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The Dental Caries Experience in Relation to Salivary Flow Rate, SIgA and Mutans Streptococci Bacteria in Smoker and Non-Smoker Patients

Background: Dental caries is a localized, progressive destructive, largely irreversible microbial based disease of multifactorial nature; these factors include (host, microbes and food) they influence differently on the initiation and progression of dental caries. The aims of the study: was to evaluate the effect of smoking on salivary flow rate, secretory immunoglobulin (SIgA) level and viable count of mutans streptococci (M.S) bacteria in oral cavity and their relation to dental caries experience. Material and method: The samples were collected from 80 male students ranging in ages from 18-22 years old. Where they divided in to two groups, 40 non-smokers (control group) and 40 smokers (study group). Unstimulated salivary samples were collected. Salivary flow rate was estimated and viable count (CFU/ml) of mutans streptococci was determined. The diagnosis and recording of dental caries were done according to WHO, 1987 criteria and the level of SIgA was determined by ELISA. Result: the result revealed that the salivary flow rate and SIgA level were lower in smoker group than non-smoker, while the means value of dental caries experience Decay, Missing and Filling tooth (DMFT) and (CFU/ml)of M.S were higher in oral cavity of smoker group than non-smoker group. Conclusion: the smoking has negative effect on salivary flow rate, SIgA and increase the viable bacterial count of M.S and dental caries in smoker patients

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
An open cloud-based platform for the creation and delivery of smart applications and services
Abstract<p>With the increasing integration of computers and smartphones into our daily lives, in addition to the numerous benefits it offers over traditional paper-based methods of conducting affairs, it has become necessary to incorporate one of the most essential facilities into this integration; namely: colleges. The traditional approach for conducting affairs in colleges is mostly paper-based, which only increases time and workload and is relatively decentralized. This project provides educational and management services for the university environment, targeting the staff, the student body, and the lecturers, on two of the most used platforms: smartphones and reliable web applications by clo</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Management In Engineering
Identifying Pertinent Indicators for Assessing and Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Construction Workforce

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Evaluation and development of Shatt Al-Diwaniya and the diversion canal of Shatt Al-Diwaniya
Abstract<p>Shatt Al-Diwaniya branches from Shatt Al-Hilla and extends for about 112 km until the Al-Rumaitha district within the study area located in Al-Diwaniya Governorate, Iraq. It is considered the main source for providing drinking water and supplying irrigation projects to the cities Al-Diwaniya and Al-Rumaitha. The study aims to evaluate, study, and develop Shatt Al-Diwaniya, as well as the new lined canal branching from Shatt Al-Diwaniya which. It is called Shatt Al-Diwaniya Diversion Canal. Field measurements of the discharge and water level were monitored, six sets for Shatt Al-Diwaniya and three sets for Diversion Canal. A one-dimensional model was developed by using HEC-RAS 5.0.7 so</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Intellectual And Artistic Concepts of The Cultural Context And Their Impact On Contemporary Ceramic Sculpture

 The current specialized research tagged (intellectual and artistic concepts of the cultural context and their impact on contemporary ceramic sculpture) paves the way for the emergence of the context in ceramics active in life, so that this relationship will indicate the development and presence of ceramics or not and the volume of its circulation in the joints of the culture of the Arab recipient. As a result, the researcher collected scientific materials to serve the subject of the research in four chapters: Chapter One (General Methodological Framework) To clarify the problem of the research, the importance of the research to achieve benefit in higher education and education for scholars and teachers, while the research aims to revea

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Syrian Crisis and its Impact on Russia Economically and Politically: علي طه عبدالله الجميلي

Th paper scientifically deals with the Syrian crisis events erupted in 2011 using the historical descriptive and analytical approaches. The importance of the paper comes from the serious crisis that occurred in a region rich of historical crises, and natural resources attracting the attention of the major countries. The paper aims to show the Syrian crisis, its importance to Russia, the United States, and the regional countries, its impact on Russia economically and politically after the intervention, and Russia’s achievements on a global level holding the influential power on international decisions and other global events. The new Russian strategy has proven its worth in preserving its strategic interests as it could help the Syrian

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 30 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy
Information and Communication Technology and its Impact on Improving the Quality of Engineering Education Systems

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The concentrations of Natural Radioactivity in Fly Ash Released from Al-Dura thermal Power Plant in The south of Baghdad City

The concentrations of naturally radioactive made occurring and technically enhanced radioisotopes of fly ash samples, collected from Al-Dura thermal power Plant- south of Baghdad, have been investigated using the NaI(Tl) gamma-ray spectroscopy. The average Activity concentrations of the radio elements 238 U, 232Th and 40K in Fly ash samples are measured accurately and found to be 33.860, 32.6 and 644.64Bq/kg respectively. On the whole the radionuclide's concentrations are still below the global average of 50 Bq/kg for 238U and 232Th, but are much higher in 40K, relative to the global average, about 500 Bq/kg. The absorbed gamma doses in air, due to naturally occurring radionuclides in fly ash samples, are measured and found within the ra

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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Harmonization formative in the design of interior spaces Hall of discussions in the design department (a model): بدريا محمد حسن فرج

Can not reach a comprehensive concept for interior design through the use of Harmonization term according transformations experienced by the terms of the variables associated with the backlog of cultures that characterize concepts according to the nature of the users of the spaces in the design output, which necessitates the meaning of the combination of knowledge, art, science, such as the type of perceptions design the Harmonization cognitive science with art to create products of the use of design configurations that help the designer to put such a product within the reality and like the fact that reliable, as well as the rational knowledge tend somehow to the objective specifically in facilitating the substance subject to perceptible

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of the values of accounting culture in maximizing financial performance - A field study in a sample of Iraqi banks

The influence of culture on accounting systems and practices, including financial reports and accounting information through the values ​​identified by Gray and derived from social-cultural values, and the four accounting values ​​were derived from generally accepted accounting principles represented by (Conservatism, Uniformity, Secrecy, and Professionalism). Important and significant in maximizing financial performance, and measuring the extent of the role of these values ​​in improving financial performance through attention to the values ​​of accounting culture, this research

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Calculation of the total mass stopping power for electrons in some human body tissues in the energy range 0.01-1000 MeV

The mass collision energy loss (dE/dX), the mass radiative energy loss (Srad/) and the total mass stopping power of electrons in the energy range of 0.01 MeV up to 1000 MeV has been calculated for Lung, Urea and Skin. The results of the present work for the mass collision stopping power of electrons in Lung, Urea and Skin are in excellent agreement with the standard results given by ESTAR program, where the maximum percentage error between the present calculated values and that of ESTAR program in Lung tissue, Urea and Skin tissue is 0.27%, 0.3% and 0.8% respectively. The mass radiative energy loss of electrons in the same energy range is also calculated using a modified equation, and the results are found to be in very good agreem

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