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An evaluation of an Iraqi phosphate-bonded investment and a commercial type on the marginal fit of ceramometalcopings using three different investing and burnout techniques
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Background: The accuracy of fitness of any dental casting is imperative for the success of any prosthodontic treatment. From the time that dental casting was first introduced, efforts have been made to produce more accurate and better fitted castings with minimal marginal discrepancy. The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effects of three different investing and burnout techniques on the vertical marginal discrepancies ofceramometalcopings invested with two types of phosphate- bonded investments. Materials and methods: Sixty wax patterns were fabricated on a standardized prepared brass die representing an upper central incisor by the aid of a custom-made split mold. Three different investing and burnout techniques were applied for an Iraqi investment and a commercial type; Group I:Ring investing with conventional burnout technique (RC);Group II: Ringless investing with conventional burnout technique (RLC);Group III: Ring investing with accelerated burnout technique (RA).Twenty wax patterns of each group were divided into two subgroups according to the type of investment material used (10 for each subgroup) represented as (B) for the BellaStar XL and (W) for the WYMvest investments. Complete castings were finished and seated on the metal die. The accuracy of fit of each coping was determined by measuring the vertical marginal discrepancies between the finish line on the metal die and the margins of each coping at four specific reference points on the labial, mesial, palatal, and distal aspects of the die by the aid of a light microscope supplied with a digital camera.The arithmetic mean of each three records was computed and regarded as the amount of the marginal discrepancy of each coping and was used as a unit for the statistical analysis. Results: Mean marginal accuracy for W(RLC)was found to be the least (13.839+4.5724 um) while the highest mean value related to B(RLC) (29.033+2.102 um). In general, ANOVA test showed significant results among the mean values of the Binvestment subgroups while LSD test showed non-significance between the (RA) and both the (RC) and (RLC) subgroups. On the other hand, significance was present between the (RLC) and (RA)of the Winvestment subgroups while non-significance was located between the (RC) and both the (RLC) and (RA) subgroups. Comparing similar subgroups of the two tested investments, the Student's t-test showed non-significance between the (RC) subgroups while high significance was located between the (RLC) and (RA) subgroups respectively.Concerning the vertical marginal discrepancy of the copings, applying the (RC) technique for both investments caused non-statistical significance between the labial, mesial, palatal, and distal aspects.The (RLC) technique caused high significance between the four aspects, while the (RA) technique caused non-significance between the labial aspect only and the others. Conclusion: The Iraqi investment generally produced less vertical marginal discrepancies (using the three different investing and burn-out techniques) than the commercial investment.In order to achieve a better marginal fit, it seems that ceramometalcopings invested with the commercial investment tested are better be cast using the conventional ring investing and burnout technique.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The impact of an Oral Health Education (OHE) program by teachers and mothers on adolescents' oral health
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Background: Adolescence is one of the most dynamic stages of human development. However, Oral health is an integral part of public health, significantly impacts on the quality of life. OHE program is an important issue that should be given to them. The aim of this study was to evaluate oral health outcomes on adolescents' oral health by teachers and mothers Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in seven schools of Diyala - Baquba city. This 14-weeks duration study assessed the effectiveness of school OHE program on oral hygiene status, gingival health, and halitosis assessment of 80, 12 year-old, both genders of school adolescents. From the selected schools, one group was supervised by the teachers and the other was supervised

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A three-stage blumlein-circuit to generate transversely excited atmospheric nitrogen laser by using three spark gaps
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In this research constructed N2 laser system by use developed method of electric discharge. In this method used four step of electric discharge by using four capacitors, three spark gaps, high tension power supply varying in range from 12kV to 24 kV and three resistors, this method called three stage blumlein circuit. The breakdown time delay of these parallel spark gaps cement strong ultraviolet preionization in the laser channel, thus the result of these amendments the laser output is many doubled and is more increasing than that obtained using the one and two stage blumlein circuits. This system has been designed and operated to give pulse laser with wavelength at 337.1 nm. This laser system can operate without mirrors and optical res

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Attitudes of banking leaders towards practicing strategic foresight and its relationship to organizational brilliance: Applied research in a number of Iraqi private commercial banks
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               The aim of the research is to evaluate the practice of banking departments for strategic foresight represented by its dimensions (environmental scanning, future vision, scenarios, reconfiguration) and its relationship to the organizational brilliance represented by dimensions (brilliance of leadership, brilliance of service and innovation, brilliance of knowledge, brilliance of employees), as the research was applied in A number of private Iraqi commercial banks represented by (Baghdad, Iraqi Investment, Iraqi Middle East Investment, Commercial Gulf, Ashur International Investment, Al Mansour Investment, Via Iraq Invest

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
Managing Trading Decisions Using The True Strength Index –An Applied Study
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The purpose of this research is to test the ability of the true strength index To time and manage trading in the financial market to select the best stocks and achieve a higher return than the Simple buy and hold strategy. And To achieve the objectives of the research, it relied on the main hypothesis, which is By using the True Strength Index to manage trading decisions buying and selling, can be achieved higher returns than the buy and hold strategy . The research community has been identified with all stocks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. Implementing the financial research tests requires selecting a sample from the research community that fulfills the test requirements according to a number of conditions So (38) companies we

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Context and its impact on the choice of Quranic singularity An applied study in some verses of repetition
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The research dealt with the study of choice between a range of different words between the repetitive texts in the verses of the Koran and explain the reason behind this choice, and how the context has the greatest impact in this choice, and that each word in the Koran was placed in the most appropriate place, which can not be replaced by equivalent words, whatever The degree of similarity between them in the indication of the other because it remains at the end that each of those vocabulary synonyms are indicative, the first of them especially that makes the possibility of replacing them with the equivalent vocabulary impossible, and the second general significance and this connotation makes them share with their peers In one aspect of

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
“Impress of rotation and an inclined MHD on waveform motion of the non-Newtonian fluid through porous canal”
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Abstract<p>Waveform flow of non-Newtonian fluid through a porous medium of the non-symmetric sloping canal under the effect of rotation and magnetic force, which has applied by the inclined way, have studied analytically and computed numerically. Slip boundary conditions on velocity distribution and stream function are used. We have taken the influence of heat and mass transfer in the consideration in our study. We carried out the mathematical model by using the presumption of low Reynolds number and small wave number. The resulting equations of motion, which are representing by the velocity profile and stream function distribution, solved by using the method of a domain decomposition analysis a</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (9)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation for the Effect of Heat Stable Enterotoxin (a) Produced by Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on Different Cancer Cells In Vitro
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This study was conducted for evaluating the cytotoxic effect of heat stable enterotoxin a (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli on the proliferation of primary cancer cell cultures, obtained from tumor samples that were collected from (13) cancer patients and as follows: (five colon cancer patients, two bladder cancer patients, two breast cancer patients, two stomach cancer patients and two lung cancer patients), and on normal cell line (rat embryonic fibroblast / REF) (in vitro) with the use of different concentrations starting from (1) mg/ml and ending with (0.0002) mg/ml by making two fold serial dilutions by using the 96- well microtiter plate, and in comparison with negative (PBS) and positive (MMC, at concentration

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of green accounting information systems in the oil sector and its impact on reporting on sustainability - an applied study
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                  The research seeks to shed light on green accounting information systems, analyze them, identify sustainability reporting and how to improve it, as well as study the importance of the Iraqi oil sector, analyze it, and work on applying green accounting information systems in order to improve the quality of sustainability reporting. Oil as a branch of the General Corporation for the Distribution of Oil and Gas Products to apply the practical aspect and prove the hypothesis of the research. Explaining the company's role in improving environmental conditions

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the anterior loop of the mental nerve incidence and extension in different age groups in Sulaimania city using digital panoramic imaging system
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Background: The anterior loop of mental nerve is commonly described as that part of the neurovascular bundle that transverses anterior and inferior to the mental foramen only to loop back to exit the mental foramen. The aim of the study is to evaluate the incidence and extension of anterior loop of mental nerve by using digital panoramic imaging system to avoid nerve damage during different surgical procedures in dentistry. Materials and Method: Panoramic image was taken for all 400 patients and stored in the computer. Then Horizontal and Vertical for the anterior loop extension when exist was measured and recorded in a special case sheet prepared for each subject. Results: Results indicated that out of 400 patients there were only 25 pat

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
University Of Anbar Sport And Physical Education Sciences
Anxiety and its relationship to the performance of the front hand hop followed by an anterior spherical flip with a half lap on the jumping platform
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