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The Influence of Different Fabrication Techniques and Preparation Designs on the Marginal Adaptation of Ceramic Veneers (An In vitro Comparative Study)

Background: Ceramic veneers represent the treatment of choice in minimally invasive esthetic dentistry; one of the critical factors in their long term success is marginal adaptation. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the marginal gap of ceramic veneers by using two different fabrication techniques and two different designs of preparation. Material and methods: A typodont maxillary central incisor used in the preparation from which metal dies were fabricated, which were in turn used to make forty stone dies. The dies divided into four experimental groups, each group had ten samples: A1: prepared with butt-joint incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max CAD, A2: prepared with overlapped incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max CAD. B1: prepared with butt-joint incisal reduction restored with IPS e.max press. B2: prepared with overlapped incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max press. The marginal gap was measured with direct view technique using digital microscope at a magnification of 230x. Measurements were recorded for four surfaces for each sample and the maximum value was taken to represent that sample. Results: The data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and independent samples t-tests. These tests revealed highly significant effects of both the preparation design and the technique of fabrication on the marginal gap (p=0.00), with CAD/CAM veneers, group A1 recorded the least marginal gap and pressing group, B2 showed the highest gap values. There was no significant effect of the interaction between the two parameters on the marginal gap. Conclusion: the CAD/CAM veneers with butt joint incisal reduction produced the most accurate margins while the least favorable combination was the pressable ceramic veneers with overlapped incisal reduction.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of the genetic algorithm to estimate the parameters function of the hypoexponential distribution by simulation

In this research, the focus was placed on estimating the parameters of the Hypoexponential distribution function using the maximum likelihood method and genetic algorithm. More than one standard, including MSE, has been adopted for comparison by Using the simulation method

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 24 2021
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Impact of Nitrogen Rate in Conventional and Organic Production Systems on Yield and Bread Baking Quality of Soft Red Winter Wheat

Soft red winter wheat (SRW) is characterized by high yield and relatively low protein content. In Kentucky, there is growing demand from local artisan bread bakers for regionally produced flour, requiring production of grain with increased protein content and/or strength. The objective of this two-year field experiment was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen (N) management on five cultivars of winter wheat on yield and bread baking quality traits of modern and landrace SRW cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). All five cultivars were evaluated using two N application rates in conventional and organic production systems. All traits measured were significantly affected by the agricultural production system and N rate, although plant height

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Semantic (Badi'iyah)Readings in The Prophetic Praise Poetry (Mada'h Nabawiya) (Abdel Rahim Bin Ahmad Bin Ali Al Borai as a case study)

The importance of this topic may not be overlooked by many of the specialists, because it is one the sciences of the Arabic language, but it is an important method in the field of influencing the recipient and his aesthetic ability to create influential images as well.
The talking about Semantic (Badi'iyah)is as old as the Arabic age, so it may be talking about it not the new thing because the people who specialized have preceded us and exhausted all the talk .

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
РОЛЬ СРЕДСТВ НАГЛЯДНОСТИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ КАК ИНОСТРАННОМУ В ИРАСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ The Role of the Use of Visual Aids in the Process Of Learning Russian Language in Lraq as a Foreign Language

В статье рассматриваются понятие наглядности и ее классификация, эффективное применение принципа наглядности, возможность и преимущество использования наглядности и современные инструменты ее реализации в ираке.


Вследствие глобальных изменений во всем мире изменилась и роль иностранного языка в системе образования. Современный человек, шагающий в ногу со временем, не мыслит себя без зна

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International Auditing Standards and their role in rationalizing the auditor's personal judgment in Iraq"

The impact of the auditor's personal judgment starts from the beginning of the audit process to the formation of the final opinion and the issuance of the report, and because of the possibility of bias in the auditor's judgment for various reasons that may relate to the auditor himself or the circumstances surrounding it, which requires assessing the current reality of the auditor's personal judgments In the local environment and determining their determinations. To clarify the concept and determinants of the auditor's personal judgments when implementing the audit work, prepare the report and determine the role of the international auditing standards in rationalizing the auditor's personal judgment when conducti

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of Soil Invertebrates community in a Date - Palm plantation in Baghdad, Iraq

Soil invertebrates community an important role as part of essential food chain and responsible for the decomposition in the soil, helps soil aeration , nutrients recycling and increase agricultural production by providing the essential elements necessary for photosynthesis and energy flow in ecosystems.The aim of the present study was to investigate the soil invertebrates community in one of the date palms plantation in Aljaderia district South of Baghdad, , and their relationships with some physical and chemical properties of the soil , as Five randomly distributed replicates of soil samples were collected monthly. Invertebrates samples were sorted from the soil with two methods, direct method to isolate large invertebrates and indirec

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications (ijnaa)
Applying a suitable approximate-simulation technique of an epidemic model with random parameters

Because the Coronavirus epidemic spread in Iraq, the COVID-19 epidemic of people quarantined due to infection is our application in this work. The numerical simulation methods used in this research are more suitable than other analytical and numerical methods because they solve random systems. Since the Covid-19 epidemic system has random variables coefficients, these methods are used. Suitable numerical simulation methods have been applied to solve the COVID-19 epidemic model in Iraq. The analytical results of the Variation iteration method (VIM) are executed to compare the results. One numerical method which is the Finite difference method (FD) has been used to solve the Coronavirus model and for comparison purposes. The numerical simulat

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Ieee Access
Towards an Applicability of Current Network Forensics for Cloud Networks: A SWOT Analysis

In recent years, the migration of the computational workload to computational clouds has attracted intruders to target and exploit cloud networks internally and externally. The investigation of such hazardous network attacks in the cloud network requires comprehensive network forensics methods (NFM) to identify the source of the attack. However, cloud computing lacks NFM to identify the network attacks that affect various cloud resources by disseminating through cloud networks. In this paper, the study is motivated by the need to find the applicability of current (C-NFMs) for cloud networks of the cloud computing. The applicability is evaluated based on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to outlook the cloud network. T

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Control, Automation And Electrical Systems
Design of an Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator for a Twin Rotor Aerodynamic System

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Path Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm

This paper describes the problem of online autonomous mobile robot path planning, which is consisted of finding optimal paths or trajectories for an autonomous mobile robot from a starting point to a destination across a flat map of a terrain, represented by a 2-D workspace. An enhanced algorithm for solving the problem of path planning using Bacterial Foraging Optimization algorithm is presented. This nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm, which imitates the foraging behavior of E-coli bacteria, was used to find the optimal path from a starting point to a target point. The proposed algorithm was demonstrated by simulations in both static and dynamic different environments. A comparative study was evaluated between the developed algori

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