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Immunohistochemical expression of endocan, as a marker of assessment of angiogenic potential in benign vascular lesions (hemangioma, lymphangioma and lobular capillary hemangioma) of head and neck region
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 BACKGROUND: Vascular tumors are a heterogeneous group of diseases with biological behavior ranging from a hamartomatous growth to frank malignant. The pathophysiology of lymphangioma, vascular malformation and hemangioma is interconnected, blood vessels known to be the site of origin of hamartomas, venous malformations and some neoplasms as benign, tumor-like growth of vessels (hemangiomas). Angiogenesis is the process of formation of new blood vessels from an existing structure.

Aims of study Assessment of angiogenic potential in benign vascular lesions (hemangioma, lymphangioma and lobular capillary hemangioma) of head and neck region.

 Materials and Methods: Twenty-two formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks of Hemangioma/vascular malformation, thirty of lobular capillary hemangioma and another twenty of lymphangioma to be stained with Endothelial cell-Specific Molecule-1 (ESM-1) monoclonal antibody.      

Results: Microvessel density expressed by Endothelial cell-Specific Molecule-1 (ESM-1) immunomarker was found in all cases with mean density of (37.44±23.16) for lobular capillary hemangioma and (25.02±13.89) for hemangioma and (6.34±3.52) for lymphangioma.  According to post hoc test ESM-1 marker expression showed a high significant difference between (hemangioma and lymphangioma=0.001), (lymphangioma, pyogenic granuloma=0.000), and it was significantly different between (hemangioma, pyogenic granuloma=0.011)

Conclusions: The obvious capillary growth in lobular capillary hemangioma revealed that lobular capillary hemangioma showed the highest activity of angiogenic potential in comparison to hemangioma and lymphangioma.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analyzing of the Relationship between the Financial Development, Economic growth, and Poverty in Iraq with the Autoregressive Distributed lag Model framework for the period (1980-2010)
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The developed financial system is essential for increasing economic growth and poverty reduction in the world. The financial development helps in poverty reduction indirectly via intermediate channel which is the economic growth. The financial development enhancing economic development through mobilization of savings and channel them to the most efficient uses with higher economic and social returns. In addition, the economic growth reduces the poverty through two channels. The first is direct by increasing the introduction factors held by poor and improve the situations into the sectors and areas where the poor live. The second is indirect through redistribution the realized incomes from the economic growth as well as the realiz

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 07 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effects of Aldosterone, Osteoprotegerin and Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 and Some Biochemical Markers in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients (Stage II-IV) among Patients with or without Cardiovascular Events
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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a public health problem and many studies support the link between kidney dysfunction and cardiovascular events.  Aldosterone has been shown for decades that a plasma aldosterone concentration is elevated in CKD. Whilst, Osteoprotegerin (OPG), after its capacity to protect bone, also osteoprotegerin is elevated in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), where it could predict the deterioration of kidney function, cardiovascular, vascular events and all-cause mortality. On the other hand, fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), in patients with CKD, its levels seem to increase progressively as kidney function worsens. The aim of the present study is to assess the correlations between serum osteoprotegerin

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The effect of using Daniel's model for people with two types of brain control (left and right) to learn the skill of the Cartwheel in artistic gymnastics for second-stage students
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The research problem focused through the researcher's experience in the gymnastics game and the lack of use of educational models that give the student an important role in the educational process, so it became necessary to identify the type of prevailing style for students, and the need for diversity in the use of educational models based on scientific theories, including the Daniel Document model. Based on three theories of learning, which are structural, behavioral, and meaningful learning. The research aimed to identify the effect of using the Daniel model for people with two types of brain control (left and right) to learn the skill of the Cartwheel in artistic gymnastics for students of the second stage. The researcher used the experi

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Dialectic of the Living Body (the actor) and the Dead Body (the Sinography Item) in the Construction of the Staged Image of the Play: جاسم كاظم عبد - عماد هادي عباس
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The current research deals with the dialectical relationship resulting from the conflict in the violent combination and construction of the living ( the actor)and the dead (the item) in the structure of the Sinography construction and the emergence of the theatrical play space , which can be summed up by the following question: what is the nature of the dialectical relationship between the living (the actor) and the dead( the item) in the Sinography creation, which limited the research in a central objective : to identify the controversy of the living (actor) and the dead (item) in the performance unit of the theatrical scene . The research, in its objective limits set forth in its methodological framework, analyzes this controversy in o

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Risk of non-compliance and its impact on the profitability of Islamic banks: (Applied res earch in the Islamic Cooperation Bank)For the years (2016-2012)
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This research deals with the risks of non-compliance and its impact on the profitability of Islamic banks. Research variables were measured and analyzed as the risk of non-compliance as an independent variableand profitability as a dependent variable. The profitability was measured by three indicators ((rate of return on assets, rate of return on equity and rate of return on Total deposits)) The results of the research showed a significant relationship between the risk of non-compliance and the rate of return on assets and rate of return on total deposits, while there was no relationship between the risk of non-compliance and rate of return on ownership. The research recommended that the senior management of the Islamic Investment Bank s

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Wood Flour Addition on the Pore Volume and BET Surface Area Properties of the Prepared Gamma Alumina (ɤ-Al2O3) Extrudates Used in Catalyst Carriers
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The effect of Wood Flour addition to the gamma alumina powder used in the preparation of gamma alumina (ɤ-Al2O3) catalyst carrier extrudates on the pore volume and BET surface area physical properties was investigated. Two parameters which are size of wood flour particles and its quantity were studied. The sizes of wood flour particles used are 150 µm, 212 µm and 500 µm and the weight percentage added to the gamma alumina powder during the preparation of the extrudates are (1%, 3%, 5% and 10%). The results showed that the addition of wood flour to the gamma alumina powder in order to get gamma alumina extrudates used as catalyst carrier is one of the successful methods to improve the pore volume

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Serum levels of cross-linked n-telopeptide of Type i collagen before and after non-surgical periodontal therapy in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic periodontitis
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for chronic periodontitis (CP) and hyperglycemia has an important role in the enhancement of the severity of the periodontitis. It has been reported that the progression of CP causes shifting of the balance between bone formation and resorption toward osteoclastic resorption, and this will lead to the release of collagenous bone breakdown products into the local tissues and the systemic circulation. Cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen (NTx) is the amino-terminal peptides of type I collagen which is released during the process of bone resorption. This study was conducted to determine the effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on serum level of NTx in type 2 diabetic patients

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
An Analysis of some motor variables of butterfly stroke and their relationship to success in the 50-meter butterfly race for national team swimmers (candidate category)
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Heated and silent adoration in the novel of " Desert of Love" by Francois Mauriac: Passions dévorantes et cachées dans Le Désert de lʼAmour de François Mauriac
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  François Mauriac’s novel The Desert of Love (1949) puts the reader before an experienced sociologist who is skillfully able to analyze the most mysterious human emotions and feelings.  The writer's starting point is that people are similar in feelings but different in behavior. He severely criticized the aristocratic class and uncovered its defects and faults.

         The novelist presents Courege's family as an example of the aristocratic class. It is a family torn by hatred, selfishness and disagreements due to absence of intimacy and love. This poisoned environment pushes the father and his son, Raymond, to search away for emotional ventures and banned relations

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia
Effect of sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations of ceftriaxone on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion to human oral mucosal epithelial cells and biofilm formation to polystyrene in vitro
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