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The role of prophylactic antibiotics in compound facial fractures treated by closed and open reduction
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Background: The role of prophylactic antibiotics remains controversial. It is clear that actively facial fractures are considered as clean contaminated and should be treated with therapeutic antibiotics; however, there is widespread variability in the use, type, timing, and duration of prophylactic antibiotic administrated in practice today. There is an adverse effect of increased antibiotic resistance, as well as costs, it is important to review the current evidence for the role of prophylactic antibiotics in compound facial fractures. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role and significance of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative antibiotic prophylaxis for patients when there is already an infective focus, such as compound facial fracture. Materials and methods: A total of 70 Iraqi patients aged 4-65 years, 50 males and 20 females who met the eligibility criteria were enrolled in this study to evaluate the infection rate in patients who have sustained compound facial fractures treated by open or closed treatment. The patients were divided into two groups, Group A included 50 patients who received pre, peri and post-operative antibiotics. Postoperatively the antibiotics utilized in two different regimen timing. In Group B antibiotics were administrated peri and post-operatively for 20 patients. They were then followed up to 4 weeks for any sign or evidence of infection such as pus discharge. Results: There was no significant association (p=0.664) between the incidence of post-operative infections and pre-operative administration of antibiotics. Significant association p.Value (0.032) between prevalence of postoperative infection and type of surgery. Conclusion: Perioperative prophylactic antibiotics have been proven to lower infection rates postoperatively. Open reduction presented with significant complication (infection) than closed reduction modality of treatment.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams with Multiple Web Openings under Impact Loading
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In this study, a three-dimensional finite element analysis using ANSYS 12.1 program had been employed to simulate simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams with multiple web circular openings subjected to an impact loading. Three design parameters were considered, including size, location and number of the web openings. Twelve models of simply supported RC T-beams were subjected to one point of transient (impact) loading at mid span. Beams were simulated and analysis results were obtained in terms of mid span deflection-time histories and compared with the results of the solid reference one. The maximum mid span deflection is an important index for evaluating damage levels of the RC beams subjected to impact loading. Three experi

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Craniomaxillofacial Research & Innovation
Partial Bone Necrosis Following Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy: Report of a Complicated Orthognathic Jaw Surgery
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Study Design

Case Report.


To present a case of a previous complicated mandibular orthognathic surgery that aimed to setback the mandible in a female cleft lip and palate (CLP) patient, which led to bone necrosis on one side with subsequent severe mandibular deviation and facial asymmetry. We additionally reviewed the previous reports of similar complications, the pathophysiology and the factors that could lead to this dreadful result.


A 27-year-old female patient presented with a severe dentofacial deformity secondary to a complicated bilateral sagittal spli

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 25 2015
Journal Name
مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للدراسات والبحوث الهندسية
Smart Sensing for Variable Pressure of Oil Well Safety Valve Using Proportional Pressure Control valve
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Protection of the oil pipelineswhich extracted from the wells was found to shut the well and prevent the leakage of oil when broken using safety valve. This valve is automatically activated by loss of pressure between the well and pipelines, which take the pressure, signal from hydraulic pressure sensor through pressure control valve which has constant or variable value but it is regulated manually. The manual regulatory process requires the presence of monitoring workers continuously near the wells which are always found in remote areas. In this paper, a smart system has been proposed that work with proportional pressure control valve and also electronic pressure sensor through Arduino controller, which is programmed in a way that satisfie

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences And Applications
Topical Therapy of Acute Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Using Zinc Sulphate Solution 25% versus Podophyllin Solution 25%
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 05 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Production of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil using Cao-Egg Shell Waste Derived Heterogeneous Catalyst
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Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly fuel and a good substitution for the fossil fuel. However, the purity of this fuel is a major concern that challenges researchers. In this study, a calcium oxide based catalyst has been prepared from local waste eggshells by the calcination method and tested in production biodiesel. The eggshells were powdered and calcined at different temperatures (700, 750, 800, 850 and 900 °C) and periods of time (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hr.). The effect of calcination temperature and calcination time on the structure and activity of the solid catalyst were examined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Brunaure-Emmett-Teller (BET). The optimum catalyst performance was obtained at 900 °C

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 21 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Quelques raisons du total et son impact sur l'interprétation du Coran: Study of explanatory models
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The reasons for the totality are varied and multiple, some of which are attributed to the methods of the Arabic language as the participant
Verbal and omnipotent differences in the oud of conscience, which are comprehensive reasons for language in all
And some of these reasons are due to the sciences of the Qur'an, such as cessation and initiation
The explanation of the explanation for the multiplicity of words and differences in them, which necessarily led to a dispute jurisprudence
Linked to the origin of disagreement in the interpretation of the totality and its orientation and understanding and to summarize this subject and diverge
Parts and vocabulary did not receive the necessary care and did not absorb the lesson an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Synthesis of New B-adrenoceptor Blocking Agent Including 1,3,4 Thiadiazole with Expected Adrenoceptor Blocking Activity
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β-Adrenergic blocking agents, mostly comprising of β-amino alcohols, are of pharmaceutical significance and have received major attention due to their utility in the management of cardiovascular disorders including hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias and other disorders related to the sympathetic nervous system. Most compounds available for clinical use belong to the aryloxypropanolamine series, which is considered the second generation of β-blocking agents. The present study includes the synthesis of compounds with an N-substituted oxypropanolamine moiety attached to the 1, 3, 4-thiadiazole derivatives. According to this information, eight compounds were synthesized and characterized by IR spectra and elemental m

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fluorescence Characteristics of Coated- Cell Dye Solutions Containing Highly Pure Nanoparticles as Random Gain Media
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In this work, enhancement to the fluorescence characteristics of laser dye solutions hosting highly-pure titanium dioxide nanoparticles as random gain media. This was achieved by coating two opposite sides of the cells containing these media with nanostructured thin films of highly-pure titanium dioxide. Two laser dyes; Rhodamine B and Coumarin 102, were used to prepare solutions in hexanol and methanol, respectively, as hosts for the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles and thin films were prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The enhancement was observed by the narrowing of fluorescence linewidth as well as by increasing the fluorescence intensity. These parameters were compared to those of the dye only and the dye solution

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Unsaturated Soil Water from a Trickle Irrigation System for Sandy Loam Soils
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Trickle irrigation is a system for supplying filtered water and fertilizer directly into the soil and water and it is allowed to dissipate under low pressure in an exact predetermined pattern. An equation to estimate the wetted area of unsaturated soil with water uptake by roots is simulated numerically using the HYDRUS-2D/3D software. In this paper, two soil types, which were different in saturated hydraulic conductivity were used with two types of crops tomato and corn, different values of emitter discharge and initial volumetric soil moisture content were assumed. It was assumed that the water uptake by roots was presented as a continuous sink function and it was introduced into Richard's equation in the unsaturated z

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Electric Power Systems Research
Electromagnetic transient modeling of form-wound stator coils with stress grading system under PWM excitation
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The insulation system of a machine coil includes several layers made of materials with different characteristics. The effective insulation design of machine coils, especially in the machine end winding, depends upon an accurate model of the stress grading system. This paper proposes a modeling approach to predict the transient overvoltage, electric field, and heat generation in machine coils with a stress grading system, considering the variation of physical properties in the insulation layers. A non-uniform line model is used to divide the coil in different segments based on material properties and lengths: overhang, stress grading and slot. The cascaded connection of chain matrices is used to connect segments for the representation of the

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