march and October and
the high rate of maximum temperature with high rate repetition of European Anticyclone in
all stations of studying area in the second climatic cycle for period(1997-1987) 0f January,
march, October months, Notice increase repetition rate of Siberian Anticyclone in the month
of October for two climatic cycle second and third as well as Basra station recorded increase
in minimum temperature rate with increase repetition rate of high semi-orbital in the second
climatic cycle for period (1997-1987) for January as well as in all stations of studying area in
the third climatic cycle for period (2008-1998) for march also in stations of Mosul, Kirkuk,
Basra for two climatic cycle the second and the third for October. And high rate of minimum
temperature with high repetition rate of European Anticyclone in the stations of Kirkuk and
Basra in January for the second climatic cycle period (1997-1987) as well as recorded in
march month in stations of Mosul and Kirkuk, Basra for two climatic cycle the second and
third also in October for the second climatic cycle for stations of studying area.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation of IL-35 and hs-CRP in Iraqi Patients with Cardiovascular diseases
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    Interleukin-35 (IL-35) is a novel anti-inflammatory of IL-12 family member cytokine. High sensitive C- reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a marker of inflammation disease. This study was obtained to estimate the concentrations of IL-35 and hs-CRP in cardiovascular diseases Iraqi patients. The study contained 79 subjects divided into two groups, 47 (21 male and 26 female) suffering from cardiovascular diseases and 32 as control group. The concentration of IL-35 and hs-CRP was measured by enzyme- linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). The results revealed that the concentrations of IL-35 and hs-CRP are increased in patients group. IL-35 is strongly expressed in human advanced plaque and hs-CRP. Therefore these two biomarkers cou

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 11 2014
Journal Name
European Journal Of Psychotraumatology
Prevalence of traumatic events and PTSD symptoms among secondary school students in Baghdad
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Visual pollution and statistical determination in some of Karrada district main streets /Baghdad
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This study objective is to identify the visual pollution in Karrada district main streets as an example of main streets in Baghdad, the public opinion about each pollutants, solutions to reduce and eliminate the pollution were suggested as well. In order to accomplish this objective different methods were used, 16 pollutants were selected, pictures of each pollutants were taken and a questioner were distributed randomly for 270 people to evaluate the public opinion with statistical methods. Garbage, their disposal and storage areas took the first two places as the highest offensive pollutants. The people showed that they find long lines of vehicles, debris and generators appearance ranked third, fourth and fifth respectively .This resear

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 18 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
A Review article:Diversity of fish in Iraqi waters and some factors affecting them
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Rivers Tigris and Euphrates, as well as the wetlands in southern Iraq and the Diyala River, were all included in the evaluation of earlier studies on the variety and factors impacting fish in Iraqi waters. Different studies documented different types, and the number of species recorded varied between the studies, which could be explained by the registration of some species, synonyms, differs from the registration of some species with synonymous names By mistake, as well as recording new species in times that followed some previous studies, Also, the difference in some factors, including the pollution of some waterways, leads to a difference in the existing species, so we find the presence of species that are tolerant of pollution. There are

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2023
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A Critical Review of Remote Sensing Approaches and Deep Learning Techniques in Archaeology
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To date, comprehensive reviews and discussions of the strengths and limitations of Remote Sensing (RS) standalone and combination approaches, and Deep Learning (DL)-based RS datasets in archaeology have been limited. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to review and critically discuss existing studies that have applied these advanced approaches in archaeology, with a specific focus on digital preservation and object detection. RS standalone approaches including range-based and image-based modelling (e.g., laser scanning and SfM photogrammetry) have several disadvantages in terms of spatial resolution, penetrations, textures, colours, and accuracy. These limitations have led some archaeological studies to fuse/integrate multip

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Scopus (6)
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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation of Some Microorganisms from Bar Soaps and Liquid Soaps in Hospital Environments
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This study was designed to determine the colonization of the in-use hand washing soaps in hospital settings. It is a comparative cross-sectional research in a surgical specialties and Baghdad teaching hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. Swabs from surfaces of bar soaps and from liquid soaps via their applicator tips; at the sinks of toilets of hospital staff and working rooms of the wards were taken in January 2008. Conventional microbiologic methods were used for culture of the swabs and identification of the isolates. Colonization was detected 60% and 15.9% in bars and liquid forms respectively. And this lead to the conclusion that bar soaps could be colonized with microorganisms excessively. Liquid hand washing soaps are more appropriate in ho

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Synthesis of Novel Porphyrin Derivatives and Investigate their Application in Sensitized Solar Cells
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Solar energy has significant advantages compared to conventional sources such as coal and natural gas, including no emissions, no need for fuel, and the potential for installation in a wide range of locations with access to sunlight. In this investigation, heterocyclic derivatives were synthesized from several porphyrin derivatives (4,4',4",4"'-(porphyrin-5,10,15,20-tetrayl) tetra benzoic acid) compound (3), obtained by reaction Pyrrole with 4-formyl benzoic acid. Subsequently, porphyrin derivative-component amides 5a, 5b, and 5c were produced by reacting compound (3) with amine derivatives at a 1:4 molar ratio. These derivatives exhibited varying sensitivities for utilization in solar cells, with compound 5a displaying the highest power

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Determination of Quality Assurance for Maternal and Child Health Services in Baghdad City
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Objective: To determine the quality assurance for maternal and child health care services in Baghdad City.
Methodology: A descriptive study is conducted throughout the period of November 28th 2008 to October 10th
2009. A simple random sample of (349) is selected through the use of probability sampling approach. The study
sample was divided into four groups which include (220) consumers, (35) medical staff, (72) nursing staff and (22)
organization structure (primary health care centers). Data were collected through the use of assessment tools. It was
comprised of four questionnaires and overall items included in these questionnaires are (116) items. The study
included assessment of organization structure. Data were colle

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
An Immunohistochemical Expressions of BAD, MDM2, and P21 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a common malignancy characterized by poor prognosis and low survival rate. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Immunohistochemical expressions of BAD, MDM2, and P21as apoptotic markers in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Materials and methods: This study was performed on forty formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks which histopathologically diagnosed as Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. All cases were collected from the Histopathological Laboratory from patients treated surgically at Maxillofacial surgery Department at Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Iraq. Results: The immunohistochemical staining of BAD showed positive expression in 39 (97.5%), MDM2 showed positive expression in 39(97.5%)

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Experimental and theoretical study of (PVC) nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in ethanol
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In this manuscript divide into two parts the first experimental and the second theoretical. The experimental part of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can be used with aluminum (30%). Nanomaterials are synthesized by a laser pulse melting solution by ethanol. The effect of laser on the structural, morphological, optical, and electrical properties of nanoparticles (PVC) was examined by UV spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (TEM). The theoretical part of the DFT can be used to approximate the generalized gradient of the Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) / 6-31G (d) groups, which were created using additional Gaussian 09 software through Gaussian 5.08. To build PVC nanocrystal pure which chemical formula [(C2H3Cl)n] and build (

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