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The Influence of Different Fabrication Techniques and Preparation Designs on the Marginal Adaptation of Ceramic Veneers (An In vitro Comparative Study)

Background: Ceramic veneers represent the treatment of choice in minimally invasive esthetic dentistry; one of the critical factors in their long term success is marginal adaptation. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the marginal gap of ceramic veneers by using two different fabrication techniques and two different designs of preparation. Material and methods: A typodont maxillary central incisor used in the preparation from which metal dies were fabricated, which were in turn used to make forty stone dies. The dies divided into four experimental groups, each group had ten samples: A1: prepared with butt-joint incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max CAD, A2: prepared with overlapped incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max CAD. B1: prepared with butt-joint incisal reduction restored with IPS e.max press. B2: prepared with overlapped incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max press. The marginal gap was measured with direct view technique using digital microscope at a magnification of 230x. Measurements were recorded for four surfaces for each sample and the maximum value was taken to represent that sample. Results: The data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and independent samples t-tests. These tests revealed highly significant effects of both the preparation design and the technique of fabrication on the marginal gap (p=0.00), with CAD/CAM veneers, group A1 recorded the least marginal gap and pressing group, B2 showed the highest gap values. There was no significant effect of the interaction between the two parameters on the marginal gap. Conclusion: the CAD/CAM veneers with butt joint incisal reduction produced the most accurate margins while the least favorable combination was the pressable ceramic veneers with overlapped incisal reduction.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the government accounting system in preparing performance reports for government units

The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of government units (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the current governmental accounting system to provide information on the performance reports of government units. In order to improve the efficiency of hospital resources management, the services provided by the hospital should be subject to performance measurement and evaluation The importance of the health sector in the provision of services, in order to raise the efficiency of the performance of services provided by government units has reached the researcher a set of conclusions, the most important

  1. The financial reports produced by the accounting s

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Scientific Development For Studies And Research
The Role of E-Learning in teaching the Arabic language to non- native speakers

After the information revolution that occurred in the Western world, and the developments in all fields, especially in the field of education and e-learning, from an integrated system based on the effective employment of information and communication technology in the teaching and learning processes through an environment rich in computer and Internet applications, the community and the learner were able to access information sources and learning at any time and place, in a way that achieves mutual interaction between the elements of the system and the surrounding environment. After the occurrence of the phenomenon of Covid 19, it led to a major interruption in all educational systems that had never happened before, and the disrupt

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluation the water quality of the potable water network in Al-Shuala/ Baghdad City

In this research, the water quality of the potable water network in
Al-Shuala Baghdad city were evaluated and compare them with the
Iraqi standards (IQS) for drinking water and World Health
Organization standards (WHO), then water quality index (WQI) were
calculator: pH, heavy metals (lead, cadmium and iron), chlorides,
total hardness, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solid and
electrical conductivity. Water samples are collected weekly during
the period from February 2015 to April 2015 from ten sites. Results
show that the chlorides, total dissolved solid and electrical
conductivity less than acceptable limit of standards, but total
hardness and heavy metals in some samples higher than acceptabl

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Telematics And Informatics
Modelling the utilization of cloud health information systems in the Iraqi public healthcare sector

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Requirement of the National Democratic project in Iraq post Daesh Terrorist Group Stage

This study aims at re-transmit the spirit of the national democratic project of Iraq post of the chaos left by the Daesh terrorist group stage(The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS) , Which controlled large parts of Iraq, and had an adverse effect on the political scene in Iraq, inspired everyone that there are deficiencies in the political, economic, religious and ethnic structure of the Iraqi people in non-response to democratic thought.The researcher relied on the hypothesis that " the requirements of building a democratic project are based on the need to provide the requirements ranging from two interrelated aspects, like the institutional aspect and the aspect that related to the general and necessary requirements for the establ

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Economic Evaluation of Various Production Scenarios for Zubair Reservoir in the Kifl Field

This work evaluates the economic feasibility of various production scenarios for the Zubair reservoir in the Kifl oil field using cash flow and net present value (NPV) calculations. The Kifl field is an exploratory field that has not yet been developed or assessed economically. The first well was drilled in 1960, and three other wells were later drilled to assess the oil accumulation, so in this research, Different production scenarios were evaluated economically. These scenarios were proposed based on the reservoir model of the Zubair formation in the field. The research methodology used QUE$TOR software to estimate capital expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenditures (OpEx) based on field-level data, production prof

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Transylvanian Review


Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The concentrations of Natural Radioactivity in Fly Ash Released from Al-Dura thermal Power Plant in The south of Baghdad City

The concentrations of naturally radioactive made occurring and technically enhanced radioisotopes of fly ash samples, collected from Al-Dura thermal power Plant- south of Baghdad, have been investigated using the NaI(Tl) gamma-ray spectroscopy. The average Activity concentrations of the radio elements 238 U, 232Th and 40K in Fly ash samples are measured accurately and found to be 33.860, 32.6 and 644.64Bq/kg respectively. On the whole the radionuclide's concentrations are still below the global average of 50 Bq/kg for 238U and 232Th, but are much higher in 40K, relative to the global average, about 500 Bq/kg. The absorbed gamma doses in air, due to naturally occurring radionuclides in fly ash samples, are measured and found within the ra

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Harmonization formative in the design of interior spaces Hall of discussions in the design department (a model): بدريا محمد حسن فرج

Can not reach a comprehensive concept for interior design through the use of Harmonization term according transformations experienced by the terms of the variables associated with the backlog of cultures that characterize concepts according to the nature of the users of the spaces in the design output, which necessitates the meaning of the combination of knowledge, art, science, such as the type of perceptions design the Harmonization cognitive science with art to create products of the use of design configurations that help the designer to put such a product within the reality and like the fact that reliable, as well as the rational knowledge tend somehow to the objective specifically in facilitating the substance subject to perceptible

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Estimation of the Risk of Water Erosion in Jawarta District in Sulaymaniyah Governorate Using the Global Equation for Soil Loss (USLE)

The present research deals with the spatial variance analysis in Jwartadistrict and conducting a comparison on the spatial and seasonal changes of the vegetation cover between (2007-2013) in order to deduce the relationship between the vegetation density and the areas which are exposed to the risk of water erosion by using Plant Variation Index  NDVI) C (coefficient and by using Satellite images of Landsat satellite which are taken in 2/7/2007 and Satellite images of Landsat satellite taken in 11/1/ 2013, the programs of remote sensitivity and the Geographic Information Systems.

    The study reveals that there is a variance in the density of vegetation cover of the area under study betwee 2007 and 2013. Howev

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