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Dental anomalies associated with malocclusion among 13 year old Kurdish students
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Background: The aim of this national oral health survey was to determine the prevalence of malocclusions due to some anomalies in the dentition among the 13 years old Kurdish students in sulaimani intermediate school. Materials and methods: The total sample was 950 (455 males and 495 females) which assessed by diagnostic set and special instrument. The clinical examination was mainly based on the definitions of Björk et al. Some variables were recorded as present or absent sometimes denoting the tooth or the teeth involved in malocclusion and their distribution according to the whole sample. Results: The results showed that 1)The most common extracted tooth was the mandibular first molar (2.9%). 2) At this age group the most common partially erupted tooth was the maxillary canine (4.2%). 3) The most common unerupted tooth was the maxillary second molars. 4) The most common retained deciduous tooth was the maxillary canine (6.8%), then the maxillary second molars (5.4%).5) Hypodontia as judged clinically was found in 2.1% of the sample affecting one or more permanent teeth. The most common congenitally missing tooth was the maxillary lateral incisor (0.9%), mandibular second premolars (0.4%), and then maxillary second premolar (0.2%). 6) 29.2 % of the sample had one or more rotated teeth. The most common rotated tooth was the mandibular second premolars (5.3%). 7). The sample showed 30.4% with one or more displaced teeth. The most common displaced tooth was the maxillary lateral incisor (8.8%), then the maxillary canine (7.2%). Conclusion: At the age of 13 both males and females show large range of dental anomalies that are better to be controlled.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Measurement of Academic Stress Level in E-Learning Environment among Postgraduate Students at the College of Education, King Khalid University during Covid-19 Pandemic
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The study aims to measure the level of academic stress in the e-learning environment in three areas, students and their dealing with classmates, dealing with the professor and technical skills, and the nature and content of the curriculum among graduate students in the College of Education at King Khalid University during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive in nature (survey, comparative). The sample consisted of (512) male and female graduate students in the master's and doctoral programs. The Academic Stress Scale in the E-learning Environment designed by Amer (2021) was used. The results indicated a high level of academic stress among graduate students in the e-learning environment. The study also found that there were stati

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 02 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies
The Impact of Teaching by Using STEM Approach in The Development of Creative Thinking and Mathematical Achievement Among the Students of The Fourth Scientific Class.
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The research aims to know the impact of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education on both creative thinking and mathematical achievement. To achieve it, the two researchers followed the quasi-experimental approach with an experimental design for two groups, one experimental and the other a control. The research sample consisted of (32) female students from the fourth scientific grade in Al-Intisar Preparatory School for Girls/ AlRasafa, First Directorate. The sample was chosen intentionally and was divided into two groups: a control group studying by the traditional method, their number (16), and an experimental group that applied the STEM approach, their number also (16). There was parity between the two research groups i

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The accuracy of cone-beam computed tomography in the evaluation of boney support of teeth among patients with a unilateral cleft of lip and palate among IraqiPopulation
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Background: To evaluate the bony supports of the teeth adjacent to the area of cleft in patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate and to compare these measurements with the measurements of the same teeth in non-cleft side by using CBCT. Materials and methods: The CBCT scans of 30 patients having cleft lip( unilateral) and palate(unilateral), were analyzed and the measurements of the alveolar bony support for teeth that are adjacent to the cleft area were measured with those teeth located on opposite side (non- clef) side. For each tooth, the measurements will taken for the distance between the( cementoenamel junction) (CEJ) and the bony crest (AC) at the( buccal area) was measured and the thickness of the buccal plate At zero, one, tw

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
A comparison of some forecasting models to forecast the number of old people in Iraqi retirement homes
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Statistical methods of forecasting have applied with the intention of constructing a model to predict the number of the old aged people in retirement homes in Iraq. They were based on the monthly data of old aged people in Baghdad and the governorates except for the Kurdistan region from 2016 to 2019. Using BoxJenkins methodology, the stationarity of the series was examined. The appropriate model order was determined, the parameters were estimated, the significance was tested, adequacy of the model was checked, and then the best model of prediction was used. The best model for forecasting according to criteria of (Normalized BIC, MAPE, RMSE) is ARIMA (0, 1, 2)

Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Sedimentary Structure and Determine the Diriction of the Old Current to the By Hassan Formation Northeast Iraq
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 This research deal the primary and secondary sedimentary structures in the By Hassan Formation in the three locations in the northeast of Iraq.          Can be recognize many geological structures such as cross bedding, planer bedding, graded bedding, channel structure and mud ball house deposit in the flood plain. The ether side this research study the direction of old current and sedimentary structure that made by the one direction current

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Methods and Old Issues: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Network Sites in the Arab Region
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This paper critically looks at the studies that investigated the Social Network Sites in the Arab region asking whether they made a practical addition to the field of information and communication sciences or not. The study tried to lift the ambiguity of the variety of names, as well as the most important theoretical and methodological approaches used by these studies highlighting its scientific limitations. The research discussed the most important concepts used by these studies such as Interactivity, Citizen Journalism, Public Sphere, and Social Capital and showed the problems of using them because each concept comes out of a specific view to these websites. The importation of these concepts from a cultural and social context to an Ara

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Medication Safety in Patients under 18 Years Old; a Retrospective Study based on Iraqi Pharmacovigilance Center Database
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Medication safety is an important part of the comprehensive patient safety term. Medication safety is gaining more attention as the World Health Organization set the goal of decreasing medication harm by (50%) for the next 5 years when launching the third global challenge. Studying medication safety in the risk groups such as young ages, children are crucial to learn more about the effect of medicines in this risk group since they are not included in the clinical trials. Adverse drug reaction is defined as any harm resulted from the drug itself during medical process journey, while medication errors are any harm resulted from the treatment process rather than the drug or it is the result of the failure in a step of the treatment process

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 13 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
A comparison of some forecasting models to forecast the number of old people in Iraqi retirement homes
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Statistical methods of forecasting have applied with the intention of constructing a model to predict the number of the old aged people in retirement homes in Iraq. They were based on the monthly data of old aged people in Baghdad and the governorates except for the Kurdistan region from 2016 to 2019. Using Box-Jenkins methodology, the stationarity of the series was examined. The appropriate model order was determined, the parameters were estimated, the significance was tested, adequacy of the model was checked, and then the best model of prediction was used. The best model for forecasting according to criteria of (Normalized BIC, MAPE, RMSE) is ARIMA (0, 1, 2).

Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Priorities for the reconstruction of religious buildings in the old city of Mosul using Expert Choice program
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This paper attempts to shed light on the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings were destroyed because of the recent war due to the control of terrorist gangs of ISIS over the city of Mosul, and to prioritize their reconstruction and their role in reviving the historical center of Mosul.

The research’s problem emerged in the lack of knowledge about the identifying the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings and utilizing them to prioritize their reconstruction. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the importance of religious buildings using the Expert Choice software through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to reach an analysis of their weights and propose p

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2011
Journal Name
J Fac Med Baghdad
Overview of breast cancerpatients and their prognostic factors treated in Baghdad teaching hospital/ oncology department in the year 2010
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