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Evaluation of the effect of local exogenous application of osteopontin on wound healing in rats
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Background: Wound healing is a complex dynamical interaction between various cell types, the extracellular matrix, cytokines, and growth factors. osteoponetin is a substance that acts as an anti-inflammatory. Aims of study: The study was designed to identify the role of local exogenous applications of osteopontin on wound healing (in cheek skin). Materials and methods: Thirty adult male albino rats weighting an average of (250-300gm) used in this study, incisional wounds were made in the skin of the cheek of rat and they were divided into the following groups: A-Control group: 15 rats treated with 1µ l of normal saline B-Experimental groups: 15 rats treated with topical application of 1µl osteopontin. The scarification of animals were done for the healing intervals (1, 5 and 10 days) Histological analysis and assessment of number of inflammatory cell, Thickness and contraction of incision were performed for both experimental and control groups for all healing periods. Results: Histological analysis revealed that osteopontin accelerate wound healing of cheek skin and there was highly significant difference among studied groups in periods 1,5,10 days. Regarding mean values of epithelial thickness, inflammatory cell count and contraction of wound area have reported a highest value different in 1, 5 and 10 days durations. Conclusion: It can be concluded that application of osteopontin shown efficacy in the healing of skin wounds induced in rats.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 12 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimization Drilling Parameters of Aluminum Alloy Based on Taguchi Method
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This paper focuses on the optimization of drilling parameters by utilizing “Taguchi method” to obtain the minimum surface roughness. Nine drilling experiments were performed on Al 5050 alloy using high speed steel twist drills. Three drilling parameters (feed rates, cutting speeds, and cutting tools) were used as control factors, and L9 (33) “orthogonal array” was specified for the experimental trials. Signal to Noise (S/N) Ratio and “Analysis of Variance” (ANOVA) were utilized to set the optimum control factors which minimized the surface roughness. The results were tested with the aid of statistical software package MINITAB-17. After the experimental trails, the tool diameter was found as the most important facto

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 49 (4), 632-638‏
Influence of some organic fertilizers on date palm CV. Barhi
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences
Genetic Polymorphism of Iraqi Leishmania tropica Isolates Based on HSP70Gene
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Leishmaniasis is one of the important parasitic diseases, affecting mainly low social class people indeveloping countries, and is more prevalent and endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions of old worldand new world. Despite ofbroad distribution in Iraq,little known about the geneticcharacteristics of thecausative agents. So this study was aimed to evaluate the genetic varietyoftwo IraqiLeishmaniatropicaisolatesbased on heat shock protein gene sequence 70 (HSP70) in comparison with universal isolates recordedsequences data. After amplification and sequencing of HSP70 gene,the obtainedresults were alignment alongwith homologous Leishmania sequences retrieved from NCBI by using BLAST. The analysis results showedpresence of particular g

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Publication Date
Tue May 07 2019
Journal Name
Acm Journal On Emerging Technologies In Computing Systems
Neuromemrisitive Architecture of HTM with On-Device Learning and Neurogenesis
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Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) is a biomimetic sequence memory algorithm that holds promise for invariant representations of spatial and spatio-temporal inputs. This article presents a comprehensive neuromemristive crossbar architecture for the spatial pooler (SP) and the sparse distributed representation classifier, which are fundamental to the algorithm. There are several unique features in the proposed architecture that tightly link with the HTM algorithm. A memristor that is suitable for emulating the HTM synapses is identified and a new Z-window function is proposed. The architecture exploits the concept of synthetic synapses to enable potential synapses in the HTM. The crossbar for the SP avoids dark spots caused by unutil

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Optoelectronics
Hypothetical Design of Carbon Nanotube Materials Based on [8]Circulene
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B3LYP/6-31G, DFT method was applied to hypothetical study the design of six carbon nanotube materials based on [8]circulene, through the use of cyclic polymerization of two and three molecules of [8]circulene. Optimized structures of [8]circulene have saddle-shaped. Design of six carbon nanotubes reactions were done by thermodynamically calculating (Δ S, Δ G and Δ H) and the stability of these hypothetical nanotubes depending on the value of HOMO energy level. Nanotubes obtained have the most efficient gap energy, making them potentially useful for solar cell applications.

Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Impact of Cranbrook on Graphic Design: راقي صباح نجم الدين
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  Empirical research in the disciplines of art and design has started to escalate and gather consideration within the academic community over the past few decades. However, still, graphic design tends to be a topic extremely under-researched by scholarly persons. Profound research in the field of graphic design extends far beyond the works produced by the designer himself (Khoury, 2009, p.844). In order to develop a clear insight, one needs to delve deep into the subcategories that the diverse field of graphic design is comprised of, including illustration, typography, interaction design, branding and even the impact of notable, eminent institutes from around the world that have taken the budding artists for quite a long time (Walke

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of credit risk on cash and undertaking credit facilities
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The aim of this research is to demonstrate the impact of credit risk on the banks of the study sample on the granting of loans and credit facilities, and try to reduce the size of credit risk to banks as a result of granting loans and credit facilities, credit risk is the oldest form of risk in financial markets. Every financial institution takes a degree of risk when it gives loans and credit facilities to companies and customers, It is exposed to financial losses when some borrowers fail to repay their loans as agreed, and at the same time credit facilities are the most profitable operations of the bank as it is the most profitable banking operations than other operations, so it represents the research communit

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Development of Spatial Data Infrastructure based on Free Data Integration
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In recent years, the performance of Spatial Data Infrastructures for governments and companies is a task that has gained ample attention. Different categories of geospatial data such as digital maps, coordinates, web maps, aerial and satellite images, etc., are required to realize the geospatial data components of Spatial Data Infrastructures. In general, there are two distinct types of geospatial data sources exist over the Internet: formal and informal data sources. Despite the growth of informal geospatial data sources, the integration between different free sources is not being achieved effectively. The adoption of this task can be considered the main advantage of this research. This article addresses the research question of ho

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 15 2023
Journal Name
Sumer 4
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This study focused on extracting the outer membrane nanovesicles (OMVs) from Escherichia coli BE2 (EC- OMVs) by ultracentrifugation, and the yield was 2.3mg/ml. This was followed by purification with gel filtration chromatography using Sephadex G-150, which was 2mg/ml. The morphology and size of purified EC-OMVs were confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at 40-200 nm. The nature of functional groups in the vesicle vesicle was determined by Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis. The antitumor activity of EC-OMVs was conducted in vitro by MTT assay in human ovarian (OV33) cancer cell line at 24,48 and 96hrs. The cytotoxicity test showed high susceptibility to the vesicles in ovarian compared to normal

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Ieee Access
On Computational Aspects of Tchebichef Polynomials for Higher Polynomial Order
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