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Assessment of Salivary Total Antioxidants Capacity Levels of Patients with Chronic Periodontitis in Comparison to Healthy Control
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Background: Chronic periodontitis (CP) is greatly prevalent condition of inflammatory behavior. Salivary biomarker total antioxidants capacity (T-AOC) status, may be related to both periodontal condition and oral hygiene. Aims of the study: To assess the level of salivary T-AOC of patients with chronic periodontitis in comparison to healthy control and to correlate between the level of this marker with the clinical periodontal parameters (plaque index (PLI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD), and clinical attachment level (CAL)). Materials and Methods: Ninety subjects of males and females with an age ranged between (35-55) years were participated in this study. Participants were divided into two groups: the first group was CP group that consisted of fifty-five subjects and the second group consisted of thirty-five subjects as control group with healthy periodontium and both groups systemically healthy. The whole unstimulated salivary samples were collected, and then periodontal evaluation that including the assessment of clinical periodontal parameter (PLI, GI, BOP, PPD, and CAL) were done for all participants. Enzyme-linked immune– sorbent assay (ELISA) used to determine the level of T-AOC in saliva. Results: The two studied groups showed a highly significant difference regarding the salivary level of T-AOC, and it revealed that the mean value of salivary level of T-AOC was statistically lower in CP group than the control group. Regarding Pearson Correlation Coefficient, this study revealed that there is strong negative correlations between clinical periodontal parameters (GI, BOP, PPD, and CAL) with salivary level of T-AOC. Conclusion: Salivary T-AOC could be used as a reliable marker of chronic periodontitis activity

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation to the level of some inflammatory markers in hypothyroid insulin resistant patients
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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which thyroid hormones levels decreased in the blood. These hormones are necessary for energy production and body viability. In many occasions this condition is accompanied or followed by different metabolic disorders. The current study is conducted in the "Specialized center for endocrinology and diabetes" and carried on 70 hypothyroid patients and 60 randomly chosen individuals with normal thyroid function .Both groups were submitted to laboratory tests to evaluate thyroid function (T3,T4.TSH). The study involved evaluation of the relationship between hypothyroidism and insulin resistance (IR) . Health problem related to many diseases , became common lately. Insulin resistance diagnosed through

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
On modelling and adaptive control of a linear smart beam model interacting with fluid
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Abstract<p>This paper deals with modelling and control of Euler-Bernoulli smart beam interacting with a fluid medium. Several distributed piezo-patches (actuators and/or sensors) are bonded on the surface of the target beam. To model the vibrating beam properly, the effect of the piezo-patches and the hydrodynamic loads should be taken into account carefully. The partial differential equation PDE for the target oscillating beam is derived considering the piezo-actuators as input controls. Fluid forces are decomposed into two components: 1) hydrodynamic forces due to the beam oscillations, and 2) external (disturbance) hydrodynamic loads independent of beam motion. Then the PDE is discretized usi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
2018 2nd Ieee Advanced Information Management,communicates,electronic And Automation Control Conference (imcec)
Hybrid Regressor and Approximation-Based Adaptive Control of Robotic Manipulators with Contact-Free Motion
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Fme Transactions
FAT-based adaptive backstepping control of an electromechanical system with an unknown input coefficient
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This paper is focused on orthogonal function approximation technique FAT-based adaptive backstepping control of a geared DC motor coupled with a rotational mechanical component. It is assumed that all parameters of the actuator are unknown including the torque-current constant (i.e., unknown input coefficient) and hence a control system with three motor control modes is proposed: 1) motor torque control mode, 2) motor current control mode, and 3) motor voltage control mode. The proposed control algorithm is a powerful tool to control a dynamic system with an unknown input coefficient. Each uncertain parameter/term is represented by a linear combination of weighting and orthogonal basis function vectors. Chebyshev polynomial is used

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Dietary Habits for Adolescent Girls Diagnosed with Iron Deficiency Anemia in Kirkuk Secondary Schools
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Objective(s): To assess the eating habits of adolescent females with iron deficient anemia.

Methodology: This study employed a quantitative research, descriptive evaluation design.The study was carried out on adolescent girls attending Kirkuk secondary school, period from 11 April to 27 December 2022. A non- probability (Purposive) sample has been applied to obtain the study goals. The study sample was (62) student who participate in the study.

Results: Pre-test results from the study revealed that 54.8% of students had moderate IDA. While the students' iron levels returned to normal in the posttest (53.2%). The majority of students (59.7%) had poor eatin

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing an electronic program for the Assessment of project management in accordance with the methodology (PMBOK)
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The research aims to design an electronic program that allows users to assess the possibility of different practices for projects management professional according to the PMBOK methodology)) and using the requirements Data mentioned in the "knowledge and experience in project management Evaluation guide" issued by the professional Institute of project management According to the results of this program will be electronic The possible classification of project management in terms of both (proficiency_ perform tasks) as less than the desired level or within or above average in terms of best practices, and finally a number of recommendations to overcome the possible shortcomings. The most important is the need to enrich the service

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 10 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Embryos And Infertility Researches
Assessment of in vitro fertilization and early embryonic development using SMART medium enriched with coenzyme Q10
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Back ground: Zygote produce from once a sperm fertilizes an egg cell. Then, the zygote (unicellular) will begin chain of cellular cleavages to produce multicellular mass, its embryo, the differentiated to different tissues and organism. The development of the embryo is called embryogenesis. Coenzyme Q10, is an antioxidant produced in the body. It boosts cellular energy and may enhance the immune system. CoQ10 is present and measurable in seminal fluid, the concentration of CoQ10 directly correlates with both sperm count and motility. It is beneficial in the prevention and treatment a wide range of health problems. Objectives: The present study was aimed to investigate the possibility of using coenzyme Q10 to improve in vitro fertilization (

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 03 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge Towards Child with Bacterial Meningitis at Pediatric Teaching Hospitals in Baghdad City
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Objective: the aim of the study is to assess the knowledge and practices for nurses that working in
words of Ibn Al-kuff hospital for spinal cord injuries.
Methodology: descriptive study from the period of (1st of July to the 30th August 2005) about the
knowledge and practical management when autonomic dysreflexia syndrome affects those patients
whom sleeping in the words of this hospital and its relationship with some variables.
The sample of the study consists of (100) nurses male and females are selected purposively. a
questionnaire check list was designed for study purpose and applied by (test - retest) to improve the
reliability, the validity of the assessment was determined through a panel of experts.
The da

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Assessment of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein -1 and Fertility Hormones in Iraqi Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
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Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a well-known endocrinopathy and one of the most frequent endocrine-reproductive-metabolic syndromes in women, which can result in reduced fertility. While the actual cause is unknown, PCOS is regarded as a complicated genetic characteristic with a great degree of variability. Moreover, hormones and immune cells, including both innate and acquired immune cells, are thought to interact in PCOS. Chronic low-grade inflammation raises the risk of autoimmune disease. The study's purpose is to investigate the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and fertility hormones in samples of women patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in the City of Medicine. Sixty PCOS women comprise 30 heal

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Salivary Inflammatory Biomarkers (Interleukin-6, C - reactive protein) in Relation with Caries-Experience among a Group of 12 Year Old Obese Boys
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Background: Obesity and dental caries are multifactorial diseases related to poor eating habits and show a close relationship with the sociodemographic characteristics of individuals presenting these diseases. This research aimed to investigate the severity of dental caries among group of obese boys aged 12 year in relation to salivary interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) of unstimulated whole saliva in comparison with normal weighted boys of the same age. Materials and Methods: The study group included 40 obese boys, with an age of 12 year. The control group included 40 normal weighted boys of the same age. The total sample involved for nutritional status assessment using Body Mass Index specific for age and gender according t

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