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Politeness Theories in Synge's Riders to the Sea
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This research tackles the play of Synge "Rider to the Sea" to find out whether the
theories of Leech (1983) and Brown and Levinson (1987) can be applied or not to this study.
The model of Leech (1983) consists of seven principles and for Brown and Levinson
(1987),it consists of two principles of politeness where one of them is positive and the other is
negative politeness.
It is hypothesed that:
1. There is a relation between the two theories.
2. Synge deals with these theories in such a way to depict his characters.
3. It is also hypothesed that every character deals with these principles in such a way to show
the events of the play.
The study concludes that there is a relation between the two theories in depicting the
characters then it shows the misery of life in the island throughout the language of the

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological and Social Reasons Leading to Juveniles Delinquency: Psychological and Social Reasons Leading to Juveniles Delinquency
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Disturbs the social system in any society specially in Iraq other than
other Islamic and Arabic countries. That is according to the abnormal
conditions that Iraq has past through as wars and blockage, and lastly the
invasion. Therefore it has been necessary to put this phenomenon under
study and analysis to discover Juvenile Delinquency is one of the most
prominent social phenomenon that the important reasons behind it, and trying
to treat what can be treated of the effects of it upon society.
This study is mainly concerned with the explaining the social factors
leading toward juvenile delinquency trying to crystallize the problem of the
study in the following question: (What are the psychological,

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
History of Local Reprimands in the Northwest Caucasus from Ancient Times to the 19th century
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Ubikh is one of the most important tribes of the Northwest Caucasus and has a long history. Naturally, rebukes are an integral part of the Caucasus region. Their people were able to confront the Russian invasion of their lands like the rest of the Caucasus tribes to defend their existence, freedom and the right to build their independent state, but they were not able to resist the great Russian military progress they achieved on all sides. For the territory that belonged to Persia and the Ottoman Empire and ended the resistance of the Meridian movement in the Northeast Caucasus, the Russians left only the weak resistance of the tribes of the Northwest Caucasus led by the rebuke after Russia managed to eliminate all resistance movements i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
Directing Techniques to Process the Radio Drama Script ( Khata'a Play as a Sample)
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     The radio drama is considered to be one of the arts that is discovered after a long period of theater's discovery. Initially , it was the broad framework of the theater's work when radio was broadcasting the shows on the huge theaters. This beginning encouraged many of the radio specialists to correlate plays with radio and make a novice and distinctive type of art. Thus, radio drama made its first step including the following   ( plays, short and long series drama as well as other types of radio arts). Because of the above mentioned , the researcher is stimulating  to study directing techniques to process the radio drama script ( Khata'a play as a sample).

The first chapter deals with the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Discourse And Interaction
Refusal and politeness strategies favoured among Iraqi and Malaysian learners in marriage proposals
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The study targets exploring the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malaysian learners of English in refusing marriage proposals. Also, it examines the favored politeness strategies that learners use to protect their interlocutors’ face, heeding both their social distance and status. Data were gathered by a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) which contained six marriage situations. Responses were analyzed based on Beebe et al.’s (1990) refusal taxonomy and Scollon et al.’s (2012) politeness system. The findings indicated that both the Iraqi and Malaysian learners preferred the indirect refusal strategies in marriage proposals, as well as the hierarchical politeness in the form of independence strategies regardless of t

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Discourse And Interaction
Refusal and politeness strategies favoured among Iraqi and Malaysian learners in marriage proposals
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The study targets exploring the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malaysian learners of English in refusing marriage proposals. Also, it examines the favored politeness strategies that learners use to protect their interlocutors’ face, heeding both their social distance and status. Data were gathered by a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) which contained six marriage situations. Responses were analyzed based on Beebe et al.’s (1990) refusal taxonomy and Scollon et al.’s (2012) politeness system. The findings indicated that both the Iraqi and Malaysian learners preferred the indirect refusal strategies in marriage proposals, as well as the hierarchical politeness in the form of independence strategies regardless of t

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Suspicion in the truth that the satisfaction of the student in the criticism of the speech of the poet and the writer to I bin Al-Atheer
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Suspicion in the truth that the satisfaction of the student in the criticism of the speech of the poet and the writer to I bin Al-Atheer

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Politics in Harold Pinter's One for the Road
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Pinter's play One for the Road (1984) is considered one of his important plays because
it focuses on political issues, which he has not presented overtly before. Generally speaking,
Pinter's early plays describe man's existential fear of an unnamed danger which might be
represented by an intruder who invades the characters' solitude , threatens their peace, and
brings their hidden fears to the surface. Pinter began to write political plays as a result of his
political attitudes and his involvement in political activities over the last three decades.
Pinter's One for the Road deals with the oppressive and authoritarian operations of
state power. This play and Pinter's political plays which followed it, like Mountain

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الامانة الأمانة في نظريات الترجمة القديمة والحديثة
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Trust is undoubtedly one of the most important issues in the field of translation studies Therefore, the present study attempts to analyze historical and current theories of translation in the East and West, to specify the position of the Trust and its importance to translators and Translation scholars.

More important of this papers is show that the concept of trust is deferens to this translation theory and that, some believe that trust in translation is For the words quoted, Some people say they trust in quotes, and some neglect of both the target text and And the original value of the source text.

Keywords: translation, translatior,  trust, Source text, target text, Seizure

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الاداب جامعة بغداد
تحقيق نظريات العلاقات العامة في الجامعات العراقية
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ان استعمال الاساليب والنظريات العلمية الحديثة في عمل العلاقات العامة من شأنه ان يجعل عمل ادارات العلاقات العامة نافعاً ومؤثراً نافعاً للمؤسسة ومؤثراً في جمهورها ومحيطها الخارجي وكلما اتسع نشاط المؤسسة وكبر حجمها وامتدت الرقعة الجغرافية التي تنتشر عليها تشكيلات المؤسسة وفروعها كلما كبرت وكثرت التحديات والتهديدات التي تواجه المؤسسة ونشاطها وبذلك تكون الحاجة ماسة الى وجود ادارات متخصصة بالعلاقات العامة تس

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The degree of the need for managers working in the directories of education to develop their skills for the exercise of administrative empowerment
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A field study investigated the degree of need for managers working in the directories of education to develop their skills for the exercise of administrative empowerment, and it adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The research community, was determined which consisted of 126 principals, and the sample was selected with arte of randomly Statistics and by (100%) of the research community, as the number of respondents was (126) of managers working in the directories of education. A questionnaire was built which included 40 items distributed among the fields of study. Researchers verified its validity and reliability. The research data were analyzed using software (SPSS), the questionnaire was applied in the second semester of the a

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