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Impact of Brix 3000 and conventional restorative treatment on pain reaction during caries removal among group of children in Baghdad city
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Background: Pain and the usage of local anesthetic agents are still real problem in pediatric dentistry, for these reasons, the use of minimal invasive dentistry (MID) in regard to the patient comfort is important especially for children, anxious and uncooperative patients. Chemomechanical caries removal (CMCR) methods involve the selective removal of the carious dentine hence it avoided the painful removal of the sound dentine and the anxiety resulted due to the vibration of the hand piece which is also decreased thus it appears to be more acceptable and comfortable to the patient. Aims of this study: This study was conducted among group of children to assess and compare the anxiety rating scale (during and after treatment) between the use of a recent chemomechanical caries removal method (by using Brix 3000) and the use of rotary instruments (using the ceramic bur). Materials and methods: Thirty pediatric patients aged between 8-12years, with bilateral occlusal carious permanent molars (extending into dentin) were selected for this study. Carious lesions were removed using Brix 3000 (CMCR) on one side and rotary instruments on the contra lateral side. Both cavities were restored with light cured composite filling. Anxiety scores were determined using Frankle rating scale (1962) during and after the period of caries removal. Results: The anxiety rating scale during the period of treatment showed the percentage of the negative behavior in the CMCR method was less than the percentage of the ceramic bur reverse the positive and definitely positive, which means that the new CMCR agent (Brix 3000) was more comfortable than the conventional rotary instrument (ceramic bur), that reduced the need for local anesthesia and the use of the drill. While after the treatment there is no big difference in the acceptance of the patients in two groups. Conclusion: Brix 3000 gel as a CMCR is an effective alternative method for caries removal, which appears to be more comfortable for the patients and more conservative

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
المستودع الرقمي للاطاريح
نجاح منظمات الاعمال على وفق التوجه الريادي لتكنولوجيا المعلومات بحث ميداني لعينة من المصارف العراقية الخاصة == The Success of Business Organizations According To The Entrepreneurial Orientation For Information Technology An Field Research At Iraqi Private Banks
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المستودع الرقمي العراقي. مركز المعلومات الرقمية التابع لمكتبة العتبة العباسية المقدسة

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
STUDY THE INHIBITION ACTIVITY OF PURIFIED BACTERIOCIN FROM LOCAL ISOLATION Lactococcuslactis ssp. lactisagainst SOME PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL SPECIES ISOLATED FROM CLINICAL SAMPLES: دراسة الفعالية التثبيطية للبكتريوسين المنقى من العزلة المحلية Lactococcuslactis ssp. Lactis تجاه بعض البكتريا الممرضة المعزولة من عينات سريرية
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This study aimed to study the inhibition activity of purified bacteriocin produced from the local isolation Lactococcuslactis ssp. lactis against pathogenic bacteria species isolated from clinical samples in some hospitals Baghdad city. Screening of L. lactis ssp. Lactis and isolated from the intestines fish and raw milk was performed in well diffusion method. The results showed that L. lactis ssp. lactis (Lc4) was the most efficient isolate in producing the bacteriocin as well observed inhibitory activity the increased that companied with the concentration, the concentration of the twice filtrate was better in obtaining higher inhibition diameters compared to the one-fold concentration. The concentrate

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