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Antibacterial effect of cardamom and black tea aqueous extract on mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine (in vitro study)
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Background: Antimicrobial agents have been considered as having potential for the prevention of dental caries. This study aimed to test the effect of different concentrations of cardamom and black tea extracts on the sensitivity and growth of salivary mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2%) in vitro. Materials and methods: In this study. Mutans streptococci were isolated from saliva of 34 healthy people (aged between 22-40yrs). The bacteria was isolated, purifiedand diagnosed according to morphologicalcharacteristic and biochemical tests. Aqueous extracts of cardamom and black tea were prepared. Different concentrations of extracts were prepared and estimated in gm/ 100ml deionized water. The agar diffusion technique was used to determine the antibacterial activity of cardamom and tea extracts in which the inhibition of bacteria growth by different concentrations of extracts was measured by diameter of inhibition zone in millimeter. The viable count was measured in different concentrations for both types of extracts on comparison to chlorhexidine 0.2%. Results: The result showed that the mutans streptococci is more sensitive to tea extract than cardamom one, where the mean value of diameter of inhibition zone was higher by tea extract than cardamom type in all concentrations and chlorohexidine0.2% is more effective than both extracts. For viable count no statistical significant difference between two extract types at concentration of 40% but there are a high statistical significant difference for other concentrations, where the chlorhexidine is moreeffective than tea type and the last one is more effective than cardamom type with p value?0.05 . Conclusions: Cardamom and black tea have antibacterial effect against Mutans streptococci; the accused factor of dental caries.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Extract on Microhardness of Artificially Induced Dental Erosion in Permanent Teeth (In Vitro Study)
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The Effect of Chicken Eggshell Extract on Microhardness of Artificially Induced Dental Erosion in Permanent Teeth (In Vitro Study), Shatha A Abbas*, Alhan A Qasim

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 03 2024
Journal Name
African Journal Of Biological Sciences
Antibacterial effect of plantago major extract on staphylococcus aureus biofilm
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The ability of microorganisms to attach to living and non-living surfaces and create a biofilm is the cause of numerous long-lasting illnesses, as well as their strong resistance to drugs. Bacterial biofilms consist of intricate assemblies of immobile bacteria. These are located in an extracellular matrix and adhere to various surfaces for a long period. The present study evaluated the antibacterial effectiveness of Plantago major extract against Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. The specimens analyzed in this investigation were skin infections of clinical origin. The current study was not previously studied, particularly in terms of S. aureus biofilm breakdown and inhibition. The disc diffusion method was used to test the antimicrobial activi

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
African Journal Of Biological Sciences
Antibacterial effect of plantago major extract on staphylococcus aureus biofilm
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The ability of microorganisms to attach to living and non-living surfaces and create a biofilm is the cause of numerous long-lasting illnesses, as well as their strong resistance to drugs. Bacterial biofilms consist of intricate assemblies of immobile bacteria. These are located in an extracellular matrix and adhere to various surfaces for a long period. The present study evaluated the antibacterial effectiveness of Plantago major extract against Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. The specimens analyzed in this investigation were skin infections of clinical origin. The current study was not previously studied, particularly in terms of S. aureus biofilm breakdown and inhibition. The disc diffusion method was used to test the antimicrobial activi

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The antibacterial effect of herbal alternative, green tea and Salvadora Persica (Siwak) extracts on Entercoccus faecalis
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Background: Disinfection and shaping of the canal with a combination of chem¬ical agents and endodontic instruments play an important role in the success of endodontic therapy. Eliminating the microorganisms within the pulp space is a critical and important objective in treating a tooth with apical periodontitis. This study was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial properties of herbal alternatives (Green tea and siwak extracts) as possible irrigants during endodontic treatment compared with the conventional irrigation solutions. Materials and methods: Salvadora Persica (siwak) and Green Tea solutions were prepared.An agar diffusion test was performed on Mueller-Hinton agar using the well diffusion method. The tested solutions (5.25% N

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 25 2022
Journal Name
Vi. International Scientific Congress Of Pure, Applied And Technological Sciences
Study the effect of adding alcoholic and aqueous extract of turmeric to processed chees as natural antioxidant and in improving its physicochemical properties
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Publication Date
Sun May 05 2013
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
The Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Anastatica Hierochuntica On Some Hormones In Mouse Females
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Anastatica hierochuntica is believed to be very useful in Arab countries for treating various health disorders. The aqueous extract of Anastatica hierochuntica was investigated for its effects on hormones in mice females. the aqueous extract of plant at a dose level of 100mg/1mL showed significant increase (p<0.05) on levels of hormones LH, FSH, PRL level and PRO level. Clomid treated group showd significant increase in LH, FSH, and PRL while there was non-significant increase in PRO. From the above results, it is concluded for the first time that aqueous Anastatica hierchuntica extract offers significant effect of LH, FSH, PRL, and PRO in this mice females scompared with control.

Publication Date
Wed Apr 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect Of Aqueous Extract Of Anastatica Hierochuntica On Some Hormones In Mouse Females
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    Anastatica hierochuntica is believed to be very useful in Arab countries for treating various health disorders. The aqueous extract of Anastatica hierochuntica was investigated for its effects on hormones in mice females. the aqueous extract of plant at a dose level of 100mg/1mL showed significant increase (p<0.05) on levels of hormones LH, FSH, PRL level and PRO level. Clomid treated group showd significant increase in LH, FSH, and PRL while there was non-significant increase in PRO. From the above results, it is concluded for the first time that aqueous Anastatica hierchuntica extract offers significant effect of LH, FSH, PRL, and PRO in this mice females scompared with control.  

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
Effect of Coriandrumsativum Leaves Aqueous Extract on Structure and Function of Kidney in Male Albino Mice
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Abstract: Coriandrum sativum leaves are used in folk medicine to treat several diseases such as digestive system disorder, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. This study was designed to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of Coriandrum sativum on the structure and function of kidney, 30 males of white Swiss mice Mus musculus were divided randomly to three groups with 10 mice in each group. Animals of first group (control group) had been given orally 0.1 ml of tap water, animals in the second group had been treated orally with 0.1 of single dose (125 mg/Kg b. w./day) of C. sativum leaves extract and animals in the third group has been treated orally with 0.1 ml (250mg/Kg. b. w./day) of the same extract for 30 days. At the end of experiment,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison between the effects of Aloe vera and chlorhexidine on clinical periodontal parameters
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Background: Periodontal diseases are one of the major dental pathologies that affect human populations worldwide at high prevalence rates The term periodontal disease usually refers only to plaque related inflammatory disease of the dental supporting tissues. Mouth rinses which act as an anti-plaque agents mostly used as adjuncts to oral hygiene. Aims of the study: To Estimate and compare the effects of Aloe vera relative to chlorhexidine on the clinical periodontal parameters (plaque index, gingival index, bleeding on probing). Material and method: A total of 44 subjects with plaque-induced gingivitis, baseline of data were collected for (PLI, GI, and BOP) and underwent oral hygiene instruction, scaling and polishing, then divided into:

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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This study was designed to show the inhibitory effect of different concentrations of alcoholic extract of Borage officinalis on the Monoamine oxidase (MAO) and Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymes in human serum. The results obtained from the study exhibited that alcoholic extract of Borage officinalis caused inhibition to enzymes activity with all concentrations of the extract. The results also showed that when the concentration of the extract was (0.001 mg/ml), the percentage of inhibition was (4.3% with MAO and 15.2% with AChE) and this percentage increases until reaching up to (74.7% with MAO and 84.18% with AChE) when the concentration of the extract was (0.1 mg/ml). From the kinetic parameters, studies found that alcoholic extract o

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