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Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior in Relation to Oral Hygiene and Gingival Condition among a Group of Industry Workers
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Background: In Iraqi communities, the workers considered the largest population groups, so increasing their dental education by increasing the care for their dental health knowledge and behavior is very important, the present study was aimed to evaluate the gingival health and oral hygiene in relation to knowledge and behavior among a group of a workers selected randomly from Al Fedaa company in Baghdad city. Materials and methods: A sample of 110 workers (65 men and 45 women) included in this study, a questionnaire used to evaluate their oral health knowledge and behavior. The gingival health condition of the workers was examined by using Loe and Silness index (1963), Silness and Loe index (1964) was used to asses plaque quantity, and Ramfjord index (1959) used to asses calculus quantity, SPSS version 18 was used to analyze the data of the study statistically. Results: This study showed that no significant differences between plaque, calculus, and gingival index with the education degree of the workers. About the knowledge the result showed no significant differences in questions asking about type and characteristic of dental caries, best type of tooth paste, brushing technique. There is a significant differences found in questions regarding gingival health and bleeding. The behavior of the workers showed no significant differences in questions regarding quantity of brushing teeth, using assistant aid, better time for eating sweet, while there is a significant difference in question about smoking and gingival health and duration of brushing time. Conclusion: Increasing the dental education by using the help of social media, schools, and national educational programs will improve the dental knowledge and behavior which affect positively on the oral hygiene

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Open Engineering
Optimizing and coordinating the location of raw material suitable for cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate, Iraq
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Abstract<p>The cement industry is considered one of the strategic industries, because it is directly related to construction work and cement is used as a hydraulic binder. However, it is a simple industry compared to major industries and depends on the availability of the necessary raw materials. This study focuses on optimizing and coordinating the location of raw materials needed for the cement manufacturing in Wasit Governorate in Iraq. Field works include detailed reconnaissance, topographic work, and description and sampling of 24 lithological sections that represent the carbonate deposits, which crop out in the area. The investigated area has the following specifications: The weighted aver</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Surface Contamination and Dose Rate Verification of Fertilizers common in Iraqi Plantations using RadEye B20 Detector
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Twenty three samples of granular chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers commonly utilized in Iraqi ranches were collected. The samples were prepaid and stored in a Marinelli beaker to measure; dose rate, general count rate and surface contamination of the samples using the RadEye B20 detector, firstly with shield, secondly without the shield to estimate the effect of shielding on the measurements. The results showed that using shield made a significant decrease in the radiation measurements reached about 25%. However the mean value of surface contamination, dose rate and general count rate with shield were 0.54Bq/cm2, 0.65µsv/h, and 0.28Cps respectively, and without shield being 0.34Bq/cm2, 1.33µsv/h, and 1.52Cps respectively

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Prediction of Equilibrium Mixing Index and Optimum Mixing Time for Three solid materials in Fluidized Column
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     Equilibrium and rate of mixing of free flowing solid materials are found using gas fluidized bed. The solid materials were sand (size 0.7 mm), sugar (size0.7 mm) and 15% cast iron used as a tracer. The fluidizing gas was air with velocity ranged from 0.45-0.65 m/s while the mixing time was up to 10 minutes. The mixing index for each experiment was calculated by averaging the results of 10 samples taken from different radial and axial positions in fluidized QVF column 150 mm ID and 900 mm height.

     The experimental results were used in solving a mathematical model of mixing rate and mixing index at an equilibrium proposed by Rose. The results show that mixing index increases with inc

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 28 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) for 6 MeV in water phantom and homogenous actual planning
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Radiotherapy is the branch of clinical medicine concerned with the application of ionizing radiation in the treatment of disease. And it is used to killing of cancer cells in a tissue using ionizing radiation while keeping the sparing of healthy cells at acceptable level. X-ray beams are used to deposit absorbed dose at depth within a patient at the site of the tumor. The aim of this work is studying the relationship between the depth dose and the field size in water phantom and homogenous actual planning. In our work, the dose distribution at different depths (zero-18 cm) deep at1cm interval treated with field size (10×10 and 20×20) cm2 were studied. Results show that high similarity between water phantom and actual planning for

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership Skills and their Impact on Strategic Planning: Applied Research in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning
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The present search addressed the " leadership skills and their impact on strategic planning " Where has the objective of leadership skills and strategic planning of increasing importance at the present time , for being fairly modern topics ,which have a tremendous impact on the success of organizations..                                                                        &n

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) for 6 MeV in water phantom and homogenous actual planning
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Radiotherapy is the branch of clinical medicine concerned with the application of ionizing radiation in the treatment of disease. And it is used to killing of cancer cells in a tissue using ionizing radiation while keeping the sparing of healthy cells at acceptable level. X-ray beams are used to deposit absorbed dose at depth within a patient at the site of the tumor. The aim of this work is studying the relationship between the depth dose and the field size in water phantom and homogenous actual planning. In our work, the dose distribution at different depths (zero-18 cm) deep at1cm interval treated with field size (10×10 and 20×20) cm2 were studied.
Results show that high similarity between water phantom and actual planning for th

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Allium sativum and Capsicum spp. Watery extracts on the Entamoeba histolytica in vitro.
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In vitro tests have been carried out to find out the efficacy of watery extracts of garlic Allium sativum and hot pepper Capsicum spp. against the trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica cultivated in liver infusion agar media at 37 c . The doses of ( 0.01, 0.05 ,0.1, 0.5, 1 ml )of garlic and hot pepper watery extracts were added to certain number of E. histolotica trophozoits for exposure time of 24 hrs., the mortality percentage of trophozoites treated with garlic extract were ( 14.82 %, 31.05% ,46.16% , 64.29% , 92.7%) respectively , these percentages were very close to that obtained from the treatment with the hot peper extract which were (17.86%, 32% , 44% ,66.67% ,100%) respectively . Generally these results showed that the ga

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grammatical controversy in the conscience of the chapter Between Sibawayh (180 AH) and Fur (207 AH)
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This study examines the syntactic and semantic functions of the conscience of the chapter and the grammatical disagreement in its diagnosis between two famous linguists: Sibuyh and fur. Also, the conscience of the chapter occupies an important synthetic space in the construction of the Arabic sentence, identified by the Arab scientists, as linguistic analysts, have a strong sense of language and careful observation, they revealed it in their linguistic composition through the analysis of nominal structures, and found that it I come in specific syntactic patterns and grammatical templates that have certain characteristics that are unique to them because of the conscience of separation in their compositional space.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of Material Technical Engineering Department Performance by Staff Member and student in Technical College -Baghdad
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The research intent evaluates the performance of material technical department / Technical College -Baghdad.

The study depend on the descriptive analytical approach to determine and treating the variables to get data and information that related to study, the researchers depended on questionnaire designed for this purpose and contains eight main dimensions that’s are scientific reference , academy course, staff member , administrative system, physical facilities , student ,scientific research, graduate service , in addition each dimension  involved (5) items contacted with mean dimensions, which translate aspects of  performance evaluation, the questionnaire applied on two samples staff member

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Interpretation of Mud Losses in Carbonates Based on Cuttings Description, Well-Logging, Seismic and Coherency Data
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    Hartha Formation is an overburdened horizon in the X-oilfield which generates a lot of Non-Productive Time (NPT) associated with drilling mud losses. This study has been conducted to investigate the loss events in this formation as well as to provide geological interpretations based on datasets from nine wells in this field of interest. The interpretation was based on different analyses including wireline logs, cuttings descriptions, image logs, and analog data. Seismic and coherency data were also used to formulate the geological interpretations and calibrate that with the loss events of the Hartha Fm.

   The results revealed that the upper part of the Hartha Fm. was identified as an interval capable of creating potentia

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