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Effect of different palatal vault shapes and woven glass fiber reinforcement on dimensional stability of high impact acrylic denture base [Part I]
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Background: Change in palatal vault shape and Reinforcement of high impact acrylic denture base resin may in turn affect the dimensional accuracy of acrylic resin and affecting the fitness of the denture.This study evaluated tostudy the effect of fiber reinforcement for high-impact acrylic resin denture base with different palatal vault shapes on adaptation or gap space between the denture base and the stone cast and compare with non-fiber reinforcement and effect of palatal vault shapes on adaptation of non-reinforced and fiber reinforced high impact denture base acrylic resin Material and method: Three different palatal vault shapes were prepared on standard casts using CNC (computer numerical control) machine. 60 samples of heat polymerized high impact acrylic resin maxillary denture base were fabricated onto each definitive cast according to manufacturer instruction. Samples divided into three main experimental groups represented the three different palatal vault shapes (20 samples for each main group); 1st rounded 2nd U-shaped and the 3rd groups V-shaped. Each main group divided into two subgroups (10 samples for each subgroup) representing non fiber reinforced high impact acrylic group as a control and the fiber reinforced high impact acrylic. The measurements of gap-space changes of denture bases done at two stages, 1st 24 hour after polymerization and 2nd measurement done after one month storage in distilled water at room temperature. Results and conclusion: Dimensional changes of high impact acrylic denture base not affected by glass fiber reinforcement p-value for all reference pointes ≥ 0.05, while topographical change in maxillary vault shapes effects on the gap-space in non-fiber reinforced high impact acrylic denture base p-value < 0.05 in point one, four, and seven.

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Publication Date
Mon May 04 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical And Cellular Archives
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Evaluation of New Ceftriaxone Derivatives
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The present study was designed to synthesize a number of new Ceftriaxone derivatives by its involvement with a series of different amines, through the chemical derivatization of its 2-aminothiazolyl- group into an amide with chloroacetyl chloride, which on further conjugation with these selected amines will produce compounds with pharmacological effects that may extend the antimicrobial activity of the parent compound depending on the nature of these moieties.

Ceftriaxone was first equipped with a spacer arm (linker) by the action of chloroacetyl chloride in aqueous medium and then further reacted with seven different aliphatic and aromatic amines which resulted in the production of the aimed final target products. The syntheses

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 04 2021
Journal Name
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt
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After the persistence of the British policy of oppression and control over the American colonies and the attempts to obliterate the identity of their inhabitants, the colonies worked on moving forward towards achieving independence, and Virginia was the first to initiate the development of the new government frameworks, through George Mason in drafting the Virginia Bill of Rights in 1776, which expressed the philosophy of the era Enlightenment and independent revolutionary thought, which called for equality and natural rights for individuals and the need for a free popular government that works for the common good.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 25 2013
Journal Name
International Endodontic Journal
Fabrication and characterization of polymer composites for endodontic use
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Aim To develop a low-density polyethylene–hydroxyapatite (HA-PE) composite with properties tailored to function as a potential root canal filling material. Methodology Hydroxyapatite and polyethylene mixed with strontium oxide as a radiopacifier were extruded from a single screw extruder fitted with an appropriate die to form fibres. The composition of the composite was optimized with clinical handling and placement in the canal being the prime consideration. The fibres were characterized using infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and their thermal properties determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The tensile strength and elastic modulus of the composite fibres and gutta-percha were compared, dry and after 1 month storage in

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Investigation and Antioxidant Activity of Iraqi Tribulus terrestris
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The aim of the present study was to characterize the Iraqi Tribulus terrestris for the presence of biologically active phyto-chemicals using methanolic extracts of the plant (aerial parts) by Gas Chromatography –Mass spectrometry (GC/MS), while the mass spectra of the compounds found in the extract was matched with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) library , in addition to study the antioxidant activity of plant extract , results confirmed the presence of therapeutically potent compounds in the Iraqi Tribulus terrestris extract predominantly alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and terpenoids. Antioxidant potential of Iraqi Tribulus terrestris

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-crystalline ZSM-5 Zeolite
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 Nano-crystalline ZSM-5 zeolite was synthesized by hydrothermal method using chelating agent and two gel compositions:Compositionɪ:Al2O3:86SiO2:5.5TPA:12.7Na2O:3.4Trien:3320H2O.Compositionɪɪ:Al2O3:68SiO2:5.4TPA:10Na2O:2.6Trien:2626H2O.Study of hydrothermal reaction factors on characteristics of nano- sized zsm-5 has been carried on ,among them are crystallization temperature, crystallization time and concentration of template ( TPAOH ) solution. Synthesis was accomplished in PTFE lined autoclave ( reactor ) . The product were characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ),Atomic force microsc

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proteoytic Activity and Swarming Growth of Proteus spp. Isolates.
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Many clinical isolates of proteus spp. (30 isolates of P
mirabilis and 30 isolates of P. vulgaris) from patients with urinary
tract infections (UTIs) were examined for their ability to produce
proteolytic enzymes and their ability to form swarming growth. Most
(90%) of P. mirabilis and 60% of P. vulgaris isolates secreta
proteolytic enzymes. A strong correlation was found between the
ability of a strain to secreted proteases and it's ability to form
swarming growth. Non- swarming isolates invariably appeared to be
non- proteolytic. However, some isolates (12 isolates of P. vagaries)
were non- proteolytic even when they formed swarming growth

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Denotation of Stanza and couplet between the two sonnets
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The stanza in the sonnet has been defined as a set of poetic lines followed after proem
and be the same meter as that of proem in complete stanza, but in rhyme scheme different
from that meter. The couplet is defined as set of poetic lines that followed the stanza and be as
the same meter as that of stanza, but with different rhyme scheme. This definition is approved
by all specialized in field of Andalus literature and it was also proven to them that this
construction emptied of indications. This meter has endeavored to prove that that there were a
difference in denotation for meaning between the stanza and couplet. Thus, the sonneteers
have outweighed the sonnet of the blind "Tutaili" to their sonnets as they felt

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Kufa For Mathematics And Computer
Category Theory and New Classes of Semi Bornological Group
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Mechanical and thermal properties of cockles shell cementing material
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Mortar of ordinary Portland cement was blended with cockles shell
powder at different weight ratios to investigate the effect of powder
admixture on their strength and thermal conductivity. Results showed
that addition of cockles shell powder at 50% of mortar weight
improves hardness and compressive strength notably and reduces the
thermal conductivity of the end product. Results suggest the
possibility to incorporate cockles shell powders as constituents in
cement mortars for construction and plastering applications.

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