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Repetition in Criticism Experience in Andalus Poetry

Internal Music is considered as a basis to form music melody that sends rapture and
ecstasy within ones selves since it occurs directly on ears ( hearing) and since it tightens the
meaning to make it penetrating into Heart. It is rhythmic organization occurred inside the text
due to movements of internal sounds since rhythm heavily depends on language and
pronunciation. Repetition adds music melody to the poetic text since it increases music in
poetry. The sounds that reoccurred either be letters or words are no more than confirmation.
Thus , repetition is artistic phenomena most poets resorted to as to diverse his subjects and
metaphors he depicts in his poetry. The repetition has achieved artistic aesthetics , meaning
strengthening and poetic indication as well. The poets , through repetition, showed their
sufferings by consistently insisting on repetition of some words that expressed their agonies
and panics. This art has included a huge area of poetry volumes ,specially Abdul kareem Al-
Qaisi and Yusif the Third , whose poetry appeared reoccurrence and repetition as an artistic

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Maternal Ambivalences in Kate Chopin's Selected Works

The question of motherhood seems to haunt the works of Kate Chopin, a
nineteenth century American writer. Though a mother-woman herself, Chopin
gives a paradoxical portrait of motherhood in her works. She implies that
motherhood might be a liberating experience for some women as it is constricting
for others. This paper tackles the paradoxical nature of motherhood in Chopin's
novel, The Awakening and other four short stories. In The Awakening, A Pair of
Silk Stockings and Desiree's Baby, motherhood is depicted as a tool of selfdestruction,
while in Athénaise and Regret, it is a source of life-giving.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
easurement & Analyses costs of quality& effect in strategic performance: An Application research in construction industry– Saad public company

Many economic entities working in multiple industrial fields suffer fromlow techniques in using modern administrative means in their works. The mostused tool in measuring required procedures is to adopt and use quality costs. inspite of complications and bronchial of operations in construction projects, Theresearcher was able to find a structure to quality costs according to traditionclassification (prevention, Appraisal, failure) which enables the calculation ofthese costs and then analyze results and setting standards which can beimplemented in evaluating strategic performance for targeted project. and theforge research in theoretical fly to quality and costs concerning it inconstruction section , as well as strategically performance a

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of customer contact on operation performance Case study in the specialist Dental Centre in Al-alwia

the researchers Sought to determine the impact of the customer contact (Within a client contact there are two times, first is the total time required to create a service and within it there is contact time while the second time is the time of client contact ؛ where means a time that records the physical presence of the customer during the process of service) on operations performance by concentrate attention on the cost (labor productivity) and quality (patient ratio to the doctor) and speed (cycle time) and flexibility (the flexibility range) , as well as ruling out variable of innovation because of impossibility to measure this variable in the Specialty Center for Dental in al-alwia due to the center is lacking of mechanisms t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The illusion of al-Tabarsi in the kunya of Abi Jaafar in the interpretation of Majma' al-Bayan


The persons who Allah Ioves them in the holly Quran

Objectivity Study0Dr 0muyad Turky Ali 

Allah men tioned in Auran the loving of benevolent and who Allah loves him gave him everything 0the loving of benevolent came fist and after that the loving of justice who remove injustice and after that loving purified and in noeent 0After that mentioning loving of Knighters ( fighters )The eharity with money and to clear up the justice and loving purified is a reason of accessing paradise 0 

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq from 2012-2014

The purpose of the research is to identify the role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq for the period 2012-2014, and highlight the various factors that contributed to the emergence of the financial crisis, as well as to identify the problems and challenges facing the Islamic banking business in Iraq and identify the reasons and find appropriate solutions, And the development of treatments to avoid the occurrence of such problems and overcome them. The main findings of the research are as follows,Islamic banks (the sample of the study) were affected by the global financial crisis indirectly, as the financial crisis turned into an economic crisis affecting the real economy, because the activity of Islamic banks is more

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of TQM in promoting employee loyalty: Search exploratory In AL- Fedaa Public Company

       The research aims to determine the principles of total quality management (commitment of senior management, product planning, customer satisfaction, process improvement) and its role in promoting employee loyalty through a sample survey of the opinions of managers in public redemption Company. Which amounted to (45) individuals adoption of the questionnaire as a tool head in collecting data and information and their responses were analyzed using several statistical methods, which included (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient, and the coefficient of simple regression) depending on the program (spss). The research found a group of the most important conclusions from the presence

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of monetary policy in the aggregate indicator of banking stability in Iraq: An applied research in the Central Bank of Iraq for the period (2010 - 2017)

The research sought to demonstrate the effectiveness of monetary policy in banking stability by measuring the impact of monetary policy in the composite index of banking stability in Iraq for the period 2010/2017, as the stability of the financial system is one of the main objectives that the Central Bank is keen to achieve along with other objectives to ensure the performance Effective for all economic units, this is what prompted the central banks to give more attention in ensuring the safety, durability and stability of their financial systems, and the increasing interest by the Central Bank of Iraq in the subject of financial stability stems from its responsibility in ensuring a sound and stable financial system. Maintain it and mini

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Standarized Basics in Depicting Walis in the Early Age of Islam

Despite the simplicity that characterized the administration in the era of the Prophet
(peace be upon him), but it put the Muslim community nucleus Administrative Organization
who walked Garret Caliphs (RIP) and came after them, who added to this organization what
they found necessary and dictated by their conditions of life has begun regulation Managing
this appoint leaders and armies of workers on the state and various tribes to spread the Islamic
religion and to teach people the provisions of the Koran and Altfvh in religion and establish
prayer and collect Zakat money so you do not appoint leaders and workers and governors
followed random, but it is in an objective manner takes reasons to meet expectations.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Building the News Agenda in Iraqi Newspapers and Patterns of Bias in their Sources

News are considered the most press arts that supply the target audiences with daily information and events happened inside and outside society since it is formed by depending on its resources which have a deep relation with formal corporations to gain their satisfaction in order to support their authority and spreading their domination by using mass media in editing their viewpoints and achieving wide acceptance among public opinion. In the field of technological development and changing in the fields of politics, society, culture, economics etc. inside Iraqi society and democratic transition help to convert news agenda from independent variation to a fellow variation while in the past the variation of mass media was the independent one

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of my style (CPM / PERT) in enhancing the performance of construction projectsAn Empirical Study in the Department of projects in the office of the province of Baghdad


This study was to demonstrate the role-use planning scientific methods is disabled and little used in the planning and follow-up construction of vital projects in the province of Baghdad, including network planning methods, in order to find the optimal time to finish the project in light of the resources available and the budget set for it, in the current research has been used the most prominent network planning methods and two stylistic (CPM / PERT), was the application of the critical path method on standard-design school project (traditional) to draw Action Network according to confirmed times for the activities of the project and account his Crashing time , It was Pert technique applied to the project hemato

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