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Ciphered Text Hiding in an Image using RSA algorithm

In this paper, a method for hiding cipher text in an image file is introduced . The
proposed method is to hide the cipher text message in the frequency domain of the image.
This method contained two phases: the first is embedding phase and the second is extraction
phase. In the embedding phase the image is transformed from time domain to frequency
domain using discrete wavelet decomposition technique (Haar). The text message encrypted
using RSA algorithm; then Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm used to hide secret message
in high frequency. The proposed method is tested in different images and showed success in
hiding information according to the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) measure of the the
original image .

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Values and technology in architecture - the impact and vulnerability

Technology is an important factor for achieving architecture as an impact and vulnerability. It represents one of the significant elements in creating the intellectual framework, as well as having its own intellectual breakdown, while values constitute the most important and obviously factor of the community's intellectual. Research aims was determined accordingly by: investigating the role and impact of values and their relationship to technology in architecture.

In this context, the research investigated values and technology in architecture, through discussing their aspects and dimensions in architecture. In the context of values, the research discussed their concept and the related ones to have a concrete def

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Studia Chemia

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Ssrn Electronic Journal
Diagnoses of Delay Causes in Construction Projects During Disaster

Purpose: The aim of this study was to gain insight into causes of time delays and cost overruns in a selection of thirty case projects in Iraq. Delay factors have been studied in many countries/contexts, but not much data exists from countries under the conditions characterizing Iraq during the last 10-15 years.Design/methodology/approach: A case study approach was adopted, with thirty construction projects selected from the Baghdad region, of different types and sizes. For the case of the study, the participants in the projects provided data about the projects through the data collection tool distributed through the questionnaire directed to them. Statistical data analysis was used to build statistical relationships between time and cost d

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Scientific Review Engineering And Environmental Sciences
Mesoscale modeling of fracture in cement and asphalt concrete

In this paper, mesoscale modeling is performed to simulate and understand fracture behavior of two concrete composites: cement and asphalt concrete using disk-shaped compact tension (DCT) tests. Mesoscale models are used as alternative to macroscale models to obtain better realistic behavior of composite and heterogeneous materials such as cement and asphalt concrete. In mesoscale models, aggregate and matrix are represented as distinct materials and each material has its characteristic properties. Disk-shaped compact tension test is used to obtain tensile strength and fracture energy of materials. This test can be used as a better alternative to other tests such as three points bending tests because it is more convenient for both field and

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Behavior of passive single pipe pile in sandy soil
Abstract<p>This research focuses on studying the effects of soil movement on the behavior of an existing pile driven in sandy soil. A physical model has been manufactured to investigate the effect of construction of an embankment adjacent to free head single pile driven in sand of dry unit weight of 13.5 kN/m<sup>3</sup>. The model pile of diameter (D) of 10 mm are tested under two conditions of loading: loaded axially and without load. The model piles are instrumented with strain gauges along the embedded length to measure strains resulting from the soil movement. The embankment loads are applied at distances of 2.5, 5, and 10D from the edge of the pile. The results obtained from the </p> ... Show More
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Scopus (5)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Online Newspapers in the Age of the Web 2.0

If we go beyond the technical aspects of the Web 2.0, and we focus specifically on its interactive characteristics, we may say it represents not only a fundamental shift in the structure of the press institutions and its practices but also a shift in the relationships that existed, previously, between the press and the audience. Web 2.0 has enabled the newspapers to renovate their representations and practices of the profession and opens to the new horizons either in terms of readership or advertising revenues. Parallel to that it also has empowered the user to transcend the passivity he has always been confined in and has become a more active participant in the creation and generation of media contents even though this practice is somew

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Mining Deviations in Document Writing Style through Vector Dissimilarity

     Doubts arise about the originality of a document when noticing a change in its writing style. This evidence to plagiarism has made the intrinsic approach for detecting plagiarism uncover the plagiarized passages through the analysis of the writing style for the suspicious document where a reference corpus to compare with is absent.      The proposed work aims at discovering the deviations in document writing style through applying several steps: Firstly, the entire document is segmented into disjointed segments wherein each corresponds to a paragraph in the original document. For the entire document and for each segment, center vectors comprising average  weight of their word  are constructed. Second, the degree of cl

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Advances In Animal And Veterinary Sciences
Dogs' hormonal levels drop after surgical gonadectomy in Iraq

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Kinetic Model for Solute Diffusion in Liquid Membrane Systems

In this study, a mathematical model for the kinetics of solute transport in liquid membrane systems (LMSs) has been formulated. This model merged the mechanisms of consecutive and reversible processes with a “semi-derived” diffusion expression, resulting in equations that describe solute concentrations in the three sections (donor, acceptor and membrane). These equations have been refined into linear forms, which are satisfying in the special conditions for simplification obtaining the important kinetic constants of the process experimentally.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Vitro Study of MefenamateStarch as Drug Delivery System

Mefenamic acid was esterified with starchwith[1:1] Molar ratio, as drug substituted with natural polymer, to prolongthe period of hydrolysis of drug polymer with other advantages. The new prodrug starch was characterized by FT-IR and UV-Visible and 1H-NMR spectroscopies. The physical properties were studied and controlled drug release was studied in different pH values at 37oC. The stability of drug was carried out by measuring the absorbance of mefenamic starch which hydrolyzed in HCl solution of pH 1.1 (artificial gastric fluid) and phosphate buffer of pH 7.4 (simulating intestinal fluid SIF) at 37oC for several days. The thermal analysis such as DSC was studied.

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