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The Influence of Different Fabrication Techniques and Preparation Designs on the Marginal Adaptation of Ceramic Veneers (An In vitro Comparative Study)

Background: Ceramic veneers represent the treatment of choice in minimally invasive esthetic dentistry; one of the critical factors in their long term success is marginal adaptation. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the marginal gap of ceramic veneers by using two different fabrication techniques and two different designs of preparation. Material and methods: A typodont maxillary central incisor used in the preparation from which metal dies were fabricated, which were in turn used to make forty stone dies. The dies divided into four experimental groups, each group had ten samples: A1: prepared with butt-joint incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max CAD, A2: prepared with overlapped incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max CAD. B1: prepared with butt-joint incisal reduction restored with IPS e.max press. B2: prepared with overlapped incisal reduction and restored with IPS e.max press. The marginal gap was measured with direct view technique using digital microscope at a magnification of 230x. Measurements were recorded for four surfaces for each sample and the maximum value was taken to represent that sample. Results: The data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and independent samples t-tests. These tests revealed highly significant effects of both the preparation design and the technique of fabrication on the marginal gap (p=0.00), with CAD/CAM veneers, group A1 recorded the least marginal gap and pressing group, B2 showed the highest gap values. There was no significant effect of the interaction between the two parameters on the marginal gap. Conclusion: the CAD/CAM veneers with butt joint incisal reduction produced the most accurate margins while the least favorable combination was the pressable ceramic veneers with overlapped incisal reduction.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 18 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Detection The Prevalence of Adhesins and Extracellular hydrolytic enzymes genes in Candida albicans Biofilm Formation

Biofilm formation (BF) is one of the most important virulence factors of
Candida spp. The aim of this study was to detect the prevalence of genes
responsible in biofilm formation of C. albicans by conventional PCR technique.
Among 49 vaginal specimens (VC), C. albicans was the most predominant species
in percentage 22/49 (45%) and 27(55%) were non albicans. Out of 47 oral
specimens (OS), 22/47(47%) were C. albicans, whereas 25(53%) were non albicans.
At the present study; all C. albicans were biofilm producers with variable strength,
out of 44 BF producers, 18 (40.9%) were low biofilm (LBF) with significant
differences (P<0.05) between HVS and OS, 25 (56.8%) moderate or high biofilm
(HBF) and just one isolat

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal

Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is the result of aninitial episode of acute otitis media and is characterized by a persistent discharge from the middle ear through a tympanic perforation for at least 2 weeks duration. It is an important cause of preventable hearing loss, particularly in the developing world.Methods. 1. To get an overview on the bacterial ear infection profile in general 2. To assess the antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonal infection (PS) particularly since it is usually the commonest infection to cause otitis media and the most difficult to treat due to the problem of multi drug resistance... A cross sectional study was done which included 405 patient of CSOM patients196 (48%) case were males ,209 (52

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies Architecture And Depositional Marine Systems of the Yamama Formation in Selected Wells, Southern Iraq

      The Yamama Formation is characterized by a wide geographic extension of southern Iraq. Microfacies analysis of this formation was studied in six wells distributed in six fields: Fayhaa, Sindbad, Siba, Zubair, Ratawi and West Qurna. This research aims to determine paleoenvironments by diagnosing biofacies and lithofacies. Miscellaneous marine fauna of foraminifera and calcareous algae, mainly green algae (dasycladacean.) and skeletal bioclasts from gastropods, pelecypods, bryozoans, sponge spicules, and echinoderms were found. Petrographic studies and well logs interpretations led to the identification of five main Microfacies ( Mudstone, Wackestone, Packestone, Grainestone and Rudstone and twelve submicrofacies (Foraminiferal-

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Chemical And Biological Sciences
Relationship between Chronic Hepatitis B Virus and Pathogenicity of Celiac Disease in the Iraqi Patients

To determine the relationship between chronic hepatitis B virus and autoimmune celiac disease, seventy five patients with chronic hepatitis B virus of ages (8-70) years have been investigated and compared with 50 healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure antiGliadin antibodies IgA and IgG by ELISA test and anti-reticulin antibodies IgA and IgG by IFAT. There were significant elevation (P<0.05) in the concentration of AGA IgA and IgG antibodies compared to control group. The prevalence of AGA antibodies IgA and IgG was 8% and 9.33% respectively. There were a highly significant differences (P<0.01) between studies groups. The prevalence of antireticulin antibodies ARA IgA and IgG was 6.67% and 4.0% respectively i

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning
The Effect of Cognitive Modeling in Mathematics Achievement and Creative Intelligence for High School Students

Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management
Identification, Quantification, and Classification of Potential Safety Risk for Sustainable Construction in the United States

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Scopus (48)
Crossref (37)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Efficacy and Safety Of Using Hydrochlorothiazide As Adjuvant Therapy In Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections

Background: Acute urinary tract infection is a common bacterial infection causing illness in infants and children. At age of seven, 8% of girls and 2% of boys will have at least one episode. Although drinking water and using home remedies are known to help to flush away bacteria and keeps them from sticking to the bladder wall, researches to test the efficacy and safety of hydrochlorothiazide's diuretic effect as adjuvant to the antibiotics in pediatric age groups are lacking, and so this research was to address this subject.

Objectives: To assess the effectiveness   and  the safety of hydrochlorothiazide as adjuvant therapy to the antibiotics in treating acute urinary tract infect

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Facies, Depositional Environment and Cyclicity of the Fatha Formation in East Baghdad Oil Field, Iraq.

This study deals with establishing the depositional environment of the Fatha Formation through facies analysis. It also deals with dividing the formation into units based on the rhythmic nature. Data from selected shallow wells near Hit area and deep wells at East Baghdad Oil field are used. Five major lithofacies are recognized in this study, namely, greenish grey marl, limestone, gypsum (and/or anhydrite), halite and reddish brown mudstone (with occasional sandstone).The limestone lithofacies is divided into three microfacies: Gastropods bioclastic wackestone microfacies, Gastropods peloidal bioclastic packstone, and Foraminiferal packstone microfacies.The lithofacies of the Fatha are nested in a rhythmic pattern or what is known as sh

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Publication Date
Thu May 13 2004
Journal Name
The College Of Arts/ Al-mustansiriyya University
The Linguistic Aspect of Euphemism in Jane Austen&#39;s Novel Emma: Motivation and Formation

APDBN Rashid, The College of Arts/ Al-Mustansiriyya University, 2004

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Ecology and Geographical Distribution for Six Species of the Genus Echinops L.(compositae) in Iraq

This study includes six species related to the genus Echinops L. (composite) grown in Iraq which are listed below: E.armatus Boiss. & Hausskn., E. bicolor Nabelek, E. cephalotes DC., E.haussknechtii Boiss., E. moulensis Rech., E. nitens Bornm., the geographical distribution and ecological preferences' were documented.
It has been also observed that this genus was distributed near waterfalls, vallies, road side, dry limestone, clay soil and hard rocky soil in Different heights. The most separated species was E.armatus and the least separated one was E.haussknechtii, the species was listed in diagram and distributed on a map.

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