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The Effect of Addition of Combination of Plasma Treated Polyester and Polyamide Fibers on Surface Roughness and Some Mechanical Properties of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin
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Background: Poly (methyl methacrylate) has several disadvantages (poor mechanical properties) like impact and transverse strength. In order to overcome these disadvantages, several methods were used to strengthen the acrylic resin by using different fibers or fillers. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Plasma treatment of the fiber on mechanical properties Poly (methyl methacrylate) denture base material. Materials and methods: Specimens were prepared from poly methyl metha acrylic (PMMA) divided according to present of fiber into 4 groups (first group without fiber as control group, second group with Plasma treated polyester fibers, third group with Plasma treated polyamide fibers and fourth group Plasma treated combination of polyester and polyamide fibers. The samples to be treated with oxygen gas plasma Results: the results show that the highest mean values for all tests included in the study appeared in group IV (Plasma treated combination of polyester and polyamide fibers) except for the surface roughness test the highest mean values found in group III (Plasma treated polyamide fibers, and only polyamide fiber slight improved roughness and other group have no effect on surface roughness Conclusion The addition of plasma treated fiber ( polyester, polyamide and combination of both fiber) improve transverse, impact strength and hardness properties of denture base material and has no effect on surface roughness.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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The Directorship Vision in Epic Drama Shows " AWNI KROMI AS AN EXAMPLE": فرحان عمران موسى-مصطفى لطيف محسن
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  The theory of the epic theater has received wide attention by filmmakers around the world because of its great impact on the artistic work of the theater and its relationship with societies, and among these directors the Iraqi directors have been influenced by the epic theater and its applications in the show.
In order to find out the effectiveness of these influences on the Iraqi director, I found the need to do this study, which was divided into an introduction and a theoretical framework that included two topics. The first topic (Philosophical References and the Intellectual Foundations of the Epic Theater Theory) deals with the philosophical foundations that crystallized the epic theory of Burch and the mechanism of working

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Treatments with Graphic Techniques for the Scene in Theatrical Show (Applied study): عماد هادي عباس -محمود جباري حافظ
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The current research studies the digital techniques in order to identify the treatments with graphic techniques for the theatrical scene, which includes a number of programs and treatment tools with digital technique to identify the visual and aesthetic dimensions and outputs achieved in the design of the theatrical scene in addition to the options, that they provide in the design of a system of hypotheses for the theatrical world, In order to be an experimental mediator in achieving the creative hypothesis, which limited the research with a pivotal objective which is: identifying the digital techniques employed in the graphic digital design for the scene in the theatrical show. The research lies in its objective limits stated in the met

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Medical Research Archives
Genetic Polymorphism for the Gene Encoding Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase-1 (ERAP-1) in Iraqi Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common, highly heritable inflammatory arthritis affecting primarily the spine and pelvis. This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between the rs27044 polymorphism in Endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase-1 (ERAP-1) with the susceptibility and severity of AS correlated with some biochemical markers such as hematological parameter (Erythrocytes sedimentation rate (ESR)) and immunological parameters (C-reactive protein (CRP), Human leukocyte antigen-B27 (HLA-B27), Interlukin-6 (IL-6) and Interlukin-23 (IL-23)), and oxidative stress parameters (Glutathione (GSH) and Malondialdehyde (MDA)) in a sample of Iraqi population. A total of 60 blood samples were collected from AS patients requited Rhe

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Statistical Sciences
Use the robust RFCH method with a polychoric correlation matrix in structural equation modeling When you are ordinal data
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 20 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Form a proposal to audit the mutual operations with related parties program in accordance with international standards: Proposal pattern
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The relationships between the related parties constitute a normal feature of trading and business processes. Entities may perform parts of their activities through subsidiary entities, joint ventures and associate entities. In these cases, the entity has the ability to influence the financial and operating policies of the investee through control, joint control or significant influence,  So could affect established knowledge of transactions and balances outstanding, including commitments, and relationships with related to the evaluation of its operations by users of financial statements, including the risks and opportunities facing the entity assess the parties. So research has gained importance of the importance of the availability

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Asphaltene Precipitation Investigation Using a Screening Techniques for Crude Oil Sample from the Nahr-Umr Formation/Halfaya Oil Field
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Many oil and gas processes, including oil recovery, oil transportation, and petroleum processing, are negatively impacted by the precipitation and deposition of asphaltene. Screening methods for determining the stability of asphaltenes in crude oil have been developed due to the high cost of remediating asphaltene deposition in crude oil production and processing. The colloidal instability index, the Asphaltene-resin ratio, the De Boer plot, and the modified colloidal instability index were used to predict the stability of asphaltene in crude oil in this study. The screening approaches were investigated in detail, as done for the experimental results obtained from them. The factors regulating the asphaltene precipitation are different fr

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Aesthetic Levels in Shape Variables in Spectacular Films the Indian Film (Main Tera Hero) a Model: غسان محسن حمد
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The spectacular film is a type of feature films which has specific elements that contribute in increasing the aesthetics of the shape in its structure. The researcher started studying this type of films by researching the spectacular film concept, the history of its development, who are its most important stars and then tackling the Indian cinema represented by Bollywood, which is considered a school for this type of film. The researcher addressed the most important influential elements that entre in its production as well as studying these elements that contribute to building the shape including the configuration, movements of cameras, lenses, the lighting, colors, costumes etc. and what influence they have in forming a special aestheti

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Optimizing Blockchain Consensus: Incorporating Trust Value in the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Algorithm with Boneh-Lynn-Shacham Aggregate Signature
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The consensus algorithm is the core mechanism of blockchain and is used to ensure data consistency among blockchain nodes. The PBFT consensus algorithm is widely used in alliance chains because it is resistant to Byzantine errors. However, the present PBFT (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance) still has issues with master node selection that is random and complicated communication. The IBFT consensus technique, which is enhanced, is proposed in this study and is based on node trust value and BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) aggregate signature. In IBFT, multi-level indicators are used to calculate the trust value of each node, and some nodes are selected to take part in network consensus as a result of this calculation. The master node is chosen

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Statistical Mean Studying for Detected Intensities by Enet Web Camera for the White Test Image Under Different Fluorescent Lightness
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    The aim of this work, is to study color filming by using different intensities of fluorescent light, where we evaluate the capture image qualities for the RGB bands and component of L. And we study the relation between the means of RGBL values of the images as a function of the power of fluorescent light circuit . From the results, we show that the mean μ increases rapidly at low power values, then it will reach the stability at high power values.  

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