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The impact of dental environment stress on caries experience, salivary flow rate and uric acid
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Background: Several pathologies of the oral cavity have been associated with stress. Dental students need to gain assorted proficiencies as theoretical knowledge, clinical proficiencies, and interpersonal dexterity which is accompanied with high level of stress. Uric acid is the major antioxidant in saliva. The aim of this study is to assess the dental caries experience among dental students with different levels of dental environment stress in relation to physicochemical characteristics of whole unstimulated saliva.

Materials and Methods: the total sample is composed of 300 dental students (73 males, 227 female) aged 22-23 years old, from collage of dentistry / university of Baghdad, from the 4th and 5th grade. The total sample was classified into three categories (mild stress, moderate stress and severe stress) according to Dental environment stress questionnaire (DESQ); Diagnosis and recording of dental caries were assessed according to Decay, Missed, Filled surface and teeth index (DMFS, DMFT) of WHO criteria in 1987. Unstimulated salivary samples were collected from the 95 dental students from the mild stress group (27 male, 28 female) and from the severe stress group (11 male, 29 female). Then, salivary flow rate was measured and chemically analyzed to determine salivary uric acid concentration. All data were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 21.

Results: The mean value of the DMFT and DS fraction was higher among severe stress group of dental environment stress scale with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05), while DMFS, FS and MS fractions were higher among moderate stress group of dental environment stress scale with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05). The data from salivary analysis showed that the mean value of salivary flow rate was lower among severe dental environment stress category than mild dental environment stress category but the difference was statistically not significant, while the mean value of uric acid was higher among students with severe dental environment stress than students with mild dental environment stress with statistically significant difference. The flow rate was negatively correlated with caries experience among both mild and severe stress groups except for the DS was positively correlated with flow rate among students with mild stress. The correlation of uric acid with DMFT was negative among students with mild stress while among severe stress group was positive; however all these correlations were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: Dental environment stress appears to affect oral health, shown by higher caries prevalence among dental students with moderate and severe dental environment stress level by affecting the normal level of salivary flow rate and uric acid.

Keywords: Dental environment stress, stress, dental caries, flow rate, uric acid.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 09 2024
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Experimental Investigation of Composite Circular Encased GFRP I-Section Concrete Columns under Different Load Conditions
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Pultruded materials made of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) come in a broad range of shapes, such as bars, I-sections, C-sections, etc. FRP materials are starting to compete with steel as structural materials owing to their great resistance, low self-weight, and cheap maintenance costs, especially in corrosive conditions. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel concrete Composite Column (CC) using Encased I-Section (EIS) as a reinforcement in contrast to traditional steel bars by using Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) as I-section (CC-EIS) to evaluate the effectiveness of the hybrid columns which have been built by combining GFRP profiles with concrete columns. To achieve the aims of this study, nine circular co

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 05 2020
Journal Name
Advances In Civil Engineering
Strength compensation of deep beams with large web openings using carbon fiber–reinforced polymer sheets
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This article presents the results of an experimental investigation of using carbon fiber–reinforced polymer sheets to enhance the behavior of reinforced concrete deep beams with large web openings in shear spans. A set of 18 specimens were fabricated and tested up to a failure to evaluate the structural performance in terms of cracking, deformation, and load-carrying capacity. All tested specimens were with 1500-mm length, 500-mm cross-sectional deep, and 150-mm wide. Parameters that studied were opening size, opening location, and the strengthening factor. Two deep beams were implemented as control specimens without opening and without strengthening. Eight deep beams were fabricated with openings but without strengthening, while

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Periodontal Research
Potential role of periodontal pathogens in compromising epithelial barrier function by inducing epithelial‐mesenchymal transition
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Background and Objective

Epithelial‐mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process by which epithelial cells acquire a mesenchymal‐like phenotype and this may be induced by exposure to gram‐negative bacteria. It has been proposed that EMT is responsible for compromising epithelial barrier function in the pathogenesis of several diseases. However, the possible role of EMT in the pathogenesis of periodontitis has not previously been investigated. The aim of this study therefore was to investigate whether gram‐negati

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Cluster Analysis Approach to Identify Rock Type in Tertiary Reservoir of Khabaz Oil Field Case Study
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Rock type identification is very important task in Reservoir characterization in order to constrict robust reservoir models. There are several approaches have been introduced to define the rock type in reservoirs and each approach should relate the geological and petrophysical properties, such that each rock type is proportional to a unique hydraulic flow unit. A hydraulic flow unit is a reservoir zone that is laterally and vertically has similar flow and bedding characteristics. According to effect of rock type in reservoir performance, many empirical and statistical approaches introduced.  In this paper Cluster Analysis technique is used to identify the rock groups in tertiary reservoir for Khabaz oil field by analyses variation o

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
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Time-domain spectral matching commonly used to define seismic inputs to dynamic analysis in terms of acceleration time history compatible with a specific target response spectrum is used in this study to investigate the second-order geometric effect of P-delta on the seismic response of base-isolated high-rise buildings. A synthetic time series is generated by adjusting reference time series that consist of available readings from a past earthquake of the 1940 El Centro earthquake adopted as an initial time series. The superstructure of a 20-story base isolated building is represented by a 3-D finite element model using ETABS software. The results of the base isolated building show that base isolation technique significantly reduces inter-s

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2016
Journal Name
International Journal For Sciences And Technology
Evaluation of her/2-neu gene status using FISH/CISH techniques in Iraqi breast carcinoma patients
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The present study aimed to examine the concordance between FISH/CISH techniques for assessment of amplification of her2neu gene in Iraqi breast carcinoma patients. Seventy four (74) Iraqi breast cancer patients were involved at the study from the Histopathology Department at the Central Public Health Laboratory in Bagdad, Iraq. Amplification of HER2neu was detected in (33.8%) by fluorescence in situ hybridization and (13.51%) showed high amplification by chromogenic in situ hybridization and (32.43%) showed low amplification. The results of chromogenic in situ hybridization were significantly correlated with the results of two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization with the same tumors. In addition, the study involved the correlation betw

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Analysis of performance measures with single channel fuzzy queues under two class by using ranking method
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Survival analysis is widely applied to data that described by the length of time until the occurrence of an event under interest such as death or other important events. The purpose of this paper is to use the dynamic methodology which provides a flexible method, especially in the analysis of discrete survival time, to estimate the effect of covariate variables through time in the survival analysis on dialysis patients with kidney failure until death occurs. Where the estimations process is completely based on the Bayes approach by using two estimation methods: the maximum A Posterior (MAP) involved with Iteratively Weighted Kalman Filter Smoothing (IWKFS) and in combination with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. While the other

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Chemistry
Spectrophotometric Determination of Co(II) by Using Ethyl Cyano(2-Methyl Carboxylate Phenyl Azo Acetate) (ECA)
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A new simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amount of Co(II) in the ethanol absolute solution have been developed. The method is based on the reaction of Co(II) with ethyl cyano(2-methyl carboxylate phenyl azo acetate) (ECA) in acid medium of hydrochloric acid (0.1 M) givining maximum absorbance at ((λmax = 656 nm). Beer's law is obeyed over the concentration range (5-60) (μg / ml) with molar absorptivity of (1.5263 × 103 L mol-1 cm-1) and correlation coefficient (0.9995). The precision (RSD% ˂ 1%). The stoichiometry of complex was confirmed by Job's method which indicated the ratio of metal to reagent is (2:1). The studied effect of interference elements Zn(II), Cu(II), Na(I), K(I), Ca(II) and Mg

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Cubic Bipolar Fuzzy Ideals with Thresholds ($α$, $β$), ( 𝛚 ,𝛝) of a Semigroup in KU-algebra
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In this paper, we introduce the concept of cubic bipolar-fuzzy ideals with thresholds (α,β),(ω,ϑ) of a semigroup in KU-algebra as a generalization of sets and in short (CBF). Firstly, a (CBF) sub-KU-semigroup with a threshold (α,β),(ω,ϑ) and some results in this notion are achieved. Also, (cubic bipolar fuzzy ideals and cubic bipolar fuzzy k-ideals) with thresholds (α,β),(ω ,ϑ) are defined and some properties of these ideals are given. Relations between a (CBF).sub algebra and-a (CBF) ideal are proved. A few characterizations of a (CBF) k-ideal with thresholds (α, β), (ω,ϑ) are discussed. Finally, we proved that a (CBF) k-ideal and a (CBF) ideal with thresholds (α, β), (ω,ϑ) of a KU-semi group are equivalent relations.