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An evaluation of an Iraqi phosphate-bonded investment and a commercial type on the marginal fit of ceramometalcopings using three different investing and burnout techniques
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Background: The accuracy of fitness of any dental casting is imperative for the success of any prosthodontic treatment. From the time that dental casting was first introduced, efforts have been made to produce more accurate and better fitted castings with minimal marginal discrepancy. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of three different investing and burnout techniques on the vertical marginal discrepancies ofceramometalcopings invested with two types of phosphate- bonded investments. Materials and methods: Sixty wax patterns were fabricated on a standardized prepared brass die representing an upper central incisor by the aid of a custom-made split mold. Three different investing and burnout techniques were applied for an Iraqi investment and a commercial type; Group I:Ring investing with conventional burnout technique (RC);Group II: Ringless investing with conventional burnout technique (RLC);Group III: Ring investing with accelerated burnout technique (RA).Twenty wax patterns of each group were divided into two subgroups according to the type of investment material used (10 for each subgroup) represented as (B) for the BellaStar XL and (W) for the WYMvest investments. Complete castings were finished and seated on the metal die. The accuracy of fit of each coping was determined by measuring the vertical marginal discrepancies between the finish line on the metal die and the margins of each coping at four specific reference points on the labial, mesial, palatal, and distal aspects of the die by the aid of a light microscope supplied with a digital camera.The arithmetic mean of each three records was computed and regarded as the amount of the marginal discrepancy of each coping and was used as a unit for the statistical analysis. Results: Mean marginal accuracy for W(RLC)was found to be the least (13.839+4.5724 um) while the highest mean value related to B(RLC) (29.033+2.102 um). In general, ANOVA test showed significant results among the mean values of the Binvestment subgroups while LSD test showed non-significance between the (RA) and both the (RC) and (RLC) subgroups. On the other hand, significance was present between the (RLC) and (RA)of the Winvestment subgroups while non-significance was located between the (RC) and both the (RLC) and (RA) subgroups. Comparing similar subgroups of the two tested investments, the Student's t-test showed non-significance between the (RC) subgroups while high significance was located between the (RLC) and (RA) subgroups respectively.Concerning the vertical marginal discrepancy of the copings, applying the (RC) technique for both investments caused non-statistical significance between the labial, mesial, palatal, and distal aspects.The (RLC) technique caused high significance between the four aspects, while the (RA) technique caused non-significance between the labial aspect only and the others. Conclusion: The Iraqi investment generally produced less vertical marginal discrepancies (using the three different investing and burn-out techniques) than the commercial investment.In order to achieve a better marginal fit, it seems that ceramometalcopings invested with the commercial investment tested are better be cast using the conventional ring investing and burnout technique.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the relationship between curve of Spee and dentofacial morphology in different skeletal patterns
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Background: Curve of Spee (CS) is an anteroposterior anatomical curve established by the occlusal alignment of the teeth viewed in the sagittal plane. This occlusal curvature has clinical importance in orthodontics and other fields of dentistry. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the CS and dentofacial morphology of different skeletal patterns in both genders. Materials and Methods: Eighty six Iraqi Arab subjects (44females,42 males ) their age ranged from 17 -30 years, classified into: Skeletal I with normal occlusion(15 females and 15 males), skeletal II with CI II div 1 malocclusion (15 females and 15 males) and skeletal III with CI III malocclusion (14 females and 12 males). Forty one variables measured us

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Effect of an exercise program on physical-kinetic intelligence and the skills of dribbling and shooting in basketball among female students
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The current research aimed to study the effect of an exercise program on physical-kinetic intelligence and the skills of dribbling and shooting in basketball among female students. The research community was composed of 102 female students in the second stage of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences College for Girls of Baghdad University, in the academic year 2021-2022. A total of 40 female students were the sample of the study: 20 female students in the control group and 20 female students in the experimental group. After the implementation of the exercise program, there were significant improvements from pre-tests to post tests in the two groups (control and experimental groups), in physical-kinetic intelligenc

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of strategic planning for electronic services to developing cash bank deposits: An Applied research for a sample of Iraqi private banks
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               The bank deposits is fuel banking activity and raw material products for the commercial bank and the basis of its activity and its lifetime So the bank, which seeks to continue the successful development of the volume of cash deposits has translated the work of the bank to meet the needs of different sectors by providing the necessary funding, and from this point of view was the research problem a lack of interest departments of banking services to commercial banks as a means for the development of electronic cash deposits have, and which represents the basis for the supplier commercial bank fund.


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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Competitiveness of an enterprise under a flexible manufacturing system. Manufacturing strategy and flexibility - Case study
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The research has designed for studying the relationship between manufacturing strategy and its flexibility under the flexible manufacturing system with their reflection on the competitive environmental performance of the firm. To interpret and tackle the problem, a hypothesis has formulated stating that “ the competitive performance of a firm is interpreted by the manufacturing strategy and flexibility which are derived from the firm and its business  strategies under the flexible manufacturing system”. Related literatures with their theoretical dissertations, which enhanced the thoughtful content, have analyzed. An illustrative case study on the flexible manufacturing system at Toyota Motors Corporation working at the g

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2012
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
Design and Implementation of a Scalable RFID-Based Attendance System with an Intelligent Scheduling Technique
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Humanities And Social Sciences Researches
The Role and Importance of Electronic Automation in Banking Service Development: A Case Study of the Commercial Bank of Iraq
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Electronic banking services appeared as a result of laying the foundations for the application of electronic automation in the banking field, and despite the clear expansion in its adoption and implementation as an inevitable necessity imposed by international and national developments, its application was not ideal according to the level that was expected to occur after the abandonment of traditional banking services, which produced some risks Which is evident in the absence of a legal system, whether at the level of proving and authoritative electronic banking services such as electronic signature, Or at the level of protecting the confidentiality of these services and ensuring that they are not exp

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
Medico-legal Update
Assessing the Response of a Sample of Iraqi Asthmatic Patients to Different Medication Regimens
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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of respiratory airways characterized by distinctive history of respiratory symptoms due to variable airflow obstruction which reverses either spontaneously or in response to certain medications. Acetylcholine is a parasympathetic neurotransmitter which plays fundamental roles in the development of persistent asthma. Treatment guidelines recommend using medium doses of inhaled corticosteroids in addition to another controller bronchodilator instead of using high doses inhaled steroid alone for treatment of moderate to severe persistent asthma. The inhaled long acting muscarinic antagonist, tiotropium, was approved recently to control unresponsive asthma to inhaled corticosteroid with or without a long

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Trilogy of Punishment - The Great, Painful and Humiliating in the Holy Quran An objective study: The Trilogy of Punishment - The Great, Painful and Humiliating in the Holy Quran An objective study
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The study of triples seeks to deal with the comprehensive nature of the Qur’an texts, and the choice fell on the trilogy of great torment, pain, and humiliation in the Noble Qur’an - an objective study, the title of this research, in which I tried to shed light on these terms, and the nuances between them, and in particular torment The eschatological terminology varied, which can be summed up in three terms, namely the great, the painful, and the offensive. The types of torment, the pain is the painful one that is described by the severity of pain and its horror, as for the humiliating punishment, it is that which humiliates the one who has fallen on it, and the diversity of torment is due to the diversity of sins.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of ANFIS and Regression Techniques in Estimating Soil Compression Index for Cohesive soils
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Generally, direct measurement of soil compression index (Cc) is expensive and time-consuming. To save time and effort, indirect methods to obtain Cc may be an inexpensive option. Usually, the indirect methods are based on a correlation between some easier measuring descriptive variables such as liquid limit, soil density, and natural water content. This study used the ANFIS and regression methods to obtain Cc indirectly. To achieve the aim of this investigation, 177 undisturbed samples were collected from the cohesive soil in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Iraq. Results of this study indicated that ANFIS models over-performed the Regression method in estimating Cc with R2 of 0.66 and 0.48 for both ANFIS and Regre

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigate Salts type and concentration on the conductivity of Polymer Electrolyte
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Polymer electrolytes systems compose of (PEO+KI+I2) and (PEO+RbI+I2) with different concentration, and a fixed amount of ethylene carbonate (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC) over temperatures range 293-343 K prepared by solution cast me

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