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Selected salivary constituents, physical properties and nutritional status in relation to dental caries among 4-5 year’s old children (Comparative study)
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Background: Tooth decay is still one of most common diseases of childhood, child’s primary teeth are important even though they aretemporary. This study was conducted to assess the physiochemical characteristic of saliva among caries experience preschool children and compared them with caries free matching in age and gender. Then an evaluation was done about these salivary characteristics to dental caries and evaluated the relation of body mass index to dental caries and to salivary variables. Materials and method: After examination 360 children aged 4-5 years of both gender. Caries-experiences was recorded according to dmfs index by (World Health Organization criteria 1987) during pilot study children with caries experience was divided in to three groups according to decay fraction of decay missing filled surfaces index .Mild with decay surfaces<6, moderate with 6≤decay surfaces≤13 and severe with decay surfaces>13 and select thirty children with moderate caries experience and compared with thirty caries free children decay missing filled surfaces=0 match in age and gender. Nutritional status of each child was assessed by measuring weight and height to calculate body mass index. Unstimulated saliva collected from sixty child under standardized condition and potential hydrogen and flow rate were measured. Total antioxidant concentration, total protein, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, zinc and copper were measured. Results: Statistically highly significant differences were found in concentration of salivary calcium and inorganic phosphorus between caries-experience and caries free children with higher mean value among caries free group. Statistically significant differences were found in concentration of salivary zinc between groups. Statistically non-significant differences were found in concentration of salivary total antioxidant, total protein, copper and body mass index between caries experience and caries free groups.Salivary flow rate and PH showed statistical non-significant differences between groups. Positive non-significant correlation was found between dmfs index, (ds) fraction of dmfs index and salivary flow rate, total antioxidant and negative correlation with salivary PH, total protein, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and copper. Positive a non-significant correlation was found between BMI, salivary flow rate, PH, total antioxidant, zinc and copper while a negative weak correlation found with dmfs, ds fraction of index and salivary total protein, calcium and inorganic phosphorus in caries experience group. Furthermore a non-significant positive correlation was found between BMI, salivary flow rate, PH, total antioxidant inaddition to that negative weak correlation was found with salivary total protein, calcium inorganic phosphorus, zinc and copper among caries free group. Conclusion: The findings of the present study showed that inorganic components of saliva play an important role in reminerlization of incipient caries and there is an inverse association between body mass index and dental caries.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Effect of Hydrolysis Variables on the Production of Soya Proteins Hydrolysis
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This study was conducted to determine the effects of concentration of hydrochloric acids, temperature, and time on the hydrolysis of soya proteins (defatted soya flour) by determining the value of total protein nitrogen  concentration, and amino nitrogen concentration of protein, peptides, and amino acids, and then calculated the hydrolysis rate of proteins.

        The variables of the conditions of hydrolysis process was achieved in this study with the following range value of tests parameter:

  • Concentration of HCl solution ranged between 1-7 N,
  • Hydrolysis temperature ranged between 35-95 °C, and
  • The time of hydroly

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Panic Attacks Over COVID 19 : A Survey Study on An Iraqi University Sample
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The present paper attempts to detect the level of (COVID-19) pandemic panic attacks among university students, according to gender and stage variables.

To achieve this objective, the present paper adopts the scale set up by (Fathallah et al., 2021), which has been applied electronically to a previous cross-cultural sample consisting of (2285) participants from Arab countries, including Iraq. The scale includes, in its final form, (69) optional items distributed on (6) dimensions:  physical symptoms (13) items, psychological and emotional symptoms (12) items, cognitive and mental symptoms (11) items, social symptoms (8) items, general symptoms (13) items and daily living practices (12) items

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The study of antibacterial activity of some plant extracts against causes of pneumonia
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Eighty five samples were taken from patients suffering from pneumonia. Seventy-eight isolates were diagnosed as following: Staphylococcus aureus (23), klebsiella pneumoniae (29), Streptococcus pneumoniae (15), Serratia sp. (4), Haemophilus influenzae (4) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3). The clinical isolates were tested for antibiotics sensitivity. They appeared highly resistance to penicillin G and Ampicillin at percentage 89.7 and 84.6% respectly while the results showed highly sensitivity to streptomycin at percentege of (12.8%). To study the antibacterial activity of Alium sativum, Eucalyptus microtheca leaves and Cydonia oblonga seeds extracts, five multi resistant strains were used by using agar well diffusion and disk methods at c

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 04 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Effect of Formulation Variables on Preparation of Nisoldipine Loaded Nano Bilosomes
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Nisoldipine (NSD) is a dihydropyridine class of calcium channel blockers used for hypertension treatment, it belongs to class II BCS (low solubility with high permeability), its absolute bioavailability is only 5% due to presystemic metabolism in the gut wall. It is also a substrate for a CYP3A and P-gp. Bilosomes are lipid bilayer vesicles incorporating bile salts in their walls to prevent degredation by GIT bile salts. The aim of this study is to prepare nisoldipine bilosomes as vesicular carrier and assess the effect of different formulation variables such as type of surfactant, amount of cholesterol, surfactant and sonication time on particle size, entrapment efficiency and poly dispersity index of the prepared bilos

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Scopus (2)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This work presents external morphological study of the leafhopper Empoasca decedens
Paoli, 1932 particularly male genitalia, which were dissected and illustrated.
The genus Empoasca Walsh (Typhlocybinae: Empoascini) contains small, slender, fragile
and generally green leafhoppers. The overall length ranges from 3-3.5 mm. Members of this
genus are charachterized by their uniformly green color, inner and outer apical cells of
forewing not attaining wing apex, second and third apical cells are sessile or triangular or
even short stalked, submarginal vein of hindwing extends around wing apex and turned
beneath costal margin, apical thirds of tibiae and tarsal segments including claws are
prominently green while other

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
3rd International Scientific Conference Of Alkafeel University (iscku 2021)
Study the effect of mixing N2 with SF6 gas on electron transport coefficients
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of Forced- Convection from Horizontal Rectangular Fins Array into Air Duct
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    In this work, an experimental study has been done to expect the heat characteristics and performance of the forced-convection from a heated horizontal rectangular fins array to air inside a rectangular cross-section duct. Three several configurations of rectangular fins array have been employed. One configuration without notches and perforations (solid) and two configurations with combination of rectangular-notches and circular-perforations for two various area removal percentages from fins namely 18% notches-9% perforations and 9% notches-18% perforations are utilized.  The rectangular fins dimensions and fins number are kept constant. The fins array is heated electrically from the base

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Proceedings Of First International Conference On Mathematical Modeling And Computational Science: Icmmcs 2020
Study the Stability for Ordinary Differential Equations Using New Techniques via Numerical Methods
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Nonlinear differential equation stability is a very important feature of applied mathematics, as it has a wide variety of applications in both practical and physical life problems. The major object of the manuscript is to discuss and apply several techniques using modify the Krasovskii's method and the modify variable gradient method which are used to check the stability for some kinds of linear or nonlinear differential equations. Lyapunov function is constructed using the variable gradient method and Krasovskii’s method to estimate the stability of nonlinear systems. If the function of Lyapunov is positive, it implies that the nonlinear system is asymptotically stable. For the nonlinear systems, stability is still difficult even though

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Scopus (8)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicine And Life
Nephroprotective effect of vitamin D Against Levofloxacin-induced renal injury: an observational study
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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2004
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Two EM techniques, terrain conductivity and VLF-Radiohm resistivity (using two
different instruments of Geonics EM 34-3 and EMI6R respectively) have been applied to
evaluate their ability in delineation and measuring the depth of shallow subsurface cavities
near Haditha city.
Thirty one survey traverses were achieved to distinguish the subsurface cavities in the
investigated area. Both EM techniques are found to be successfiul tools in study area.

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