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Detection of early occlusal caries of the first permanent molar using different techniques (An in vivo study)

Background: Molars and premolars are considered as the most vulnerable teeth of caries attack, which is related to the morphology of their occlusal surfaces along with the difficulty of plaque removal. different methods were used for early caries detection that provide sensitive, accurate preoperative diagnosis of caries depths to establish adequate preventive measures and avoid premature tooth treatment by restoration. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical sensitivity and specificity rates of DIAGNOdent and visual inspection as opposed to the ICDAS for the detection of initial occlusal caries in noncavitated first permanent molars. Materials and Methods: This study examined 139 occlusal surface of the first permanent molar pooled from fifty patients aged 8-9 years by three methods. The selected criteria include one occlusal site per tooth (first permanent molars) with carious lesions range from 0 to 3 according to ICDASII (gold standard) visual criteria then the clinical sensitivity and specificity of visual inspection according to Ekstrand et 1997 and DIAGNOdent were performed. . Results: the highest correlation was found between the ICDASII and DIAGNOdent. The sensitivity of the DIAGNOdent for the enamel caries detection (D1) was better than that of visual inspection. The sensitivity and the specificity for the DIAGNOdent at D3 threshold were better than the D1 threshold and the visual inspection method. Conclusion: DIAGNOden pen can be used as a tool for early caries detection in cases of difficult diagnosis that provide good additional sensitivity to the visual inspection.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Future Technologies Conference (ftc) 2018
Using Mouse Dynamics for Continuous User Authentication

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 14 2021
Journal Name
The Open Civil Engineering Journal
Producing Sustainable Concrete using Nano Recycled Glass

Many tools and techniques have been recently adopted to develop construction materials that are less harmful and friendlier to the environment. New products can be achieved through the recycling of waste material. Thus, this study aims to use recycled glass bottles as sustainable materials.


Our challenge is to use nano glass powder by the addition or replacement of the weight of the cement for producing concrete with enhanced strength.


A nano recycled glass p

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jul 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhanced Oil Recovery using Smart Water Injection

Smart water flooding (low salinity water flooding) was mainly invested in a sandstone reservoir. The main reasons for using low salinity water flooding are; to improve oil recovery and to give a support for the reservoir pressure.

In this study, two core plugs of sandstone were used with different permeability from south of Iraq to explain the effect of water injection with different ions concentration on the oil recovery. Water types that have been used are formation water, seawater, modified low salinity water, and deionized water.

The effects of water salinity, the flow rate of water injected, and the permeability of core plugs have been studied in order to summarize the best conditions of low salinity

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering

In this research Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique was applied to study the filtration process in water treatment. Eight models have been developed and tested using data from a pilot filtration plant, working under different process design criteria; influent turbidity, bed depth, grain size, filtration rate and running time (length of the filtration run), recording effluent turbidity and head losses. The ANN models were constructed for the prediction of different performance criteria in the filtration process: effluent turbidity, head losses and running time. The results indicate that it is quite possible to use artificial neural networks in predicting effluent turbidity, head losses and running time in the filtration process, wi

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Software Security using Aspect-Oriented Software Development

Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a technology that helps achieving
better Separation of Concern (SOC) by providing mechanisms to identify all relevant points
in a program at which aspectual adaptations need to take place. This paper introduces a
banking application using of AOSD with security concern in information hiding.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Object Filling Using Table Based Boundary Tracking

The feature extraction step plays major role for proper object classification and recognition, this step depends mainly on correct object detection in the given scene, the object detection algorithms may result with some noises that affect the final object shape, a novel approach is introduced in this paper for filling the holes in that object for better object detection and for correct feature extraction, this method is based on the hole definition which is the black pixel surrounded by a connected boundary region, and hence trying to find a connected contour region that surrounds the background pixel using roadmap racing algorithm, the method shows a good results in 2D space objects.
Keywords: object filling, object detection, objec

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
Secure Image Steganography using Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Influence of Production and Destruction of O Isotopes in Red Giant Stars

Thermonuclear reaction rates are calculated for three oxygen isotopes 14,15,16O in CNO cycles reactions occurring in red giant stars. These reactions are:, , , , and . Reaction rates have been calculated using Matlab codes, and related comparisons were made with NACRE II and Reaclib libraries, and the ratios of production to the destruction of 15,16O isotopes were found. Present reaction rate results were close to most of the selected reactions, and in some cases larger with a factor of 1-3. 15,16O production to destruction ratios indicated a special tendency to saturate at temperatures higher than ~ 2 GK, and these ratios were in general larger than 1 indicating an excess of producing such isotopes in re

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Homomorphism of a cubic set of a semigroup in a KU-algebra
Abstract<p>The study of homomorphisms in cubic sets is considered one of the important concepts that transfer algebraic properties between different structures, so we study a homomorphism of a cubic set of a semigroup in a KU-algebra and defined the product of two cubic sets in this structure. Firstly, we define the image and the inverse image of a cubic set in a KU-semigroup and achieve some results in this notion. Secondly, the Cartesian product of cubic subsets in a KU-semigroup is discussed and some important characteristics are proved.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 16 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
The Effect of Woods' Strategy on Achieving of Second Grade Students in Physics

: The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of Woods ' strategy in collecting second graders average for physics. To achieve the objective researcher coined the following hypothesis: there was no statistically significant difference at a level (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group students studying physics as Woods and strategy between the average control group students who are studying the same article in the regular way. Test collection. Search sample amounted to (83) students and (42) students for the experimental group, and (41) students for the control group. Students were subjected to test experiment is composed of (30) after the completion of the experiment. And use appropriate statistical methods re

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