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Comparison of certain radiomorphometric facial indices in different facial types of Iraqi adults using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Background: The human face has its special characteristics. It may be categorized into essentially three kinds in horizontal and vertical directions: short or brachyfacial, medium or mesofacial and long or dolichofacial. The aim of this study was to describe several orofacial indices and proportions of adults, according to gender in Iraqi subjects by using cone beam computed tomography . materials and methods: This prospective study included 100 Iraqi patients (males and females) ranging from 20 to 40 years. All subjects attended the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department of Health Specialist Center for Dentistry in AL Sadr city in Baghdad taking cone beam computed tomography scan for different diagnostic purposes from October 2016 to May 2017. The facial index was used for determination of facial type. Subjects were divided according to gender and then by photoshope cs4 programe ,five variables were calculated : inferior face index, superior face index, chin-face proportion, chin proportion and mandibular proportion. Results: The average values obtained from the subjects divided according to genders that presented significant diffe¬rences were: inferior face index and superior face index for males and inferior face index, superior face index and mandibular proportion for females. Conclusion: There were variation in some indices and proportions according to genders. In males groupe, inferior face index and superior face index had significant difference between the average of the facial types, while in female group, inferior face index, superior face index and mandibular proportion had significant difference between the average of the facial types

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Bayesian method to estimate the parameters of Exponential Growth Model with Autocorrelation problem and different values of parameter of correlation-using simulation

We have studied Bayesian method in this paper by using the modified exponential growth model, where this model is more using to represent the growth phenomena. We focus on three of prior functions (Informative, Natural Conjugate, and the function that depends on previous experiments) to use it in the Bayesian method. Where almost of observations for the growth phenomena are depended on one another, which in turn leads to a correlation between those observations, which calls to treat such this problem, called Autocorrelation, and to verified this has been used Bayesian method.

The goal of this study is to knowledge the effect of Autocorrelation on the estimation by using Bayesian method. F

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of Features Extraction Algorithms Used in the Diagnosis of Plant Diseases

      The detection of diseases affecting plant is very important as it relates to the issue of food security, which is a very serious threat to human life. The system of diagnosis of diseases involves a series of steps starting with the acquisition of images through the pre-processing, segmentation and then features extraction that is our subject finally the process of classification. Features extraction is a very important process in any diagnostic system where we can compare this stage to the spine in this type of system. It is known that the reason behind this great importance of this stage is that the process of extracting features greatly affects the work and accuracy of classification. Proper selection of

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Simulation of thermal lensing in an end-pumped Nd:YAG laser rod with Gaussian and super-Gaussian pump beam profile

A numerical simulation is made on the thermal lensing effect in an laser diode end-pumped Nd:YAG laser rod. Based on finite element method (FEM), the laser rod temperature distribution is calculated and the focal length is deduced for a Gaussian and super-Gaussian pump beam profiles.

At the pump power of 20W, the highest temperature located at the center of end-pumped face was 345K, and the thermal lens focal length was 81.4mm along the x-z axis. 

The results indicate that the thermal lensing effect sensitively depend on the pump power, waist radius of the pump beam and the pump distribution in a laser rod geometry.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Comparative Study between Nasal Endoscopic Findings and Nose and Paranasal Sinus Computerized Tomography in diagnosis of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Diseases

Background: Nasal obstruction is common in otorhinolaryngology outpatient visitors. The diagnosis of such compliant is by history, clinical examination and diagnostic procedures. Nasal endoscopy and computerized tomography scan are common diagnostic investigations. Nasal obstruction is either anterior or posterior (nasal septal deviations, hypertrophied turbinate pathological cyst, polyps, mass etc), or postnasal obstruction (hypertrophied turbinate, adenoid hypertrophy, nasopharyngeal cyst or nasopharyngeal tumors).

Aim of study: Prospective study to compare endoscopic finding and computerized tomography of nose, paranasal sinuses and postnasal space as diagnostic methods for nasal obstruction and other nose, p

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Websites Quality Assessment of Iraqi Universities Using the WDQI Index

The Web Design Quality Index, known as WDQI, was applied to assess the quality of websites for six Iraqi universities, namely Basra University, Mosul, Muthanna, Samarra, Dijla University College, and Al-Isra University College. The results of the index showed that the universities of Basra and Dijla University College had the highest value, at 71.07 and 70.39, respectively. Its final evaluation metric was that the website of these two universities needed a slight improvement. As for the rest of the other universities, the final values of the index ranged from 64.72-69.71. When the final values of the index are displayed on the final evaluation scale, it appears that the websites of the four universities need many improvements. The study

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Catalytic Microwave Pyrolysis of Albizia Branches Using Iraqi Bentonite Clays

Catalytic microwave-assisted pyrolysis of biomass is gaining popularity as an alternative to fossil fuels due to health, environmental, climate, and economic issues. This study conducted a catalytic pyrolysis process of the Albizia plant's branches using an Iraqi clay catalyst (bentonite) focusing on the variables including the biomass-particle size, experimental time, microwave power level, and the catalyst-to-biomass ratio. The physical and chemical properties of the resulting biofuel were analyzed presented by HHV, acidity, density, viscosity, GC-MS, FTIR for bio-oil and SEM, EDX, BET, HHV, FTIR for biochar. The study revealed that addition of bentonite as a catalyst led to enhanced production of biogas produced from 5% to 45% an

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Comparison of the Folate and Homocysteine Levels with A80G -RFC1 Gene Polymorphism between the Sample of Iraqi Children with and without Down Syndrome

Many international studies indicated that the polymorphisms of some genes disturbed the folate homocysteine (Hcy) metabolism and increased the vulnerability to Down syndrome (DS). We aimed to measure the serum levels of folate and Hcy in DS children and compare the levels with age and sex-matched apparently normal healthy children. We also aimed to study the A80G polymorphism of the gene reduced folate carrier (RFC1) in the DS children as a risk factor. Forty children with DS (24 were boys, and 16 were girls) with the age range between 5-13 years, and 26 normal healthy children (16 boys and ten girls) were included in this study. The results show that the highest genotype in the control group was AG (53.85%) followed by AA and GG (30.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Evaluated the level density for proton induced nuclear resonances in (P+48Ti) reaction using different models

The experimental proton resonance data for the reaction P+48Ti have been used to calculate and evaluate the level density by employed the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, GOE version of RMT, Constant Temperature, CT and Back Shifted Fermi Gas, BSFG models at certain spin-parity and at different proton energies. The results of GOE model are found in agreement with other, while the level density calculated using the BSFG Model showed less values with spin dependence more than parity, due the limitation in the parameters (level density parameter, a, Energy shift parameter, E1and spin cut off parameter, σc). Also, in the CT Model the level density results depend mainly on two parameters (T and ground state back shift energy, E0), which are app

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Corrosion Rate Optimization of Mild-Steel under Different Cooling Tower Working Parameters Using Taguchi Design

This study investigates the implementation of Taguchi design in the estimation of minimum corrosion rate of mild-steel in cooling tower that uses saline solution of different concentration. The experiments were set on the basis of Taguchi’s L16 orthogonal array. The runs were carried out under different condition such as inlet concentration of saline solution, temperature, and flowrate. The Signal-to- Noise ratio and ANOVA analysis were used to define the impact of cooling tower working conditions on the corrosion rate. A regression had been modelled and optimized to identify the optimum level for the working parameters that had been founded to be 13%NaCl, 35ᴼC, and 1 l/min. Also a confirmation run to establish the p

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Rapid Detection of Aspergillus flavus isolates producing aflatoxin using UV light on different culture media

This study included the isolation and identification of Aspergillus flavus isolates associated with imported American rice grains and local corn grains which collected from local markets, using UV light with 365 nm wave length and different media (PDA, YEA, COA, and CDA ). One hundred and seven fungal isolates were identified in rice and 147 isolates in corn.4 genera and 7 species were associated with grains, the genera were Aspergillus ,Fusarium ,Neurospora ,Penicillium . Aspergillus was dominant with occurrence of 0.47% and frequency of 11.75% in rice grains whereas in corn grains the genus Neurospora was dominant with occurrence of 1.09% and frequency 27.25% ,results revealed that 20 isolates out of 50 A. flavus isolates were able

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