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The impact of various staining substances and immersion time on the stainability of bonded sapphire brackets with three kinds of light cure orthodontic adhesives (An in-vitro study)
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Background: The need of the patient for a more reasonable esthetic orthodontic intervention has risen nowadays. Thus, orthodontists make use of esthetic orthodontic materials like brackets, ligature elastics, and arch wires. The esthetic brackets come as different forms of materials, such as ceramic brackets, which have their stainability remaining as the most important consideration for the patients and the orthodontists. This study aimed to compare the staining effects of various staining materials, including black tea, cigarette smoke and Pepsi, as well as the time effect on the color stability of sapphire ceramic brackets bonded with three kinds of light cure orthodontic adhesives: Transbond, Resilience and Enlight. Materials and Methods: Three hundred sixty sapphire brackets were utilized and divided into three different groups (120 brackets per group) based on the type of bonding material. Each group was further subdivided into four subgroups (30 brackets each) based on the media in which the brackets were fully immersed, including distilled water, black tea, cigarette smoke and Pepsi. Moreover, each of these subgroups were further subdivided, based on the time of immersion relative to each media, into 3 different smaller subgroups (10 brackets each): one day, 7 days and 14 days with incubation at 37°C. A UV-visible type of spectrophotometer was utilized in order to perform a light absorption test. ANOVA and post hoc LSD tests were used for comparison. Results: The smoke of cigarette appeared to be the highest potent staining type among the tested materials followed by Pepsi and tea. The staining effects of all kinds of staining materials in relation to the bonded brackets color with all adhesive types were raised with increased time of immersion. Conclusion: The patient’s cooperation and habits should be taken into consideration when using sapphire orthodontic brackets. In addition, the patients should be instructed to decrease the consumption of staining beverages. Keywords: Stainability, staining materials, sapphire brackets.



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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ISO 9001: International Standards and their impact on achieving competitive advantage /An Applied at the private colleges in Iraq
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The results of the analysis showed that there is a correlation between ISO 9001    and the competitive advantage, which shows that the implementation of ISO 9001 in the private colleges achieves a competitive advantage through its ability to employ the entrance of quality systems management according to ISO 9001, By focusing on improving the quality of its educational services in accordance with a clear and understandable policy for all and its ability to meet the expectations, expectations and wishes of students and beneficiaries, which leads to lower costs of operations compared to other colleges and achieve a higher level of reliability and quality and value of services provided and rapid respon

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of melatonin administration with different light colors on fertility traits and hatching of local chickens
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This study was conducted at the poultry farm of the Department of Animal Production/College of Agriculture/University of Baghdad/Abu Ghraib, on 252 birds (180 females and 72 males). This study aims to observe the effect of melatonin implantation and exposure to different light colors and their interaction on characteristics of fertility and hatching of local Iraqi chickens. The birds were divided into three sections (white, red and green) each section contains two lines, one of which has been planted melatonin under the skin of the neck of birds and the other has not been planted hormones. The results showed that melatonin implantation and exposure to different light colors did not significantly affect the hatching rate of fertilized eggs a

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2024
Journal Name
South Eastern European Journal Of Public Health
Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Novel Herbal Endodontic Irrigant Against Enterococcus Faecalis in Root Canals of Permanent Teeth: An in Vitro Study
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Background: A successful endodontic treatment is aimed at the sterilization of the entire pulp space. The use of extracts from Rhamnus prinoides as a novel irrigating material for root canal has not been studied . Hence, the antimicrobial efficacy of the alcoholic extract of Rhamnus prinoides as an irrigation material against E. faecalis was evaluated in comparison with the 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL) solution used for root canals of permanent teeth. Methods: A total of 30 single-rooted human permanent teeth were thoroughly cleaned, shaped, and disinfected. Then, each tooth was subjected to a two-week infection with Enterococcus faecalis at 37 °C . Afterward, the samples were divided into three groups (10 teeth per group): 0.9

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Mixed convection in an Horizontal Rectangular Duct Including interior Circular Core with Time periodic Boundary Condition
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Numerical Investigation was done for steady state laminar mixed convection and thermally and hydrodynamic fully developed flow through horizontal rectangular duct including circular core with two cases of time periodic boundary condition, first case  on the rectangular wall while keeping core wall constant and other on both the rectangular duct and core walls. The used governing equations are continuity momentum and energy equations. These equations are normalized and solved using the Vorticity-Stream function and the Body Fitted Coordinates (B.F.C.) methods. The Finite Difference approach with the Line Successive Over Relaxation (LSOR) method is used to obtain all the computational results the (B.F.C.) method is used to generate th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis the Impact of Corruption on Investment in Iraq
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There are different types of corruptions such as administrative, political, economic and financial corruption. The corruption forms also varied such as bribery, nepotism and extortion. All types and forms of corruption play significant role in the all economic variables generally and on investments in particular, and the corruption used to be an intermediate means in reducing the rate of economic growth.  The corruption contributes in reducing the domestic investments via pay bribery by investors to officials’ persons for supplemental contracts and tenders which finally leads to reduction in the investment efficiency. The corruption also contributes in rise of operational costs for the investment projects.  In additio

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The impact of an instructional-learning design based on the brain- compatible model in systemic thinking among first intermediate grade female students in Mathematics
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The research aimed to identify “The impact of an instructional-learning design based on the brain- compatible model in systemic thinking among first intermediate grade female students in Mathematics”, in the day schools of the second Karkh Educational directorate.In order to achieve the research objective, the following null hypothesis was formulated:There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) among the average scores of the experimental group students who will be taught by applying an (instructional- learning) design based to on the brain–compatible model and the average scores of the control group students who will be taught through the traditional method in the systemic thinking test.The resear

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Solvent Extraction of Light Lubricating Oil on Viscosity Index and Chemical Composition
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An investigation was conducted for the improvement of viscosity index of light lubricating oil fraction (40 stock)
obtained from vacuum distillation unit of lube oil plant of Daura Refinery, using solvent extraction process.
In this study furfural solvent was used to extract the undesirable materials which reduce the viscosity index of raw
lubricating oil fraction.
The studied effecting variables of extraction were extraction temperature range from 70 to 110°C, and solvent to oil
ratio range from 1:1 to 4:1 (wt/wt).
The n-d-M method was used for calculation of carbon distribution and structural group analysis of the raffinate
produced from furfural extraction.
Also the three component phase diagram for a mixed-ba

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Estimating the impact of tax exemptions on achieving economic development in Iraq for the period (2015-2021): An Applied research in the General Authority for Taxes
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          The research aims to identify tax exemptions, their objectives and types, as well as to shed light on the concept of sustainable development, its objectives, dimensions and indicators (economic, social and environmental), as well as to analyze the relationship between tax exemptions and economic development, in addition to measuring and analyzing the impact of tax exemptions on economic development in Iraq for the period ( 2015 - 2021) using the NARDL model. The research problem centers on the fact that failure to employ financial policy tools correctly led to a weakness in achieving economic justice, which leads to a failure to improve social welfar

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Authority and its impact on the prevention of Sharia rulings
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions.
And after:

      Muslim scholars have fought in the extent of regard to these interests, each according to his opinion and according to his evaluation, and his consideration of this interest, but it remains important that the legislation in them needs more precaution and caution against the predominance of passions, because the passions often decorate spoilers so they see an interest, so practical application must To realize the spirit of Islamic Sharia in its entirety of its rulings, and the preponderance between the interests and evils that prevail in our societies, which c

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The elements of the global tolerance and its impact on peace
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The achievement of world peace is a humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the international and regional efforts to achieve this demand, it is still reaching its desired ambitions if conflicts, contradictions, and internal and external wars continue to justify us clearly in terms of ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict. The revolution of informatics and the impact of globalization opened a new era of communication and openness and the negative and positive impact of others, which re-published and distributed values, ideas and new cultures Some of them carries extremist ideas urging violence and destruction and other abolition, it became necessary to follow policies and reward The culture of peace,

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