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An Evaluation of Olive Oil as a Separating Medium and Its Effect on Some Mechanical Properties of Processed Acrylic Resin Denture Base (A Comparative Study). Part Two
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Background: During acrylic resin processing, the mold must be separated from the surface of the gypsum to prevent liquid resin from penetrating into the gypsum, and water from the gypsum seeping into the acrylic resin. For many years, tin foil was the most acceptable separating medium, and because it's difficult to apply, a tin-foil substitute is used. In this study, olive oil is used as an alternative to tin foil separating medium for first time, and evaluating its effect as a separating medium on some mechanical properties such as (indentation hardness and transverse strength) of acrylic resins denture base comparing it with those processed using tin-foil and tin foil substitute such as (cold mold seal) separating medium. Materials and Methods: One hundred Twenty four acrylic resins samples (124) were prepared falling in two main groups: (heat and cold-cured acrylic denture base resins), for each group three types of separating medium were used and five tests (10 samples) for each test were carried out, and (4) samples for the chemical composition. Results: Tin foil is one of the most satisfactory separating media in getting the best properties when using it as a separating medium, while, a statistically no-significant difference have been noticed between olive oil and cold-mold seal samples concerning mechanical properties of tested groups. Infrared spectroscopy analysis showed that, no changes were found in the chemical composition of both heat and cold-cured acrylic resins denture base after using olive oil as a separating medium. Conclusion:The present study concluded that olive oil may be used as a substitute for tin foil and cold – mold seal separating medium in processing both heat and cold – cure acrylic resin denture base.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of Maxillofacial Surgery
The use of screw retained hybrid arch bar for maxillomandibular fixation in the treatment of mandibular fractures: A comparative study
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Introduction: The use of screw-retained hybrid arch bars (HABs) is a relatively recent development in the treatment of mandibular fractures. The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical outcome between HAB and the conventional Erich arch bar (EAB) in the closed treatment of mandibular fractures. Materials and methods: This study included 18 patients who were treated for mandibular fractures with maxillomandibular fixation (MMF), patients were randomly assigned into a control group (n = 10) in which EAB was used and study group (n = 8) in which HAB was used. The outcome variables were time required for application and removal, gingival inflammation scores, postoperative complications, and incidence of wire-stick injury or gloves perf

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Procedia Economics And Finance
The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing on Relationship between IT Capability and IT Support as Predictors of Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study on Mobile Companies in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Preparation of Graphene Flakes and Studying Its Structural Properties
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The grapheme Flakes were prepared by reduction graphite oxide which was prepared by Hummer’s method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern showed that the graphene oxide have a sharp peak at (001) with d-spacing d001= 7.4Å at angle 2ϴ=11.85˚and graphene has broad peak at (002) with d-spacing d002=3.4Å at angle 2ϴ= 25.72˚ with lattice constant (a=2.47 Å). The particle size was calculated by using equation Debye - Scherer and Williamson - Hall equations, Scanning electron microscopy examination and particle size analyzer proved that the graphene Flakes were in nano size. Also the surface area of nanoparticles showed a value 270 m2/g . The micrographs of (scanning electron microscopy) showed that graphene oxide has a fluffy aggregation a

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Processing of Crispy Chicken and Studying Its Quality Properties
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This investigation was carried out to examine the Processing and effect of addition of different spices on the sensory and microbial properties of the Crispy Chicken . The results revealed than that of treatments 1 (without spices control) , 3 (anise ) , 4 (Thyme) , 5 (curry) , 6 (black Pepper) , 7 ( ginger) and 10 ( garlic ) gined higher score of overall acceptance than treatment 8 ( carnation ) . Did not significant difference of overall acceptance , between treatments 1 , 2 ( black seed ) , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 ( onion ) and 10 and between treatments 2 , 8 and 9 . In regards with microbial tests showed aerobic bacteria highest numbers than adding 2, which amounted to more than 300 the unit cell bacterial cfu / ml and less numbers tha

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some plant extracts on germination and seeding of Raphanus sativus and effect on surface growth ofRhizoctonia solani
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The experiment was conducted to study the effect of leaves extract of Salvia sclarea , Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris with 10% and 30% concentration on germination of seeds and growth of seedlings . The effect of these extracts on infection percentage of seeds decay and surface growth of Rhizoctonia solani . The results showed that the three extracts effected significantly to reduced percentage of seeds germination, acceleration of germination , promoter indicator , infection percentage of seeds decay and surface growth of R. solani especially in 30% concentration .

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A relationship study of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, blood groups, and some related factors in Iraqi patients
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Many studies of the relationship between COVID-19 and different factors have been conducted since the beginning of the corona pandemic. The relationship between COVID-19 and different biomarkers including ABO blood groups, D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP, was examined. Six hundred (600) patients, were included in this trial among them, 324 (56%) females and the rest 276 (46%) were males. The frequencies of blood types A, B, AB, and O were 25.33, 38.00, 31.33, and 5.33%, respectively, in the case group. Association analysis between the ABO blood group and D-dimer, Ferritin and CRP of COVID-19 patients indicated that there was a statistically significant difference for Ferritin (P≤0.01), but no-significant differences for both D-dimer and CRP.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A study Some Technical Indicators Under Impact Tillage Depth and Disk harrow Angle of the Compound Machine
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Abstract<p>The research included studying the effect of different plowing depths (10,20and30) cm and three angles of the disc harrows (18,20and25) when they were combined in one compound machine consisting of a triple plow and disc harrows tied within one structure. Draft force, fuel consumption, practical productivity, and resistance to soil penetration. The results indicated that the plowing depth and disc angle had a significant effect on all studied parameters. The results showed that when the plowing depth increased and the disc angle increased, leads to increased pull force ratio, fuel consumption, resistance to soil penetration, and reduce the machine practical productivity.</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical study of natural convection in an annulus between two concentric cylinders provided with metal foam fins
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Natural convection in an annular space provided with metal foam fins attached to the inner cylinder is studied numerically. The metal foam fins made of copper were inserted in different axial sections with three fins in each section. The temperature of the inner cylinder is kept constant while the annular outer surface is adiabatic. The thickness effect of the inner pipe wall was considered. Naiver Stokes equation with Boussinesq approximation is used for the fluid regime while Brinkman-Forchheimer Darcy model is used for metal foam. In addition, the local thermal non-equilibrium condition in the energy equation of the porous media is presumed. The effect of Rayleigh numb

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Co-Polymer (Styrene / Allyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) and Studying some of its thermal properties
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In this research, a Co-polymer (Styrene / Allyl-β-D-glucopyranoside) was synthesized from glucose in four steps using Addition Polymerization according to the radical mechanism using Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) as initiator. Initially, Allyl-β-D-glucopyranoside monomer was prepared in three steps and the reaction was followed by (HPLC, FT-IR, TLC), in the fourth step the monomer was polymerized with Styrene and the structure was determined by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy. The reaction conditions (temperature, reaction time, material ratios) were also studied to obtain the highest yield, the relative, specific and reduced viscosity of the prepared polymer was determined, from which the viscosity ave

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Publication Date
Wed May 22 2024
Journal Name
Scientific Reports
The use of image analysis to study the effect of moisture content on the physical properties of grains
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Abstract<p>Designing machines and equipment for post-harvest operations of agricultural products requires information about their physical properties. The aim of the work was to evaluate the possibility of introducing a new approach to predict the moisture content in bean and corn seeds based on measuring their dimensions using image analysis using artificial neural networks (ANN). Experimental tests were carried out at three levels of wet basis moisture content of seeds: 9, 13 and 17%. The analysis of the results showed a direct relationship between the wet basis moisture content and the main dimensions of the seeds. Based on the statistical analysis of the seed material, it was shown that the characteristics </p> ... Show More
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