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Salivary Cortisol as a Stress Biomarker and Total Viable Count of Salivary Bacterial Microbiome among COVID-19 Patients
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Background: The COVID-19 virus outbreak had a massive effect on many parts of people's lives, as they were advised to quarantine and lockdown to prevent the virus from spreading, which had a big impact on people's mental health, anxiety, and stress. Many internal and external factors lead to stress. This negatively influences the body's homeostasis. As a result, stress may affect the body's capacity to use energy to defend against pathogens. Many recent investigations have found substantial links between human mental stress and the production of hormones, prohormones, and/or immunological chemicals. some of these researches have verified the link between stress and salivary cortisol levels. The aim of this study is to measure salivary cortisol as a stress biomarker as well as a total viable count of salivary bacterial microbiome among COVID-19 patients. Materials and methods: a sample of 84 adults patients was collected who were divided into two groups: the COVID-19 group consists of 42 patients and the COVID-19 free group which consists of 42 subjects. All subjects undergo a PCR test to confirm their health status. The collection of Un-stimulated saliva was done. Laboratory investigations were carried out to measure the total viable count of the salivary bacterial microbiome by culturing on Brain Heart Infusion Agar and to evaluate the salivary cortisol level using cortisol kit (Elecsys Cortisol II). Results: SPSS version 21 was used for statistical analysis. According to the statistical analysis, the salivary cortisol and total viable count of salivary bacterial microbiome values were substantially greater in the COVID-19 group than in the COVID-19 free group. Conclusion: A positive association was found between salivary cortisol and the total viable count of the salivary bacterial microbiome. So, when the concentration of salivary cortisol is elevated in the COVID-19 group, the level of the total viable count of the salivary bacterial microbiome is also elevated.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The measurements and tests of the samples conducted in the laboratories of the College of Agriculture included isolating bio-fertilizers and testing the efficiency of isolates that fix atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize phosphorous compounds. Bacteria were isolated and identified from the rhizosphere soils of different plants collected from various agricultural areas. A total of 74 bacterial isolates were obtained based on the phenotypic characteristics of the developing colonies, as well as biochemical and microscopic traits. The results of isolation and identification showed that among the 74 bacterial isolates, there were 15 isolates of A. chroococcum, 13 of Az. lipoferum, 13 of B. megaterium, 10 of P. putida, 10 of Actinomycetes, and n

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
Investigation of evaluated temperature oxidation for IN-738 LC superalloy turbine blade thermally coated by AL2O3 using slurry coating process
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The study aims to investigate the effect of Al2O3 and Al additions to Nickel-base superalloys as a coating layer on oxidation resistance, and structural behavior of nickel superalloys such as IN 738 LC. Nickel-base superalloys are popular as base materials for hot components in industrial gas turbines such as blades due to their superior mechanical performance and high-temperature oxidation resistance, but the combustion gases' existence generates hot oxidation at high temperatures for long durations of time, resulting in corrosion of turbine blades which lead to massive economic losses. Turbine blades used in Iraqi electrical gas power stations require costly maintenance using traditional processes regularly. These blades are made

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Estimation the annual dose for residents in the area around the berms of Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site using RESRAD software
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RESRAD is a computer model designed to estimate risks and radiation doses from residual radioactive materials in soil. Thirty seven soil samples were collected from the area around the berms of Al-Tuwaitha site and two samples as background taken from an area about 3 km north of the site. The samples were measured by gamma-ray spectrometry system using high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The results of samples measurements showed that three contaminated area with 238U and 235U found in the study area. Two scenarios were applied for each contaminated area to estimate the dose using RESRAD (onsite) version 7.0 code. The total dose of resident farmer scenario for area A, B and C are 0.854, 0.033 and 2.15×10-3 mSv.yr-1, respectively. Whi

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Reality of Using Electronic Applications in Teaching Language Skills to People with Mild Intellectual Disability from the Mothers’ Perspective
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This study aims to identify the reality of using electronic applications in teaching language skills to people with mild intellectual disabilities from the mothers’ perspective. A descriptive approach was used. The electronic questionnaires were administered to the study sample, 122 responses were received from mothers of the students with mild intellectual disability in Hafer Al-Baten schools. The response average rate was 94%. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences that are related to the variant of monthly income as for the barriers to using electronic applications in such schools, whereas there were no differences regarding the variant of monthly income regarding t

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of target cost technology in reducing product costs: Applied Study in the General Company for Soft Drinks Industry
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The Research dealt with the role of the target costs in reducing the cost of products in the General Company for soft drinks. One the modern approaches reduce costs and thus increase the ability and continuity to compete in the market. Where the problem of research in identifying the shortcomings in the traditional method used in the company sample research. Which led to a weak control of the cost and the researcher relied on data and costs of the company. The research recommended that the target cost of the company should be applied to the research sample. Training the employees. In addition, preparing training courses for them. He stressed the need to address obstacles that prevent the existence of an effective cost system. Including t

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Effect of Partial Substitution of Sr by Ba on the Structural Properties of Tl<sub>0.8</sub>Ni<sub>0.2</sub>Sr<sub>2-x</sub>Br<sub>x</sub>Ca<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>9-δ</sub> System
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In this manuscript, the effect of substituting strontium with barium on the structural properties of Tl0.8Ni0.2Sr2-xBrxCa2Cu3O9-δcompound with x= 0, 0.2, 0.4, have been studied. Samples were prepared using solid state reaction technique, suitable oxides alternatives of Pb2O3, CaO, BaO and CuO with 99.99% purity as raw materials and then mixed. They were prepared in the form of discs with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a thickness of (0.2-0.3) cm under pressures 7 tons / cm2, and the samples were sintered at a constant temperature o

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 03 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
The Sealing Ability of New Bioceramic Material Used to Repair Furcal Perforation Compared with the Traditional Repair Materials: UV Spectrophotometer Analysis
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Abstract: Iatrogenic furcal root perforations are serious complications during dental treatment. This study was aimed to compare the sealing ability of new bioceramic root repair material TotalFill® with the other perforation repair materials (GIC, MTA and Biodentine) using a dye- extraction method.Materials and Methods: Forty extracted, human mandibular molars with non-fused well developed root were collected. Artificial perforations were made from the external surface of the teeth. Then the teeth were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups (n= 10) according to the type of repair material used in this study; Medifil glass ionomercement, TotalFill® bioceramic root repair material, BiodentineTM and MTA Plus. The specimens were then im

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Publication Date
Sat May 09 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The Role of Human Resources Strategic Management on Enhancing Talent Success Factors; Exploratory analytical research in the General Authority for Tourism
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The research aims to verify the role of the Human Resources Strategic Management (HRSM) in enhancing the strategic success factors for talent (SSFT) in the General Tourism Authority by distributing a questionnaire consisting of (36) paragraphs on an intentional sample represented by the higher departments as it reached (50) and the sample valid for testing was (44) Person and to test the relationships between the two research variables, the researchers used statistical methods represented by (Bartlett test / mean / simple regression coefficient / difference coefficient, alpha- cronbachAch, confirmatory factor Analysis ) through the statistical program (SPSS v.23 & AMOS v.23). In enhancing the factors of success for talent management in the

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Academy Of Accounting And Financial Studies Journal
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The problem of the study was to identify the possibility of benefiting from the application of the target cost system as a modern cost system to activate the environmental cost management instead of the traditional systems used in the company due to the great transformations witnessed by the business environment in all fields, which have resulted in the search for modern systems to provide more accurate and more appropriate information to reduce Costs, because accurate information makes the company have a complete vision to achieve the company’s goals. To solve this problem, the research was based on the following hypothesis (that the role of the target cost system leads to the activation of environmental cost management). Target c

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Different H/D Ratio on Axial Gas Holdup Measured by Four-Tips Optical Fiber Probe in Slurry Bubble Column
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In wide range of chemical, petrochemical and energy processes, it is not possible to manage without slurry bubble column reactors. In this investigation, time average local gas holdup was recorded for three different height to diameter (H/D) ratios 3, 4 and 5 in 18" diameter slurry bubble column. Air-water-glass beads system was used with superficial velocity up to 0.24 m/s. the gas holdup was measured using 4-tips optical fiber probe technique. The results show that the axial gas holdup increases almost linearly with the superficial gas velocity in 0.08 m/s and levels off with a further increase of velocity. A comparison of the present data with those reported for other slurry bubble column having diameters larger than

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