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Fracture strength of laminate veneers using different restorative materials and techniques (A comparative in vitro stuy)
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Background: Esthetic correction represents one of the clinical conditions that required the use of laminate veneers in premolars region. Aim of the study: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength of the laminate veneers in maxillary first premolars, fabricated from either composite (direct and indirect techniques) or ceramic CAD/CAM blocks. Materials and Methods: Fifty sound human maxillary premolar teeth were used in this in vitro study. Teeth were divided randomly into one control group and four experimental groups of ten teeth each; Group A: Restored with direct composite veneer (Filtek Z250 XT), Group B: Restored with indirect composite veneers (Filtek Z250 XT), Group C: Restored with lithium disilicate ceramic CAD/CAM blocks (IPS e. max CAD) and Group D: Restored with resin nano ceramic CAD/CAM blocks (Lava Ultimate Restorative). Standard preparations were done using Ceramic Veneer Set (Komet). Indirect laminate veneers were cemented with the Relyx Veneer Cement (3M ESPE) and all specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 2 weeks. The load was applied on the occlusal part of the veneer at 45˚ to long axis of the tooth using universal testing machine. Results were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and LSD tests. Specimens were examined by stereomicroscope at a magnification of 20x to evaluate the mode of failure. Results: Control group showed higher mean of fracture strength with highly significant difference in comparison to the experimental groups (P<0.01). (Group A) showed higher mean of fracture strength with statistically significant difference in comparison to (Group B and Group D). On the other hand the difference between (Group A and Group C) was statistically highly significant. Statistically non-significant difference was found among the three indirectly restored groups. Conclusions: All veneers used in this study can be considered as acceptable treatment in the premolars region for patients with normal biting force. Direct composite veneer is the most favorable technique in term of fracture strength, while IPS e. max CAD laminate veneers were least likely to fracture and most likely to completely debond.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An analytical study at the General Company for the manufacture of batteries
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    This study carry’s out the correlation and the effect of two main variables, these variables are Job Satisfaction included six sub: wages - salaries and justice and yield, working  conditions    and services, pattern of supervision and the relationship with the manger, Relationship with colleagues, the content of the work and the variety of tasks, development and  promotion  opportunities available  to  an individual,   and Organizational Performance included  two sub variables:  Efficiency, Effectiveness.  This research was conducted using a questioner as a main tool, This questioner was distributed randomly to a research community composed of

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Publication Date
Wed May 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Modeling of Water Movement from Buried Vertical Ceramic Pipes through Soils
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The problem of water scarcity is becoming common in many parts of the world, to overcome part of this problem proper management of water and an efficient irrigation system are needed.  Irrigation with a buried vertical ceramic pipe is known as a very effective in the management of irrigation water.  The two- dimensional transient flow of water from a buried vertical ceramic pipe through homogenous porous media is simulated numerically using the HYDRUS/2D software.  Different values of pipe lengths and hydraulic conductivity were selected.  In addition, different values of initial volumetric soil water content were assumed in this simulation as initial conditions.  Different value

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Publication Date
Sun May 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Motion Control of Three Links Robot Manipulator (Open Chain) with Spherical Wrist
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Robot manipulator is a multi-input multi-output system with high complex nonlinear dynamics, requiring an advanced controller in order to track a specific trajectory. In this work, forward and inverse kinematics are presented based on Denavit Hartenberg notation to convert the end effector planned path from cartesian space to joint space and vice versa where a cubic spline interpolation is used for trajectory segments to ensure the continuity in velocity and acceleration.  Also, the derived mathematical dynamic model is based on Eular Lagrange energy method to contain the effect of friction and disturbance torques beside the inertia and Coriolis effect. Two types of controller are applied ; the nonlinear computed torque control (CTC

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Spectrophotometric Determination of Famotidine Drug via Coupling with Diazotized Metochlopramide Hydrochloride
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A new, simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method was described for the determination of famotidine (FAM) as a pure material and in pharmaceutical formulation. This method was based on diazotization and coupling reaction between famotidine and diazotized solution of metochlopramide hydrochloride (DMPH) in the presence of phosphate buffer solution to give a compound of azo dye having orange color soluble in water with high absorptivity at a wave length of 478 nm. The data shows that FAM and DMPH combine in the molar ratio of 1:1 at PH 7.0 .The method obeys Beer's law over concentration range of 1-40 ? of famotidine with a correlation coefficient of 0.9955 and a detection limit of 0.10 ? The apparent molar absorptivity re

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Plasma Heating of Tokamak by Microwaves at Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH)
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The brief description to the theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasma was done. The cutoff and resonance regions have been showed. The principles of plasma heating at electron cyclotron resonance (ECRH) method have been mentioned. The numerical simulation to three different station: Tosca station in United Kingdom, ISX-B station in USA and T-10 station in Russia had been done. The optical depth and the friction of energy absorbed A have been calculated. The simulation results indicate that both and A are increase with size of the tokamak and it is possible to obtain full absorption in large tokamak.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 11 2003
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Use of Pulse Frequency Modulation Technique for Optical Video Communication System
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An optical video communication system is designed and constructed using pulse frequency modulation (PFM) technique. In this work PFM pulses are generated at the transmitter using voltage control oscillator (VCO) of width 50 ns for each pulse. Double frequency, equal width and narrow pulses are produced in the receiver be for demodulation. The use of the frequency doubling technique in such a system results in a narrow transmission bandwidth (25 ns) and high receiver sensitivity.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Social Motive Behind the Inclusion of Moses Story Within Andalusi Poetry
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The significance of the social motivation lies in showing the great and important role of the story of the prophet of ( Moser ( Peace upon him) in Quran , especially , it is considered the greatest one in Quran , as that confirmed by the poets of Andalusera ,as it includes aspects similar to that prevailing over in their environments and their social life via the social motivation. Moreover , the relation's poets with the Andalus society where suitability prevailing over consistent with the events of the story; bedsides, artistic expression about the society for being considered as a trust mirror reflect real facts surrounded by the Andalussociety with all its sides and aspects . Thus , the poet takes Quran , especially the story of Mose

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Today:proceeding
Modification of CR39 surfaces by 193 nm ArF laser for biomaterial sensing
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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Transactions C: Aspects
Axial Behavior of Concrete Filled-steel Tube Columns Reinforced with Steel Fibers
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Concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns are being popular in civil engineering due to their superior structural characteristics. This paper investigates enhancement in axial behavior of CFST columns by adding steel fibers to plain concrete that infill steel tubes. Four specimens were prepared: two square columns (100*100 mm) and two circular columns (100 mm in diameter). All columns were 60 cm in length. Plain concrete mix and concrete reinforced with steel fibers were used to infill steel tube columns. Ultimate axial load capacity, ductility and failure mode are discussed in this study. The results showed that the ultimate axial load capacity of CFST columns reinforced with steel fibers increased by 28% and 20 % for circular and square c

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Reducing Damages to Underground Infrastructure: Performance Evaluation of One-Call Notification Program
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