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The Dental Caries Experience in Relation to Salivary Flow Rate, SIgA and Mutans Streptococci Bacteria in Smoker and Non-Smoker Patients
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Background: Dental caries is a localized, progressive destructive, largely irreversible microbial based disease of multifactorial nature; these factors include (host, microbes and food) they influence differently on the initiation and progression of dental caries. The aims of the study: was to evaluate the effect of smoking on salivary flow rate, secretory immunoglobulin (SIgA) level and viable count of mutans streptococci (M.S) bacteria in oral cavity and their relation to dental caries experience. Material and method: The samples were collected from 80 male students ranging in ages from 18-22 years old. Where they divided in to two groups, 40 non-smokers (control group) and 40 smokers (study group). Unstimulated salivary samples were collected. Salivary flow rate was estimated and viable count (CFU/ml) of mutans streptococci was determined. The diagnosis and recording of dental caries were done according to WHO, 1987 criteria and the level of SIgA was determined by ELISA. Result: the result revealed that the salivary flow rate and SIgA level were lower in smoker group than non-smoker, while the means value of dental caries experience Decay, Missing and Filling tooth (DMFT) and (CFU/ml)of M.S were higher in oral cavity of smoker group than non-smoker group. Conclusion: the smoking has negative effect on salivary flow rate, SIgA and increase the viable bacterial count of M.S and dental caries in smoker patients

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Bioautomation
Photobiomodulation Effect of 850 nm Near-infrared Diode Laser on the Release of M1-related Cytokines Inmonocytic THP-1 Cells
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Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a form of the use of visible red and Near-infrared (NIR) light at low power, where a laser light photon is absorbed at the electronic level, without heat production. PBM can be applied in wide range of treatment to help the wound, inflammation, edema, and pain reduction. However, there is a lack of scientific documentation regarding its actual effects. Objectives: This study assesses the impact of PBM on the release of M1-related cytokine in monocyte cells with particular emphasis on interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and Tumour Necrosis Factor α (TNF-α). Methods: Tamm-Horsfall Protein 1 (THP-1) macrophages M1 cells have been exposed to the light from the diode laser of 850nmat different doses (0, 0.6, 1.2 and 3.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 20 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numerical Solutions for the Nonlinear PDEs of Fractional Order by Using a New Double Integral Transform with Variational Iteration Method
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This paper considers a new Double Integral transform called Double Sumudu-Elzaki transform DSET. The combining of the DSET with a semi-analytical method, namely the variational iteration method DSETVIM, to arrive numerical solution of nonlinear PDEs of Fractional Order derivatives. The proposed dual method property decreases the number of calculations required, so combining these two methods leads to calculating the solution's speed. The suggested technique is tested on four problems. The results demonstrated that solving these types of equations using the DSETVIM was more advantageous and efficient

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Investigation on the Emission Characteristics of a Dual – Fuel Micro Gas Turbine by Injecting Ethanol into Compressor Inlet Air
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Pollutants generation is strongly dependant on the firing temperature and reaction rates of the gaseous reactants in the gas turbine combustion chamber. An experimental study is conducted on a two-shaft T200D micro-gas turbine engine in order to evaluate the impact of injecting ethanol directly into the compressor inlet air on the exhaust emissions. The study is carried out in constant speed and constant load engine tests. Generally, the results showed that when ethanol was added in a concentration of 20% by volume of fuel flow; NOx emission was reduced by the half, while CO and UHC emissions were almost doubled with respect to their levels when burning conventional LPG fuel alone.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Laser Irradiation Effect on The Optical Properties of CoO<sub>2</sub>Thin Films deposited via Semi-Computerized Spraying System
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Abstract<p>In this paper deals with the effect laser irradiation on the optical properties of cobalt oxide (CoO<sub>2</sub>) thin films and that was prepared using semi computerized spray pyrolysis technique. The films deposited on glass substrate using such as an ideal value concentration of (0.02)M with a total volume of 100 ml. With substrate temperature was (350 C), spray rate (15 ml/min).The XRD diffraction given polycrystalline nature with Crystal system trigonal (hexagonal axes). The obtained films were irradiated by continuous green laser (532.8 nm) with power 140 mW for different time periods is 10 min,20min and 30min. The result was that the optical properties of cobalt oxide thin films affe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Using Different Aspect Ratios of Sustainable Copper Fiber on Some Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Green Concrete
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To achieve sustainability, use waste materials to make concrete to use alternative components and reduce the production of Portland cement. Lime cement was used instead of Portland cement, and 15% of the cement's weight was replaced with silica fume. Also used were eco-friendly fibers (copper fiber) made from recycled electrical. This work examines the impact of utilizing sustainable copper fiber with different aspect ratios (l/d) on some mechanical properties of high-strength green concrete. A high-strength cement mixture with a compressive strength of 65 MPa in line with ACI 211.4R was required to complete the assignment. Copper fibers of 1% by volume of concrete were employed in mixes with four different aspect ratios

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Comparison of Estimate Methods of Multiple Linear Regression Model with Auto-Correlated Errors when the Error Distributed with General Logistic
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In this research, we studied the multiple linear regression models for two variables in the presence of the autocorrelation problem for the error term observations and when the error is distributed with general logistic distribution. The auto regression model is involved in the studying and analyzing of the relationship between the variables, and through this relationship, the forecasting is completed with the variables as values. A simulation technique is used for comparison methods depending on the mean square error criteria in where the estimation methods that were used are (Generalized Least Squares, M Robust, and Laplace), and for different sizes of samples (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120). The M robust method is demonstrated the best metho

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 24 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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   The present study introduced a new description of the last larval instar of the oak tree borer, Latipalpis johanidesi Niehuis, 2002 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). The larval specimens were collected from the oak trees within the mountainous areas, Erbil governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region, during the beginning of April till the end of May 2019.

   Schematic sketches were provided to illustrate unclear morphological features, and the results presented importance morphological evidence for confirming the identification of this species in the larval stage precisely.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
DeepFake Detection Improvement for Images Based on a Proposed Method for Local Binary Pattern of the Multiple-Channel Color Space
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DeepFake is a concern for celebrities and everyone because it is simple to create. DeepFake images, especially high-quality ones, are difficult to detect using people, local descriptors, and current approaches. On the other hand, video manipulation detection is more accessible than an image, which many state-of-the-art systems offer. Moreover, the detection of video manipulation depends entirely on its detection through images. Many worked on DeepFake detection in images, but they had complex mathematical calculations in preprocessing steps, and many limitations, including that the face must be in front, the eyes have to be open, and the mouth should be open with the appearance of teeth, etc. Also, the accuracy of their counterfeit detectio

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 14 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Information Technology &amp; Decision Making
A Decision Modeling Approach for Data Acquisition Systems of the Vehicle Industry Based on Interval-Valued Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Set
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Modeling data acquisition systems (DASs) can support the vehicle industry in the development and design of sophisticated driver assistance systems. Modeling DASs on the basis of multiple criteria is considered as a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. Although literature reviews have provided models for DASs, the issue of imprecise, unclear, and ambiguous information remains unresolved. Compared with existing MCDM methods, the robustness of the fuzzy decision by opinion score method II (FDOSM II) and fuzzy weighted with zero inconsistency II (FWZIC II) is demonstrated for modeling the DASs. However, these methods are implemented in an intuitionistic fuzzy set environment that restricts the ability of experts to provide mem

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
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A comprehensive review on modelling the adsorption process for heavy metal removal from waste water using artificial neural network technique
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