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The impact of dental environment stress on caries experience, salivary flow rate and uric acid
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Background: Several pathologies of the oral cavity have been associated with stress. Dental students need to gain assorted proficiencies as theoretical knowledge, clinical proficiencies, and interpersonal dexterity which is accompanied with high level of stress. Uric acid is the major antioxidant in saliva. The aim of this study is to assess the dental caries experience among dental students with different levels of dental environment stress in relation to physicochemical characteristics of whole unstimulated saliva.

Materials and Methods: the total sample is composed of 300 dental students (73 males, 227 female) aged 22-23 years old, from collage of dentistry / university of Baghdad, from the 4th and 5th grade. The total sample was classified into three categories (mild stress, moderate stress and severe stress) according to Dental environment stress questionnaire (DESQ); Diagnosis and recording of dental caries were assessed according to Decay, Missed, Filled surface and teeth index (DMFS, DMFT) of WHO criteria in 1987. Unstimulated salivary samples were collected from the 95 dental students from the mild stress group (27 male, 28 female) and from the severe stress group (11 male, 29 female). Then, salivary flow rate was measured and chemically analyzed to determine salivary uric acid concentration. All data were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 21.

Results: The mean value of the DMFT and DS fraction was higher among severe stress group of dental environment stress scale with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05), while DMFS, FS and MS fractions were higher among moderate stress group of dental environment stress scale with no significant differences (P≥ 0.05). The data from salivary analysis showed that the mean value of salivary flow rate was lower among severe dental environment stress category than mild dental environment stress category but the difference was statistically not significant, while the mean value of uric acid was higher among students with severe dental environment stress than students with mild dental environment stress with statistically significant difference. The flow rate was negatively correlated with caries experience among both mild and severe stress groups except for the DS was positively correlated with flow rate among students with mild stress. The correlation of uric acid with DMFT was negative among students with mild stress while among severe stress group was positive; however all these correlations were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: Dental environment stress appears to affect oral health, shown by higher caries prevalence among dental students with moderate and severe dental environment stress level by affecting the normal level of salivary flow rate and uric acid.

Keywords: Dental environment stress, stress, dental caries, flow rate, uric acid.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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The Origins of Chinese Influence on Pottery in the Tang and Song Dynasties
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This research study of influence of Chinese thought on porcelain in the tang and song period, the study came into four sections, which are:
* First section contains general framework of the research, which include the problem, which is represented by following of questions:
1- Is there intellectual and ideological dimensions in Chinese porcelain?
2-What are the mechanisms and techniques of Chinese porcelain?
.the importance of this research and the need counted as a study providing cognitive addition into the Chinese arts field, especially ceramics of the Chinese. The aim of the research included of areas of artistic creativity in Chinese pottery and ceramics according to the bases of construction and composition. As the impo

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
The effect of soaking and wetting on the properties of the gypsum soil treated with polyurethane
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the shear strength parameters of the treated and untreated gypsum soil under the effect of four soaking and drying cycles has studied in this paper, moreover examined the effect of wetting and drying cycles on the collapse potential of the soil and comparing between the behavior of the treated and untreated gypsum soil under the effect of the two conditions. Gypsum soil sample brought from Sawa lake in Al Muthana governorate with the content of gypsum 65.5%, the polyurethane polymer (PP) was used with different percentages 3, 6, and 10% to enhance the mechanical properties of gypsum soil, model was prepared to achieve four soaking and drying cycle to the samples before testing, this model consists of an Aluminum plate base with dimensions 7

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Studying the effect of adding Mo on the optical and structural properties of the CoFe2O4 compound
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Time of Emergence of Permanent Teeth and Impact of Nutritional Status among 4-15 Years Old Children and Teenagers in Basrah City /Iraq
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Background: The timing of eruption of permanent teeth is of considerable importance to the dental health planning for diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic measures for children and teenagers. The purposes of this study were to determine timing of maxillary and mandibular permanent teeth emergence (except third molars) and to evaluate the effect nutritional status by anthropometric measures on the eruption time of permanent teeth, investigations had been done according to jaw and gender variations. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted among four to fifteen years old children and teenagers from kindergarten and schools in Basrah city in the south region of Iraq. The total sample composed of 1807 children and teenagers that were

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of the Combination of Organic Fertilizer and Spraying with Silicon and Calcium on the Growth and Production of Three Cultivars of Beet
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Abstract<p>Field experiments were carried out for the autumn season 2022- 2021 in the field of College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences - University of Baghdad - Jadiriyah Complex –Station A- to study a combination of organic fertilizer (Vermicompost) and cow manure as well as a control treatment (soil only) intertwined with Spraying with silicon, calcium and distilled water (control) in the growth and production of three cultivars of beet (Cylindra, Dark Red, Red) within the design of Completely Randomized Block Design at three replications, The number of treatments was 9 for each replicate. The means were compared according to the least significant difference (L.S.D) at a probability lev</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Mutual Impact between Current Account status and selected Total Variables Iraq : study status 2004-2019
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The flexibility of interaction between the movement of macroeconomic variables that affect and are affected by the balance of payments, especially the movement of the current account, implies a perception of the maturity of economic development and what the theory assumes from the launch of a wide range of economic movement that varies in the degree of its influence according to the level of economic development and the vitality of the internal/external overlap relations through the assumed response to the movement of the macroeconomic variables. On this basis, it is possible to estimate the soundness and rationality of the economic decision taken that takes into account the required reciprocal repercussions between the current a

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Pricing Banking services and its impact in profitability: بحث تطبيقي لعينة من المصارف التجارية الخاصة
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Current study was Based on the variables interact with each other to form a general framework of  the pricing of banking services, and the role of profitability in the banking activity, because profit is the most important goal of commercial banks,  that  included the study United Bank, North Bank and Bank of Baghdad, and the each formation of bank were was collected about the prices (Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar) and interest percentages and then revenue (Iraqi Dinars) through banking channels, and each channel service included a group of well-known banking operations.

The study found that the effect of prices, and interest on profitability and clear. There have been a correlation between the rates, and interes

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences 16
Effect of nano-fertilizers and amino acids on the growth and yield of broccoli
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Age and occupation on the Type and the Number of workers injuries in construction sector in Iraq
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World statistics proved that the most of work dangerous accidents, which causes death, are occurred in the construction works. These accidents related to many causes such as loss of workers experience and ignoring rules of safety requirements, especially young workers. Due to the risk of accidents that may occur in the site of work, the idea of this study crystallized to show the relationship between the age of worker and number of injuries and accidents, to identify the causes of these injuries, and to put the appropriate solutions to avoid or reduce the risk of work injuries. Also, the research shows the main principles of safety requirements to forming a clear picture about the subject of the study. A questioner form was prepared to c

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Determine the Impact of Public Relations Ethics in Strategic Decisions) Descriptive Analytical Study of a Sample of Administrative Leadership in the Ministry of Higher Education
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Role of public relations (PR) and from one community to another, depending on the different cultures of these societies in General, and different ethical values established by their practitioners in these communities organizations  , public relations in developed societies, and in  some developing countries have taken great strides to contribute to the strategic planning and decision-making, in the framework of their commitment to the values and ethical standards for practitioners, In contrast, we find that applied in Iraq still skips phase coordinate with different communication means with the aim of advertising and publicity for the organization. As a result of the limited recognition of the strategic and vital 

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