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Assessment of dental arches symmetry in a sample of Iraqi children at the mixed dentition stage
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Background: Little is known about asymmetry of children's dental arches, the purpose of this study was to verify the presence of asymmetry of dental arches among Iraqi children in the mixed dentition stage. Materials and methods: The sample included 52 pairs of dental casts, 27 pairs belong to males and 25 pairs for females. Three linear distances were utilized on each side on the dental arch: Incisal-canine distance, canine-molar distance and incisal-molar distance, which represent the dental arch segmental measurements using the digital sliding calipers, which is accurate up to 0.02 mm. Results: No significant sides' differences with high correlation coefficient were found between the right and left incisal-canine, canine-molar and incisal-molar distances in both dental arches for both genders with males exhibited higher mean values than females in all segmental measurements of the dental arches. Conclusion: The findings of the present study revealed the symmetrical pattern of dental arches, since statistically the right and left sides showed no significant difference with high correlation coefficient in all measuring segments.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Developing the Social Studies Curriculum at the Primary Stage in View of the Standards of the Next Generation
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The aim of the current research is to develop the social studies curriculum at the primary stage in light of the standards of the next generation, which was represented in three main dimensions (pivotal ideas, scientific practices, and comprehensive concepts). The researcher designed a tool for the study, which is a content analysis card in the light of (NGSS) standards, based on the previous main dimensions. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted in analyzing the social studies curriculum for the primary stage to determine the degree to which the standards of the next generation are available, as well as to establish the theoretical framework related to the research variables. To develop the social studies curriculum in light o

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Dietary Assessment for Meals of Nurseries Children in Baghdad City
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The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional status of childs of nurseries in Baghdad city so that an early detection of malnutrition cases could be carried out. The results revealed that the daily consumption of food calories, protein, fat and carbohydrate were 1180.5 calories, 27.2gm, 38gm and 180gm, respectively, which were less than the RDA values and the percentages of these nutrients supplied by the food intake were 90.8, 83.7, 87.3 and 90.3%, respectively. It was also demonstrated that the highest percentages of stunting, underweight and wasting, which amounted to 32, 22.7 and 1.5%, respectively, were among those childs who obtained inadequate calories, while the percentages of the forementioned malnutrition cases amon

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A reformation Study about the Construction Management in the Primary Stage Curricula’s for the Civil Engineering in Some of the Iraqi Universities
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There is no doubt that the field of education and teaching (in any country and whatever its ruling system varies “d”) is considered one of the most specific and sensitive field, because it is related to the building of human. And as the human is a purpose (aim) and the means in the same time and he is the strategist capital, so he way of his rearing, education, choosing the educator, methods of working and the aims are considered serious matters.

     The educational process has aim determined by the society for him self through its working establishments in this field and these are the official and public establishments. And as he feels that the establishments have failed to achieve its d

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Ulma with feeling of freedom at student of secondary stage
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The ulma is one of the most spread social phenomenon.It occupies people in their different tendencies,the ulma imposes itself strongly in their social ,economic and politic sidies.

The   problem of freedom quarrel is the older problem in creation .The groups as well as the individuals look for their liberty and it is restricted, they isolate themselves from others for a achieving it. Isolation phenomenon is one of common humanity phenomenon among individuals for looking  of individuals psychological and social compatibility with other and society so they feel anxiety and tension and restriction of will and freedom. IT is known that college student from the major never in development and ren

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical & Health Sciences
Roles of Il-36 in the Pathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Sample of Iraqi Patients
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational Activities and Its Role in Affirm Teaching Subject At The Pupils of Primary Stage
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The first chapter includes introduce the research and the problem of the research that there are negligence of some educational institutions and schools management  , some parents and supervisors .Also there are some educators who believes that school activities are obstacles means to learning and prevent pupils from studying and understanding the subjects. That may due to social , psychological and educational reasons

The purposes of the researches come from the reports of supervision visits which indicate a lot of difficulties faced by pupils and teachers related to education activities  and its influence on in education  and the necessity of indentify these difficulties and remedy them

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Traumatic dental injuries in relation to quality of life among school children in Baghdad /Iraq
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Background: One of the significant public health problems is the traumatic dental injury to the anterior teeth, it has a great impact on children’s daily. Physical and psychological disturbance, pain and other negative impacts, such as tendency to avoid laughing or smiling may be associated with traumatic dental injuries, that may affect the social relationships. To determine the occurrence of traumatic dental injuries in relation to quality of life, this study was established among children of primary schools. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among private (574) and governmental (1026) primary school children in Baghdad city. Dental trauma was assessed according to Ellis and Davey classification in1970

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The role of ferric citrate in a sample of Iraqi patients on hemodialysis- A randomized controlled clinical trial
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Background: Uncontrolled hyperphosphatemia is the main difficulty facing staff treating patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Sevelamer and calcium-containing phosphate binders have been associated with cost burden and tissue calcification, respectively. Therefore, the current trial was targeted to investigate the efficacy of a new phosphate binder, ferric citrate, in a sample of Iraqi patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Keywords: Ferric citrate, Hemodialysis Phosphate binder

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Productive role in the financial performance of the banking: An Empirical Study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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Abstract :

The research aims to study the basic concepts of banking productivity and discuss different approaches to study what ends to identify the most important possible standards applied to measured within the Iraqi banking environment as well as research into the causes of low and high Iraqi banking productivity and identify possible treatments to curb those reasons as to ensure the rise. And in line with the research problem, which states what is the level of productivity and what are the causes of decline and the rise in private banking research sample individually. And what the Iraqi private banks and what is the relationship between performance and the impact of productivity change in the perform

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of efficiency in the banking performance: An applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks
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The research stems from the problem that focuses on a number of questions. They are as follows:   What is the extent of interest in the topic of efficiency by the banks and their role in raising the efficiency of the banking business and its development?  Is the banking efficiency used in Iraqi banks clear and specific for the Iraqi banking sector? How the banking sector efficiency is measured and what are the approaches adopted in determining the banking inputs and outputs? What is the level of efficiency in the research sample of the banks and what are the causes of its decline or rise in private banks individually and in the Iraqi banking sector in general?

 The re

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