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An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Different Gingival Retraction Materials on the Gingival Tissue Displacement (A Comparative In Vivo Study)
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Background: An accurate adaptation of the crown to the finish line is essential to minimize cement dissolution and to preserve periodontium in fixed partial denture cases. An accurate adaptation of crown is possible only when preparation details are captured adequately in the impression and transferred to cast. For these reasons, gingival displacement is necessary to capture subgingival preparation details.The aim of the present study is to measure in vivo the horizontal displacement of the gingival sulcus obtained by using three new cordless retraction materials (Magic Foam Cord®, Racegel and Astringent Retraction Paste) in comparison to medicated retraction cord. Materials and method: Thirty-two patients requiring porcelain fused to metal fixed partial denture for replacement of a missing maxillary posterior tooth (either one of thepremolars or the first molar). The patients are randomly divided into four groups of eight patients each according to the type of gingival retraction material used as follows: Group I: Medicated retraction cord (racemic epinephrine hydrochloride 0.3 ± 0.2 mg per inch of cord, #00), Group II: Magic Foam Cord® (expanding polyvinyl siloxane), Group III: Racegel (25% aluminum chloride gel) and Group IV: Astringent Retraction Paste (15% aluminum chloride paste). Three depth orientation grooves were prepared in the buccal and palatal surfaces of a maxillary premolar parallel with the long axis of the tooth, extending from the middle third to the gingival third with the level of the free gingiva using a flat-ended diamond fissure bur. Impression of the gingival sulcus was then made using monophase polyether impression material (Impregum™ Penta™ Soft, 3M ESPE, Germany), before and after gingival retraction with either of the aforementioned gingival retraction materials. The sulcus width, before and after gingival retraction was measured on the master cast (in µm), after its sectioning longitudinally bucco-palatally at the middle of the prepared grooves using a rotary diamond disc. The measurement carried out by using digital microscope (Dino-Lite)at a magnification of 230X. The horizontal gingival displacement (the distance from the end of each prepared groove to the crest of the gingiva) measured by subtracting the gingival sulcus width after retraction from that before retraction. Results: The findings of the present study showed that the highest mean of horizontal gingival displacement is recorded by Group IV (Astringent Retraction Paste) (250.7900 µm), whereas the lowest mean of horizontal gingival displacement is recorded by Group III (Racegel) (78.0988 µm). One-way ANOVA test showed statistically highly significant differences among groups (p< 0.01). Least Significant Difference test (LSD test) was also used to make multiple comparisons among groups and revealed a statistically highly significant difference between each two groups (p< 0.01). Conclusion: The two new gingival retraction pastes (Astringent Retraction Paste and Magic Foam Cord®) could be used for gingival retraction as alternatives to medicated retraction cord. They offer advantages of simplified placement technique and shorter application time with greater gingival retraction. Meanwhile, the use of Racegel alone is not recommended for gingival retraction since it provides the least gingival displacement.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Predicting the future growth depending on GIS and IDRISI program, city of Najaf-Iraq
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Abstract<p>This study aims to employ modern spatial simulation models to predict the future growth of Al-Najaf city for the year 2036 by studying the change in land use for the time period (1986-2016) because of its importance in shaping future policy for the planning process and decision-making process and ensuring a sustainable urban future, using Geographical information software programs and remote sensing (GIS, IDRISI Selva) as they are appropriate tools for exploring spatial temporal changes from the local level to the global scale. The application of the Markov chain model, which is a popular model that calculates the probability of future change based on the past, and the Cellular Automa</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Anatolian Congresses 8th International Applied Sciences Congress
The Effect of Twin-Row Silage Maize Harvesting on Single Row Silage Machine Performance
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In this study, the harvest of maize silage with the cross double row sowing method were tested with a single row disc silage machine in two different PTO applications (540 and 540E min-1) and at two different working speeds v1, v2 (1.8 and 2.5 km h-1). The possibilities of harvesting with a single row machine were revealed, and performance characteristics such as hourly fuel consumption, field-product fuel consumption and PTO power consumption were determined in the trials. The best results in terms of hourly fuel consumption and PTO power consumption were determined in the 540E PTO application and V1 working speed. When the fuel consumption of the field-product is evaluated, it is obtained with V2 working speed and 540E PTO application. As

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fire Flame Influence on the Behavior of reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Repeated Load
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The influence and hazard of fire flame are one of the most important parameters that affecting the durability and strength of structural members. This research studied the influence of fire flame on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams affected by repeated load. Nine self- compacted reinforced concrete beams were castellated, all have the same geometric layout (0.15x0.15x1.00) m, reinforcement details and compressive strength (50 Mpa).

To estimate the effect of fire flame disaster, four temperatures were adopted (200, 300, 400 and 500) oC and two method of cooling were used (graduated and sudden). In the first cooling method, graduated, the tested beams were leaved to cool in air while in the seco

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 17 2021
Journal Name
Revista Geintec-gestao Inovacao E Tecnologias
Moderating Role of Virtual Teams on the Relation between Cultural Intelligence and Strategic Excellence
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Based on the theoretical review of researches and studies concerned with virtual teams in organizations, it was found that the role of virtual teams varies from case to another, and it may be positive or opposite. The purpose of the current research is to examine the role of virtual teams in the impact of cultural intelligence on the strategic excellence of Zain worldwide Group. An electronic questionnaire was designed through the (Google) and (Microsoft) forms, and distributed then on a sample of (146) participants with a high organizational level of the HRM departments within the group. The results showed that there was a positive moderator role of virtual teams in the relationship of cultural intelligence and strategic excellence

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 13 2021
Journal Name
Sintering Additives Effects on the Microstructure and Electrical Behavior of Yttrium Oxide Ceramic Composites
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Ceramics type Yttrium oxide with Silicon carbide. were selected to investigate its sintered density, microstructure and electrical properties, after adding V2O5, of 100 nm grain size. Different weight percentages ranging from (0.01,0.02,0.03 and 0.04) were used. Dry milling applied for twelve hours. The pelletized samples were sintered at atmospheric of static air and at sintering temperature 1400 ˚C, for three hours. The crustal structure test shoes the phase which is yttrium silicon carbide Scanning electron microscopy, scan sintered microstructure. Samples after sintering were electrically investigated by measuring its capacitance, dielectric constant and their results showed increasing after added V2O5 particles at the combinat

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science
Impact of nanoparticles on the CO2-brine interfacial tension at high pressure and temperature
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Hypothesis Nanofluid flooding has been identified as a promising method for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and improved Carbon geo-sequestration (CGS). However, it is unclear how nanoparticles (NPs) influence the CO2-brine interfacial tension (γ), which is a key parameter in pore-to reservoirs-scale fluid dynamics, and consequently project success. The effects of pressure, temperature, salinity, and NPs concentration on CO2-silica (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) nanofluid γ was thus systematically investigated to understand the influence of nanofluid flooding on CO2 geo-storage. Experiments Pendant drop method was used to measure CO2/nanofluid γ at carbon storage conditions using high pressure-high temperature optical cell. Findings CO2/nano

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The influence of Online Training Courses on Iraqi EFL Instructors Teaching and Learning Process
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For over a decade, educational technology has been used sparingly in our schools and universities. Online training courses have been used since 2003 to fill the gaps in our learning system and to add extra program besides classroom learning. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi EFL instructors’ participating in online training courses and its influence on the process of teaching and learning.

       The sample of present study consists of 30 instructors from University of Baghdad. The questionnaire of sixteen items was constructed. After ensuring validity and reliability of questionnaire, it was applied on March 2013 and the result shows that most of instructors improve their teaching methods b

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Annealing effect on the optical properties of organic semiconductor Alq3: C60 blend thin films
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The effect of heat treatment using different annealing temperatures on optical properties of bulk heterojunction blend (BHJ) Alq3: C60 thin films which are fabricated by the spin coating technique were investigated in this study. The films have been coated on a glass substrate with speed of 2000 rpm for one min and treated with different annealing temperature (373, 423 and 473) K under vacuum. The optical properties and the chemical bonds structure of blends as-deposited and heat treated have been studied by UV-Vis spectroscopic and Fourier Transform-Infra Red (FTIR) measurements respectively. The results of UV visible show that the optical energy gap decreasing with increasing the annealing temperature for the ratio (100:1) while decrea

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Approximate Solution of Delay Differential Equations Using the Collocation Method Based on Bernstien Polynomials???? ???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???? ?????????
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In this paper a modified approach have been used to find the approximate solution of ordinary delay differential equations with constant delay using the collocation method based on Bernstien polynomials.

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